From the March 2006 Idaho Observer: Why signing a waiver to avoid vaccines can be considered abuse
by Anai Rhoads Ford Recently, The Washington Post printed an article about vaccine waivers that could jeopardize your parental rights.1 In the article was the following comment: "The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that doctors ask parents who refuse to vaccinate their children to sign a waiver indicating they are aware of the risks of refusal." Despite the fact that vaccines have been linked to asthma, autism, diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome, the author implied that parents are being overly theatrical about the shots. Know Your Rights By endorsing this particular waiver, parents would essentially be signing an admission of neglect and/or "abuse" for refusing vaccines. The language contained in this waiver could put parents and caregivers in jeopardy later if they should ever find themselves in the courts due to their child’s health problems, when confronted with child protective services, divorce, or just about any matter pertaining to their child that could be used against the parent(s). Please read any waiver provided by your child’s doctor, daycare or school carefully before signing. Instead, offer a formally written and signed letter that simply states that you do not wish to vaccinate your child. If you are unsure of the language in the waiver, buy some time by telling your doctor or the school that you need to consult with a lawyer before signing it. Know your rights—say no to vaccines. Your doctor will try to bully you—you have the right to refuse anything you feel is harmful to your child. If your doctor won’t listen, go to another doctor who will. Check your state’s laws regarding vaccine exemptions. Most states will allow you to avoid vaccinations if you have a religious or ethical reason. However, keep in mind that it is your right not to disclose your faith or your full reasons for not wanting to vaccinate your child. Regarding School Admission A signed document can and will be used as a legal document even in a public school. Unfortunately, private schools have a different set of rules not dictated by the government. Do Vaccines Work? Example One: According to a report printed by The Lancet (9/21/91), a polio outbreak began in Oman between the years of 1988 and 1989. This is significant because a polio outbreak occurred despite the children being vaccinated prior to the outbreak. Curiously, the region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage, while the region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. Example Two: Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine in 1979. Why? Out of 5,140 cases of whooping cough in 1978, it was found that 84 percent had been vaccinated at least three times. You may find this report in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) (283:696-697, 1981). Pay-outs More than $1.1 billion in claims have been paid by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to parents of children affected by vaccines. On average, each family received nearly a million dollars each. Sadly, the claims by the parents had to fit in the program’s extremely narrow definitions in order to qualify for compensation. Naughty CDC The majority of members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices get money from vaccine manufacturers. They own stock in vaccine companies and get paid to conduct research. As of 2003, the CDC has had 28 licensing agreements with companies and at least one university for vaccines. Vaccines once endorsed by the CDC have been pulled off the market after infants (and even some adults) had serious reactions. People had to die for the CDC to admit wrongdoing. Why your doctor may not care Your doctor gets paid by the companies that supply the vaccines for each and every vaccine administered. The Comprehensive Child Immunization Act of 1993 gave States more than $400 million in vaccine incentives and a $100 bounty for each child vaccinated with the shots the federal government recommended. You should know that, according to the February, 1981 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, 90 percent of obstetricians and 66 percent of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine and, in 1990, a British survey showed that over 50 percent of doctors in the UK rejected the Hepititis B vaccine (BMJ, 1/27/90). 1. The article, entitled "Feuding Over Vaccines" by Sandra G.. Boodman was printed in The Washington Post on November 8, 2005 on page F1. ©2005 Anai Rhoads Ford. Full text of article is available at Note: If a doctor, school, daycare or public health official insists that you vaccinate, you can insist that they sign an acceptance of liability form in case of adverse reactions. Go to for a template for such a form.
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