From the September 2003 Idaho Observer:

The Artificially Sweetened Times

The Artificially Sweetened Times

Presidential Assistant Donald Rumsfeld (right) and his assistant Dick Cheney (left) meeting with reporters at the White House Nov. 7, 1975.

Cheney is a former secretary of defense, former Hallibutron CEO and current vice-president; Rumsfeld is a former secretary of defense, former Searle CEO ans the current secretary of defense.

These men are featured in the masthead of The Artificially Sweetened Times for helping to successfully merge the interests of modern multinational corporations with the interests of the U.S. government -- at the expense of public health.

Publication Note: The August and September 2003 editions of The Idaho Observer were combined into one issue due to the editor's junket, er, mission, to Europe.

Also included is the special 8 page newsprint publication The Artificially Sweetened Times, which is designed to educate about the dangers of aspartame.

You can read The Artificially Sweetened Times online at

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