From the April 2007 Idaho Observer:
Rules of evidence should evenly apply Arguably, the most taboo topic of our time is questioning the "Holocaust." Those who do are stereotyped as "Holocaust deniers." Why? Political interests are being served and political agendas are being advanced by controlling the "rules of engagement" and publicly shaming dissenters. More recently, those who question the official explanation for the attacks of Sept. 11 have been labeled "9/11 deniers," an obvious ploy to lump 9/11 truthers into the same category of thought-criminal outcasts as "Holocaust deniers." But the attempt has not succeeded. Where people were forced to develop their opinions on world events by receiving information through a few tightly controlled sources at the end of WWII, today we have billions of websites, realtime global audio and visual satellite communications, email, myspace and YouTube. People are now able to informally apply the common sense rules of evidence to develop their own opinions about current events without being dependent on politically controlled sources of information. It is becoming apparent that governments are having a much harder time "spinning" world events in the quickly advancing information age. It is interesting to wonder whether or not the "official" Holocaust story would have survived millions of people applying the rules of evidence had it occurred during the information age. Below is a lucid assessment of the limited amount of "evidence" we have at our disposal to commit the ultimate taboo—question the Holocaust. By Wesley Ewers Many people have the improper assumption that testimony is the highest form of evidence. No, the courts must routinely void testimony when it is not in line with the physical evidence. The Bible does say that upon the testimony of two or three witnesses, so shall a matter be established, with the purpose of not having just one false accuser. All people are biased in one way or another—economically, by kith and kin, religion, politics, to name a few of the most common biases. Physical evidence is the highest form of evidence just because it has none of these biases, although it can be incorrectly interpreted, tampered with or even planted with the purpose of putting investigators onto the wrong rabbit trail. An example is the highly legible passport of an alleged hijacker found on the street in NY on 9/11. The passport definitely qualifies as planted evidence—unless the hijacker opened the window of the airplane just before impact and tossed the passport out, an assumption that is, of course, ridiculous. The infamous passport is just one of the many pieces of evidence that were planted that fateful day. Then there is documented evidence. It can also be biased because it is produced by people, but it stands forever for all to see; it can be challenged or countered. Documents include court papers, diaries, official records, newspaper articles, reports, books and photographs. The rules of evidence, logic and common sense should be applied equally to all subjects. But they are not. I am often told to forget this subject as "taboo" and "verboten." Even alternative radio programs sometimes hang up on me when I call in—even after they are the one’s who brought the subject up by making reference to it. Date Number Source 1933 14,000,000 Jewish World Council 1939 15,600,000 Am. Jewish Com. Bureau of Synagogue 1939 15,688,259 1947 World Almanac 1940 15,319,359 1940 World Almanac 1948 15.6 – 18.7 million New York Times 1949 15,713,638 1949 World Almanac 1951 15,300,000 Stat. Handbook Council of Churches 1996 14,117,000 1997 World Almanac 1998 14,890,000 1999 World Almanac 2004 14,551,000 2005 World Almanac A Judeo-Christian FM radio personality makes reference to it almost every Sunday. Recently, a famous author being interviewed on alternative radio was questioned as to his position on the subject of the Holocaust and said he did not want to discuss the matter. Then, 10 minutes later, he uses the "H" word as if the alleged poison gassing of 6 million Jews were an unchallengeable historical fact! Does that not make him a hypocrite? Were there any autopsies performed on the corpses at the concentration camps after WWII? Yes. The highly-acclaimed pathologist Dr. Charles Larson was assigned the task of overseeing the performance of autopsies on the corpses found at Nazi concentration camps by the Judge Advocate General’s Office. After overseeing thousands of autopsies he concluded that: "Not one case of death by poison gas was found." These autopsy reports were not entered as evidence in the Nuremburg war crimes trials. Dr. John E. Gordon, MD., Ph.D., Harvard Professor was also part of the autopsy team. He stated that: "Most deaths in the concentration camps were caused, not by starvation or maltreatment but by typhus." Dr. David Batton entered the camps with British forces and volunteered to help the diseased survivors. Testifying under oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 he said: "Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during WWII weren’t deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases." Major Miller of the Allied Military Police HQ in Vienna signed memo/order #31/48 on Oct. 1, 1948 declaring that since the Allied Commissions of Inquiry had established that no one in the 12 German concentration camps was killed by poison gas, that any former inmate maintaining otherwise was to be arrested and charged with perjury. This memo/order also stated that all confessions of gassings at the camps used at Nuremburg war trials were gained by way of torture. This memo/order was witnessed by a Lieutenant Emil Lachout. I should add that the U.S. autopsy teams were not allowed into the eight USSR-controlled camps in Poland. Our buddies at the time, the Red Communists of the USSR, did not want the U.S. performing any autopsies in their camps. In fact, it was L.P. Beria of the NKVD (Soviet secret police predating the KGB), a Jew, who started the rumors of homicidal gas chambers in 1945. Also, the USSR never allowed Red Cross observers into their own concentration camps in the USSR as the Nazis did during the war. Upon review of mountains of Nazi documents seized by the Allies, no orders to kill inmates at the concentration camps were found. Orders were, however, found from Heinrich Himmler and SS General Richard Glucks for the commanders of the camps to do everything possible to preserve the health of the detainees. Dr. Konrad Morgen of the Reich Criminal Police investigated 800 accusations of cruelty at their camps and obtained 200 convictions. Punishment included execution for Commandant of Majdanek-Hermann Florstedt and also Commandant of Buchenwald Karl Koch for unwarranted cruelty of inmates. In 7,000 pages of memoirs by Eisenhower, Churchill and de Gaulle, there is no mention of homicidal gas chambers—horrors, yes; gas chambers, no. In 1,600 pages of reports of the concentration camps from the Red Cross there is, likewise, no mention of homicidal gas chambers. In fact, I personally wrote to the Red Cross in Geneva and obtained a copy of its investigation of Auschwitz for homicidal gas chambers dated September 29, 1944. The Red Cross found no homicidal gas chambers. The "Holocaust" lobby claims that, at the Wannsee Conference of Jan. 1942, the Nazis established the "final solution" for the Jewish problem was gassing them to death with Zyklon B, but these documents have proven to be a hoax and would be laughed out of any courtroom. The "final solution" always was for Jews to be forced to emigrate from Germany. Then there is engineer Fred Leuchter, America’s foremost expert on executions, who took a team of investigators to Auschwitz in 1988 and concluded that, with no shadow of a doubt, there were no gas execution facilities operated by the Nazis at that facility. I will let the reader decide but, for myself, I think Major Miller’s orders should be followed. To the letter. Still today.
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