From the November 2002 Idaho Observer: Who is Jay Kimball and why are the feds persecuting him? Jay Kimball of Wesley Chapel, Florida, is a medical innovator. He and his small company Discovery Experimental & Development, Inc., accomplished what major multinational pharmaceutical companies and their $multimillion laboratories could not: He stabilized selegeline with a natural citrus gel as a nutritional supplement for treatment of Parkinsons and other degenerative diseases. Though there has never been even one consumer complaint or even one reported negative reaction to Liquid Deprenyl Citrate (LDC), a 10-year joint jurisdictional and multi-agency investigation and persecution of Kimball resulted in him being sentenced to serve 12 years in prison. His crime? Mislabeling LDC. Had Kimball intentionally mislabeled his product to mislead the public (which he did not); had the mislabeled product actually caused harm (which it did not) and; had the accused not spent a decade fighting misguided authority, Kimball would have been sentenced to serve two years for mislabeling his product had he actually been guilty (which he was not). At sentencing October 19, 2000, Florida District Federal Judge Richard Lazzara commented for the record that, Mr. Kimball does not respect authority, he does not respect the law. So, for defying authorities who did everything in their power to prevent him from making what many called an anti-aging drug available to people suffering needlessly from chronic ailments, the federal government is aging the 62-year-old Kimball as rapidly as possible at FCI-YAZOO CITY. It is my belief that the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) intends for Judge Lazzara's 12-year sentence to be life for this principled American. I also believe that Jay's jailors fear him because, no matter what they do to him, he will not respect authorities or laws that are not worthy of respect. To the contrary, the treatment he and other undeserving inmates are receiving at the hands of the BOP is strengthening his resolve (though weakening his body). Kimball will soon complete his declaration -- a fearless 40-page expose' of the BOP system. See below for how you can obtain a copy of Kimball's declaration and how you can become part of the campaign the secure the release of his physical body from FCI-YAZOO CITY. ~(DWH) *** Medical miracle man documents cruel and unusual punishment of federal inmates By The Idaho Observer FCI YAZOO CITY, Miss. -- On October 17, 2002, Jay Kimball, 62, called his wife to see if she could arrange emergency medical help for him from Florida because the prison was not providing medical help for prisoners. Kimball described symptoms that could mean kidney stones or kidney infection. Kimball explained to his wife that there was no medical staff on duty except for one nurse. He also said that a lot of inmates are being sent to solitary confinement because there is a lot of staph infection going around. FCI YAZOO CITY has been losing its medical staff. Medical staffers explained to Kimball that the BOP would not supply them with the tools to provide proper medical care for inmates. Medical staffers have simply left rather than work under cruel and unusual conditions. One must consider sending extremely sick staph-infected and kidney-infected people to solitary confinement as cruel and unusual punishment. Some of the [corrections] officers here have told Jay how bad the medical attention is at YAZOO and they feel sorry for anyone who gets sick there, Kimball's wife Jo stated in an October 18, 2002 letter to Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore. While Kimball is not necessarily being singled out regarding access to medical care, because the BOP is apparently not interested in providing for any inmates at YAZOO CITY, he is being singled out for other types of abuse. Unlike most inmates who haven't the personality, the connections, the education or the resources to shout beyond the prison walls, Kimball does. Regardless of the danger to himself, he does everything in his power to inform the outside world as to the torture-chamber atrocities that are committed daily in the various prisons and jails within which Kimball has been incarcerated since October 19, 2000. Soon after being taken into custody Kimball began trying to help wrongfully convicted inmates. Using the knowledge he gained from battling state and federal courts and several state and federal agencies for a decade, Kimball began to advise people who had no other hope. In the February, 2002 edition of The IO, we published two of several stories Kimball wrote about other inmates that had been wrongfully accused, wrongfully convicted, wrongfully sentenced and wrongfully incarcerated. Kimball mentioned that he estimates nearly half the people in prison do not belong there because they are either innocent of the crime for which they are serving time or committed a nonviolent crime. After Sept. 11 arabic prisoners were being subjected to extremely cruel and unusual punishment by BOP officers and administrators at FCI COLEMAN. Kimball got the details to his wife who got them into the hands of investigative authorities who ultimately removed the warden and some officers. The abuse that Kimball and other inmates have received is the topic of a complaint that Kimball filed with the BOP Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The complaint is 2.5 inches thick and documents horrors that those on the outside can barely fathom. The investigation had the ear of congressmen and senators and was going forward until it reportedly led to the door of former Missouri senator and current U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. One can safely say that the medieval manner in which federal prisoners are being treated has approval at the highest levels of government in the U.S. Kimball is too principled a man to take such policies laying down. *** The Kimball Project The Idaho Observer is among a handful of opposition media publications that have been pioneering a form of journalism. We have been taking advantage of modern communications technologies (computers, email, the Internet) to finely tune our understanding of the contemporary world and maximize our abilities to disseminate our pro-American sentiments as widely and inexpensively as possible. It is time opposition journalists and the readers who breathe life into their work send their pioneering spirits off to explore new frontiers. Hence, the Kimball Project. Jay Kimball will soon complete his declaration. Using his declaration as the centerpiece, The Idaho Observer will construct an eight-page mailer that will contain supporting articles, photos and the addresses, phone numbers, FAX numbers, email addresses (both home and business where possible) of every judge, prosecutor, jailor, congressman and government agent that has participated in the persecution of this model American. Once we have built the eight-page mailer, it will go out to some 5,000 people whose lives have been improved by LDC. We will encourage them to pass the mailer onto others and we encourage The Idaho Observer readers to contact Strictly Supplements (See ad page 6) to get on the mailing list as well. It is our belief that when at least 5,000 people start deluging these bureaucrats with FAXes, emails, letters and phone calls it will become too burdensome for the BOP to warehouse this innocent man and we will secure his release. Once we prove that ordinary people can overcome 9-5-tranquility-obsessed bureaucracies by vacating Kimball's excessive (wrongful) sentence, we will be on the way to perfecting the template that will secure the release of other political prisoners. Help us take opposition media to a new level. Call Jo Kimball at Strictly Supplements:
Nevada: 702-547-9009 to get on the list to receive the 8-page mailer. Then, when it comes (by mid-December), read the material, get familiar with the Kimball case and contact those indicated. If it becomes too painful for the bureaucracy to keep innocent people in prison, maybe they will not be so anxious to imprison them in the first place. *** Related links:
Florida Grand jury hears drug maker murder tale
State, federal agents wage war against Florida pharmaceutical research company
Michael J. Fox Foundation: Parkinson's research fraud?
Health product developer sentenced to 13 years
Abused in custody: Jay Kimball needs your help now
Notes from a Florida Federal prison
Feds deliver dark injustice to anti-aging supplement developer
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James Kimball at age 55 (1995)
James Kimball at age 60 (2000)
James Kimball at age 62 (2002)
A note from Jay Kimball It's good to hear from you. You have been on my mind from time to time as I constantly wonder when freedom of the press will die and you will become like me, in prison. I hope and pray that never happens. We need the few good guys like you to keep getting the truth to the people, most of whom are brainwashed by the controlled media. I have no objection to your using pictures of me. I don't look very good but my mind is still working exceedingly well. It will take me about a month to get you a recent photo due the rules and regulations of the BOP. I want you to know that I firmly believe in what my forefathers fought and died for -- freedom, life and liberty -- and am willing to do the same. That's why I am here. I would like you to do something for me if you can. I have endorsed a verified declaration of facts that happened to me (and others) of which I have, for the most part, an abundance of proof. At the end of the declaration I clearly state that all statements contained within the declaration are true and I am willing to take a polygraph or truth serum as to all its content. Thank you for the copies of The Idaho Observer. They are great. Maybe us good guys can stick enough pins in the giant named "corruption in America" to cause the giant to stumble and fall.
Jay Kimball
The Idaho Observer
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Phone: 208-255-2307