From the November 2000 Idaho Observer: CDC backpedals on vaccination recommendations Healthcare workers oblivious to their participation in mass medical experimentation COEUR D'ALENE -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Immunization Update for Sept. 14, broadcast via satelite to public health institutions all over the nation, was an installment of the periodic program which served two specific functions: It served notice that influenza vaccine will be late and in short supply this year and it cleverly backpedaled on several aspects of previous CDC vaccination recommendations because too many people have died or become permanently damaged as a result. The CDC must have known it would have to play hardball with health professionals to overcome recent failings with regard to vaccination policy: Mercury-based preservative thimerosal has been banned from vaccines amid claims that it may be harmful and news that the oral polio has been responsible for spreading the disease rather than preventing it and contains the carcinogenic monkey virus SV-40. To compel audience participation and compliance, the CDC urged the health professionals in the audience to fill out the form to receive continuing education credit for watching the program and fill out the evaluation form and send them both in to the CDC. For their trouble, the CDC promised to mail them a collectible Star Wars pro-vaccination poster. The ruse apparently worked as the 25 women and one man in attendance accepted the explanations from program host CDC National Immunization Program Director Dr. William Atkinson for vaccination policies that may have been responsible for the injuries and deaths of thousands of people in over the last 30 years. Promise of a collectible poster from the 70s also helped these healthcare professionals to accept the new recommendations without questioning whether or not they might be lethal as well. Pneumococcus vaccine Children under two years of age and adults over age 35 are at risk for contacting one of at least 90 types of pneumonia. Indian, African and Eskimo children are 3-4 times more likely to contact pneumonia than Caucasian children. The new polysaccharide pneumonia vaccine, Prevenar, was approved by the FDA last February. Though it is reportedly 97 percent effective in most people, it is not safe for children under two. At risk infants should be vaccinated within six weeks of birth with the traditional pneumonia vaccine. Early reports indicate Prevenar causes adverse reactions at the injection site in 10-23 percent of cases; other more severe reactions such as muscle aches, fever and nausea in 15-24 percent of cases. According to Atkinson, severe adverse reactions to Prevenar have not been reported, but, he assured thousands of healthcare workers across the nation, if there are any severe adverse reactions around the time of the vaccination, .it is not attributable to the vaccine. Trivalent influenza vaccine The push to get people vaccinated against the flu strain the CDC predicts will hit the U.S. this season will be a month later than usual. Atkinson reported that one of the strains to be included in this year's vaccine, A-Moscow-1099 did not incubate properly and, therefore, did not produce serum in large enough quantities. So, rather than begin the flu vaccination campaign in mid-September, the campaign will begin in early November and vaccine will be available in limited supply shortly thereafter. The CDC suggests the following vaccination priorities to make sure supplies last long enough to protect those with the highest risk of suffering flu complications: All persons 50 and older must be vaccinated against flu; all healthcare workers must be vaccinated and all young children. Once the large and well organized flu vaccine promotional campaign is under way, healthcare workers were told diminish importance of vaccine to healthy people under age 65 and avoid wasting precious doses of vaccine on persons aged 17-35. It is interesting to note that the CDC announced on national radio Sept. 16, 2000, that a new strain of influenza that jumps from mammals into people will likely cause a pandemic this year. There was no mention of this made during the CDC Immunization Update, nor was there any mention made that this surprise strain of influenza was not included in the trivalent vaccine that is reportedly in short supply this year. Curiously, the mammal-jumping influenza has not been mentioned since and a press release is not available on the CDC website. Amantadine/Rimantodine These drugs are reportedly 70-90 percent effective in curing Type A influenza. These drugs should be used as an adjunct to vaccines, cautioned Atkinson. Amantadine and Rimantodine are for treating the flu and should not be used to prevent the flu as it is very expensive and could cause an epidemic of adverse reactions. Atkinson explained that, Serious central nervous system damage, including hallucinations, has occurred from the use of these drugs. Hepititis B There is a new, two-dose, thimerosal-free hep B vaccine manufactured by Merck and Smith/Kline. The CDC recommends that all infants be vaccinated against hep B before leaving the hospital. Infants have been our emphasis over the last few years, explained Atkinson. Hep B is primarily spread through intravenous drug use and promiscuous sex. For the CDC to recommend that all infants receive hep B vaccine must be because the federal agency expects babies to start sharing needles and engaging in promiscuous sex immediately upon leaving the hospital or the CDC believes it is safer, for the sake of the children, to assume that all mothers are intravenous drug abusers with multiple sex partners. The American Association of Pediatricians (AAP) recommended that hep B vaccine be delayed until six months of age due to thimerosal content. But, since thimersal has been removed, the AAP recommends that infants begin receiving the shots by no later than two months. Polio vaccine Today may be the last day we talk about polio vaccine, Atkinson said. The CDC no longer recommends the administration of the oral polio vaccine (OPV) since it has been proven the vaccine causes outbreaks of the disease and contains the carcinogenic SV-40 monkey virus. Atkinson did mention OPV may be used in the event that parents refuse to have their child injected with the third and fourth doses of Inactivated Polio Vaccine, or if the child is traveling to a country where polio may be present within 4 weeks -- but that will be only until the end of this year as supplies of OPV will run out and they will not be replaced. Atkinson promised that in a few more years polio will be wiped out forever and will not be part of the recommended vaccination regimen. The end of polio disease is in sight, he said and added that China was just certified polio free this year. Historical references to 200 years of polio eradication efforts show that polio has never been controlled through vaccination. The definition of the disease just changes to become paralytic meningitis based upon the vaccination status of the individual.
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