From the November 2007 Idaho Observer:
Yes, we are being sprayed—and Xs mark the spots We receive a constant stream of chemtrail-related phone, letter and email reports from all over the world. The stories of illnesses that vary from post-event scratchy throats and burning eyes and lungs, to chronic symptoms and fatigue, are too widespread to ignore (unless you are with the government). As it turns out, government has been spraying us with all manner of experimental toxins for decades without our knowledge or consent. Indeed, it has gotten away with the spraying because not enough of us were aware of what it was doing. But now the information is out there and instantly accessible in cyberspace. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to create a justifiably indignant majority that refuses to accept a fate of being sprayed like pests in a chemically- tended garden. Following is the first of a two-part article intended to help people understand that the first step onto the path of indignance is simply looking up.
by Carole Pellatt After I returned from Italy late last July, I began photographing the Phoenix sky with the intention that when there was a break in the action, I could post this article. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a break, but we posted the article anyway. We have been inundated unceasingly with aerial chemical assaults. On most days I look outside and I don’t want to venture out because I’m tired of exposing my immune system to unknown pathogens. When it rains, I don’t want to walk in it anymore because I know how volatile barium is in water. But, everything seems to be fine with the rest of the world. Sports, TV, paying bills, and being entertained are still in place to overshadow the things that truly affect the quality of our lives and those of future generations. Life spins around us at a reckless pace, obscuring the living elements that guide us on a path of harmonic existence with nature and with one another. I find this displacement of natural rhythms to be very disconcerting. No connection ever seems to be made between profound events that our governments engineer for us and the eventual consequences we suffer. That explains why people are oblivious to daily overhead aerial assaults and why they can't tell the difference between huge, shiny chemical plumes and moisture-laden clouds. So I set out to make the connection by illuminating a pattern of government indifference to human health and its willingness to recklessly endanger all living things. CONNECTIONS Why is it that in conversations about cancer and cancer research, no one ever mentions nuclear testing, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, uranium mining, or depleted uranium as having even the SLIGHTEST possible link between humans and cancer? When a loved one is stricken, people don’t seem to discuss the thousands of nuclear bombs the U.S. and other nations have exploded worldwide since the 40s, and their relationship to cancer. The U.S. alone has exploded hundreds of nuclear bombs. In his book "They Never Knew: Victims of Atomic Testing," Glenn Alan Chaney said, "One hundred and forty-nine atomic bombs have exploded over American soil. No one knows how many people, if any, these bombs have killed. The initial heat and shock of the explosions probably killed no one. "Open-air atomic explosions, however, have more lasting and distant effects. They create and release tremendous amounts of highly dangerous radioactive materials. Radiation causes cancer, leukemia, cardiovascular problems, cataracts, immunological weakness, genetic defects, pre-natal problems, mental retardation, and many other problems. Any deaths caused by radiation normally occur only years or decades later. Estimates of deaths worldwide from American, Soviet, British, French and Chinese nuclear tests range from something near zero to several million. "In the name of democracy and self-defense, the United States tested bomb after bomb at a test site in Nevada. Each ‘shot’ sent tons of radioactive particles boiling into the sky and drifting across the United States. The isotopes of plutonium, cesium, strontium, iodine-131 and other deadly elements gradually came to earth as ‘fallout.’ A lot of it settled in Nevada and Utah, killing cattle, burning ranchers, sickening residents, causing leukemia in children, cancer in adults, deformities in the unborn. It contaminated milk in North Dakota. It ruined photographic film in New York. It settled into the soil of every state except Alaska and Hawaii." The U.S. government has historically ignored or denied the dangers of radioactive fallout from testing. It has been caught in a web of lawsuits from soldiers to ranchers and uranium miners to Native Americans. According to a Reuters article dated 4/12/2000: "The U.S. government reversed decades of denial on Wednesday and proposed paying at least $400 million to thousands of ailing workers who were exposed to radiation while building the nation’s nuclear arsenal." This is decades of denial. That’s more than a lifetime when you have cancer. Especially when you have cancer in a country that has high costs and does not encourage health care for those who can’t afford it. In 1949, the commissioner of the AEC (Atomic Energy Commission), Sumner Pike declared that, "only a national emergency could justify testing in the United States." Testing in Nevada began in 1951. We were all exposed. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) was initiated July 1, 1944, seven years before the first nuclear test on American soil. It took the NCI 46 years to come out with a study in 1997 linking nuclear testing in Nevada to thyroid cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a relevant study in 2001—50 years after the fact. As quoted by The New York Times in an article appearing Wednesday, August 8, 2007: "In a preliminary study that takes into account not only nuclear tests in Nevada but also nearly all American and Soviet nuclear tests conducted overseas until they were banned in 1963, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that virtually every person who has lived in the United States since 1951 has been exposed to radioactive fallout. "These new findings expand on those from five years ago by the National Cancer Institute that showed that people living in a long, plume-shaped region stretching from Idaho and Montana to the Mississippi River and beyond had a slightly higher risk of developing thyroid cancer because of the Nevada tests." State of emergency. When I read the 1997 report from the NCI, the chapter entitled "How Americans Were Exposed" began with the phrase, " During the Cold War ….." That brings me back to Sumner Pike’s comment about how he would never test nuclear weapons on American soil unless it was a national emergency.The United States wasn’t officially "at war" with anyone during this time of "emergency." Truman never sought a legal declaration of war against Korea. Korea was never a physical threat to the U.S. But what about the "Cold War?" Yes, this term is as nebulous as " the War on Hunger" (by the way, the people lost), "the War on Poverty" (by the way, the people lost), and the "War on Drugs" (guess what?…). Let’s call the "Cold War" what it was; an arms escalation beyond the brink of insanity. It therefore came to me as no surprise that the virus section of the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Warfare Department at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was renamed the Frederick Cancer Center and eventually became the new home to the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health, as well as providing core information for the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Army Medical Research Institute Of Infectious Diseases). This part of Fort Detrick has a dubious reputation, as all the scientific brain power inside was dedicated to creating and testing diseases that could be used as weapons against large populations. Known as "The Tower Of Doom" and "The Anthrax Hotel," as quoted by The Washington Post, "This is where, in the 1950s and ‘60s, scientists showered and changed into street clothes after working with germs that could kill people by the thousands. In the evenings, they went home to their families, prohibited from uttering anything about the work that occupied their days." It is disconcerting that the government's top health researchers and their facilities are at the same military base where U.S. chemical and biowarriors have been developing diseases and introducing them to all life on this planet in the form of weapons. The connection between cancer, other chronic illnesses and the military is obvious. It is also interesting to note that the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Warfare Department at Fort Detrick began as the War Research Service in 1942. It was conceived, headed, and hand-supervised by George Merck, the owner of a successful Pharmaceutical company, after he lobbied FDR to start this program. Merck is now one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, raking in over $22 billion in 2006. Upon opening it’s doors, The Chemical Warfare Service began mustard gas and lewisite experiments on 4,000 members of the U.S. military. Some test subjects didn’t realize they were volunteering for chemical exposure experiments. A recent Senate report for the committee on Veteran’s Affair’s acknowledged that, in the 1940s, 60,000 military personnel were used as human guinea pigs to test the two chemical agents. Where do Autism, Aids, Cancer, West Nile virus, Gulf War Illness, ADD, hanta virus Crones disease, Epstein-Barr, Valley Fever, Bird Flu, Sars, Mad Cow and other diseases come from? A vacuum? According to the CDC, the leading cause of infant mortality in the United States right now is congenital malformation, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities. Congenital malformations are any malformations which are noticed at birth, whether the result of genetic (inherited) or environmental causes. What is causing these mutations? Are they connected to our chemical and pharmacological saturation? If we gave the guys at Fort Detrick more money for research, do you think they would help us prove that their chemicals are connected to congenital malformation? Experimentation The U.S. military has been spraying chemical and biological weapons in open air testing over civilian populations since the 1940s. They are called "vulnerability tests." This is not a controversial statement. The military has admitted to this practice on many occasions and there’s plenty of documentation from the government to corroborate it. There is also documentation of intentional, experimental releases of radiation on civilian populations. Unfortunately, this information tends to surface long after it could have saved lives, or eased the suffering of victims.The following information comes from an Army report from Fort Detrick (remember our cancer research friends at Fort Detrick?). On June 6 thru June 10, 1966, army technicians waited until rush hour at the Twenty Third Street Station of the Seventh Avenue Subway Line in New York City and dropped light bulbs filled with bacilluss subtilis onto the tracks causing the bulbs to shatter, and the bacteria-laden aerosol plume that ensued was pulled down the tunnel after the train. Aside from tossing the infected light bulbs onto the tracks, in his book "In The Name Of Science-A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research and Human Experimentation," Andrew Goliszek explains, "On other days, scientists shattered infected bulbs on walkways or into ventilation grates that opened into the subway system." He continues, "In some cases the bulbs were thrown onto the tracks as the train was arriving, thus engulfing it and the passengers completely in the cloud of bacteria." According to the military report on this experiment, each light bulb contained eighty seven trillion bacilli. Bacilluss subtilis is a sporulating bacterium that lives primarily in the soil and associated water sources. Bacilluss subtilis is commonly used as a pesticide. According to the EPA, "It is not a frank human pathogen, but has on several occasions been isolated from human infections. Infections attributed to B. subtilis include bacteremia, endocarditis, pneumonia, and septicemia. However, these infections were found in patients in compromised immune states." B. subtilis has also been implicated in several cases of food poisoning. As for the application guidelines when used as a pesticide, the EPA requires "use of personal protective equipment (long-sleeved shirt and long pants, gloves, shoes plus socks, dust/mist filtering respirator) to mitigate the risk of dermal sensitivity and possible allergic reactions." As for re-entry after application, the rules state, "Workers Protection Standard requires a minimum of four hours before reentering a treated field." Bacilluss subtilis was chosen by the military for this experiment because it has properties similar to those of Anthrax. These tests were conducted over five days and the location was chosen for it’s concentration of people. The public was never informed about their imminent exposure to this bacterium, thus leaving them no choice as to whether or not they wanted to risk exposure. Nor were the doctors or hospitals in the area warned, so they would have no idea how to treat symptoms related to exposure to these new bio-weapons. This is one minute example of the mind-set we are still dealing with in our leadership, who is ultimately responsible for the actions of our military which, in turn, puts the responsibility back on us, if we claim to be living in a free country. But, I forgot, we don’t want to become disconcerted. So we continue to turn a blind eye. Now, where’s that remote? Special Military Report no. 142 "Biological Warfare Trials at San Francisco, California" was a series of six open air vulnerability tests performed upon the unknowing people of this city from Sept 20th thru 27th 1950. Ships filled with bacterial aerosols along with zinc cadmium sulfide florescent particles were positioned offshore and 43 sampling stations were set up onshore. Each of the releases lasted thirty minutes and engulfed the city. According to Andrew Goliszek, "Based on the report, nearly everyone in San Francisco inhaled five thousand or more florescent particles each day for the duration of the tests." No one was ever warned and there was no post experiment monitoring of people’s health. And people did die. Joint Quarterly report No. 3 is a military report on the spraying of Minneapolis with zinc cadmium sulfide florescent particles over a three month period in 1953. The people were never forewarned. Zinc cadmium sulfide is a silvery-white electropositive metal. It is used to test dispersal patterns. This means it acts like an X-ray in the sky showing the routes that sprayed particulates take when dispersing. The military, in a "hazardous chemicals" report describes, "Cadmium oxide fume is a severe pulmonary irritant; cadmium dust also is a pulmonary irritant, but it is less potent than cadmium fume because it has a larger particle size. The dust, at high concentrations, could be expected to cause the same physiological effects as those arising from fume exposure. Exposure to airborne cadmium is associated with nephrotoxicity. Several inorganic cadmium compounds cause malignant tumors in animals." Repeated exposure to lower levels of cadmium in air has resulted in chronic poisoning characterized by irreversible lung injury of the emphysematous type with abnormal lung function. In a report entitled International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), The International Labour Organization warns of Zinc Cadmium Sulfide: "Prevent dispersion of dust! Avoid all contact!" On the effects of long term exposure, "Lungs may be affected by repeated or prolonged exposure. The substance may have effects on the kidneys and bone tissue, resulting in kidney impairment and bone weakness. This substance is carcinogenic to humans." Joint Quarterly Report no 4 describes "The Spraying of St. Louis" with the same metal over a three month period in 1953. The people were never warned. No follow-up health studies were done for the victims. Because this metal is electropositive, it is likely to be part of the toxic cocktail we see spilling out of military jets into our skies today for use in electromagnet weapons testing, experimentation, and implementation. We know by their own reports that the military has dropped nerve agent VX out of jets over Utah, actually over half a million pounds over an eighteen-year period (1951 –1968). Once again, the people were not informed. In 1965, Operation Big Tom involved the spraying of Bacillus Globigii over Oahu Hawaii during a 2-month period. No civilians were informed, no one’s health was subsequently monitored. For three months in 1966, the Airforce dropped bomblets filled with benzilic acid—a mind-altering chemical—into the Waiakea Forest Reserve southwest of Hilo, Hawaii. No civilians were warned. These are by no means the only documented cases of open air vulnerability testing on unsuspecting civilian populations. This research paper represents a small sample in a large volume of documentation that attests to the fact of the military’s abuse of civilian populations and it’s abuse of the earth as a whole. It should be noted that none of this information was given of free accord. It was gathered during congressional hearings, lawsuits, and investigations. We can only assume, from the monumental efforts required to acquire these reports, and the government’s typical 30 year delay in declassifying documents-whatever documents they have not already destroyed or hidden-that many more heinous and dangerous experiments have been performed than we will ever be privy to. And based on this consistent history of the military’s abhorrent behavior in these matters, we can also assume that experimentation has never ceased, and continues today without our knowledge or consent. Deliberate Radioactive Releases If not for the Kodak company in Rochester New York, many of the government’s deliberate radiation releases may not have come to light. Not long after the Trinity Sight blast in Alamogordo, New Mexico, in June, 1946, customers started complaining to the Kodak company in New York about fogged film. A scientist from Kodak realized that the film was packed in corn husks from Indiana. He took samples that were analyzed, and they were found to contain Iodine-131. Kodak complained to the government. Six years later, as people went about their lives in Rochester, they had no idea that the Geiger counter readings at the Kodak plant read 25 times higher than usual. Kodak complained again. After these two incidents, the government provided the Kodak corporation with maps and potential fallout zones for future tests. However, the people were never warned. Not by the government, or by Kodak. Dairy farmers never knew, children playing in snow saturated with radioactive fallout never knew, pregnant mothers never knew. It’s important to note that experimental detonations of nuclear weapons was not the only cause of the disproportionate amount of radiation that runs rampant in our atmosphere today. During the cold war, the U.S. government, in an effort to test it’s newly installed radiation detectors, deliberately released radioactive material from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in southeast Washington state. This experiment, on December 2, 1949, was considered a disaster. The meteorologists miscalculated the weather on the day of the releases. Specifically the winds. The intensity of the releases, coupled with very strong winds, created a drift pattern 40 miles wide and 200 miles long, exposing all in that plume to 400 times the amount of radiation considered safe. The people were never warned. In 1962, Hanford performed deliberate releases throughout the entire year, as part of an experimental program. In their mode of operendi, the military didn’t disclose this to the public. The cigarette industry became aware in the 1950s that the spike in lung, tracheal, and bronchial cancer was due to the fact that tobacco crops were increasingly being fertilized with chemicals that contained radioactive substances. An internal memo from Philip Morris in 1961 acknowledged the presence of strontium-90 in tobacco. The Surgeon General C. Everett Koop stated that radioactivity, rather than tar, accounts for at least 90 percent of all smoking-related lung cancers. The Center for Disease Control concluded "Americans are exposed to far more radiation from tobacco smoke than from any other source." U.S. patent no. 4,194,514 describes the process used to remove radioactive polonium from tobacco products. Do you want to talk about the Bikini Islands, the Marshall Islands and Alamogordo New Mexico-where people were encouraged to watch nuclear blasts? And it’s not just unsuspecting civilians who fall prey to chemical and biological warfare experimentation. Thousands of prisoners have been used as well as children, the elderly and the sick. And the military doesn’t spare it’s own. Soldiers are bullied into becoming guinea pigs to be injected, infected, to inhale and ingest all types of experimental pathogens. Remember Agent Orange? Gulf War Syndrome? There are scores of reports you can read on Gulf War Illness, depleted uranium and mycoplasma. And it’s been an obvious fact since the 60s, that the military has a shameful system in place for caring for their injured, crippled, and traumatized soldiers. Just in from Montreal is a new report on the spraying of Canadian soldiers with Agent Orange by the U.S. military in New Brunswick, Canada. The U.S. military tested Agent Orange at Gagetown for three days in 1966 and for four days in 1967. According to the report, as reported by The Montreal Gazette Aug 22, 2007, "Only individuals who had direct contact with herbicides at CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick are at risk of contracting a number of diseases associated with exposure, including various cancers, Parkinson’s disease and Type 2 diabetes." According to Denis Furlong, a government researcher, "While probably only dozens of people were involved in the application, we do know that a lot of members of the Canadian forces were in the area and in the vicinity." Jim Burke, a former Gagetown base soldier who now lives in Saint John, N.B., reacted angrily when he heard the study results. Burke says he was sprayed with Agent Orange when he was driving an anti-tank jeep at Gagetown in the early 1960s. He recalls a plane flying in low and then covering soldiers in a white fog. "It was like a white scum. That was Agent Orange, because within the next two or three weeks all the foliage on the left and right-hand side of that road died. "Today Burke, 63, says he has congestive heart disease and has suffered two heart attacks. The report will be forwarded to the federal government over the next week. Ottawa is reportedly looking at a compensation package for veterans." People from Montreal remember the revelation of the ruthless torture of psychiatric patients at the Allen Memorial Hospital under the auspices of receiving treatments. This was the CIA’s mind control program MKULTRA in action—another darling of Fort Detrick. These poor people were used as guinea pigs by a doctor they trusted in some of the most heinous mind control experiments ever documented. An article in the Canadian press dated 7/6/07 describes these crimes against humanity: "The patients were induced into comas and exposed to repetitive messages for days on end to brainwash them. Dr. Cameron pioneered a technique called psychic driving, which he believed could erase harmful memories and rebuild psyches without psychiatric defect. "The idea intrigued the CIA, which recruited him to experiment with mind control beginning in 1950. Until 1964, Cameron conducted a range of experiments at the McGill institute, often without the knowledge or the permission of his patients.The experiments were part of a larger CIA program called MK-ULTRA, which saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels without their knowledge, according to testimony before a 1977 U.S. Senate committee." The Government of Canada was sued successfully by the victims in a class-action lawsuit. Some of them were still alive to collect decades after the fact. The CIA also paid nine victims $67,000 each. Remember the cool-aid acid tests? DDT? Tamoxafin? Check and see how many military bases are superfund sites, how many glowing tons of toxic waste the military has secretly dumped into the oceans and the air. How many more whales have to be pounded onto shore, driven out of the ocean by painful, disorienting military sonar experiments? As of July 2007, the military in Tucson Az is being fined $32,000 a day by the EPA for the toxic jet fuel that has spilled from Tucson International Airport into the drinking water treatment plant there. "The plume of contaminated groundwater was found near the Tucson International Airport Area Superfund Site, where Raytheon and the Air Force share a 1,365-acre facility called Air Force Plant 44." That’s a common one, I kid you not. The military has poisoned the drinking water of most of it’s neighboring communities with jet fuels or additives. Probably no connection there to birth defects. Do you know that pesticide is now a common ingredient in jet fuels? Why all these macabre facts? With each passing day I struggle harder to warn people that yet one more chemical inundation is overrunning us with the tacit collusion of our government, under the auspices of a national emergency. The president has declared war on a "non-descript noun," to put it in the words of a British journalist, heralding the feeding frenzy of a new arms race. It’s time to stop thinking that the government—of any nation—really cares about you as a citizen. Or that the military—of any nation—cares about you as an individual or as a citizen of the nation they are purportedly protecting. I know we were all taught that our militaries only slaughter the other side. And in a usually concise and righteous manner. No civilians, no rapes, no tortures, no disappearances, no arms and legs of children blown into the air; no innocent victims. We never destroy civilian power plants, water treatment plants, or hospitals. That would cause the suffering of millions of innocent people, and we’re the good guys, so we play by the rules. We only kill the people that our government tells us to. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to look up at the sky and see the results of our indifference. The government is allowing the skies of this and allied nations to be sprayed with unknown toxins in their quest to militarize space. 9/11 sounded the alarm that woke the beast and turned up the intensity. As we see historically, they—meaning the government and the military—are not concerned with what falls to the ground, intentional or not. And as we have seen, spraying the skies is nothing new. They have been doing this since the 40s. The substance is called CHAFF and started being used during World War II to jam enemy radar. CHAFF is used today and is mentioned openly in so many reports, and has been sprayed upon us in military exercises long before the experimentation and debates of today. According to the military’s paper "Defensive Training Initiative", CHAFF contains; Glass fiber (Silica), Aluminum, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Sodium & Potassium Oxide, Iron Oxide, Aluminum coating, Silicon + Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Vanadium, Titanium, and "other." It’s a health hazard if inhaled, falls to the ground, or drops in water—where else could it go? Here are some excerpts from a 1998 Department of Defense Report by the United States General Accounting Office-09/22/98, GAO/NSIAD-98-219: "Chaff is used worldwide in conjunction with military training, testing, and other assigned missions. "While DOD (Department of Defense) components report that chaff is an effective means of defense for aircraft, ships, and related weapon systems, DOD and other agencies have identified some unintended and potential side effects of chaff. Chaff can affect safety by interfering with air traffic control radar. Chaff can also affect weather radar observations and the operation of friendly radar systems, especially when vehicles stir up chaff that has settled on the ground. It has been reported that chaff has also caused power outages and damaged electrical equipment. Potential effects cited by Defense and other organizations include those on health and the environment. For example, the Air Force reported that chaff has a potential but remote chance of collecting in reservoirs and causing chemical changes that may affect water and the species that use it. "Chaff can show up on radar as a false weather phenomenon and may affect lightning within storms. The National Weather Service (NWS) began to observe the widespread and frequent use of chaff in the late 1980s, when it started using new and more sensitive weather radar. Radar observations show that chaff can spread over several hundreds of miles and stay in the air for up to a day. A scientist formerly with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), who now performs weather research at the University of Oklahoma, estimated it would have taken more than 200 billion chaff particles to create a radar picture taken in Arizona in 1997. DOD officials stated that it is improbable that such a large chaff deployment occurred outside of combat and is unlikely to occur in any future DOD training events. Figure 2 shows a 1997 NWS weather radar image of chaff over Southern Arizona. NOAA also provided pictures taken since 1993 in many other parts of the country and showing radar images of chaff." I can’ t believe that people spend time on the Internet arguing about "contrails versus chemtrails" when this has been going on openly for decades. Call it what you want, the military openly admits that is has been spraying us with chemicals of known toxicity, without our permission, for generations. Pesticide Spraying We know the military sprays for many reasons. If you go to any Air National Guard site, aerial spraying missions are mentioned. Retrofitting C-135 refueling jets for aerial spraying missions is also mentioned. And if you read the annual military budget proposals, equipment and a myriad of heavy metal and chemical compounds for spraying are always on the wish list. According to the military, all these spraying missions are for the purpose of eradicating West Nile virus, by eradicating mankind I suppose. I guess that a good portion of the war on terror is being fought against mosquitoes. And let’s not forget about the bees… Chemical and Biological Pathogens We have every reason to assume that the military is still performing "vulnerability testing," meaning that they are constantly testing how vulnerable are we to chemical and biological attacks by attacking us. We are "at war" and trying to make connections between past behaviors and probabilities of the present. I believe that some of the spray patterns we see in the air are to study drift patterns for chemical or biological weapons in populated urban areas. And to see how many people can be made ill by such attacks. Weather Modification Geoengineering is at the forefront of weather modification. Weather modification exists, there’s no debate about that. Experimentation in the U.S. began in the 1950s as the Russians had already been working on it and the cold war had begun. National Security Memorandum 165, from May 2, 1972, is called International Aspects Of Weather Modification. The U.S. was well into it’s program by then. The document was de-classified in 2002. The United States and Canada entered into a Weather Modification Treaty in March of 1975. To quote this document: "The Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America, Aware, because of their geographic proximity, that the effects of weather modification activities carried out by either Party or its nationals may affect the territory of the other; Noting the diversity of weather modification activities in both Canada and the United States by private parties, by State and Provincial authorities, and by the Federal Governments; Believing that the existing state of knowledge warrants the expectation of further development over a period of time in the science and technology of weather modification. (a) "Weather modification activities," means activities performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behaviour, or dynamics of the atmosphere." This is a very interesting document, as it describes, in 1975, the intended atmospheric changes these countries were planning to execute. Here’s a little about Arizona’s role in weather modification exercises: Weather modification experiments began in 1952. From 1952-1956 Wilhelm Reich demonstrated clear desert greening effects during his cloudbuster operations near Tucson, Az. The OROP ARIZONA Experiment of 1989 was a series of cloudbusting experiments to "Bring Rain Into The Desert Southwest". These experiments were conducted by Dr. James DeMeo, Phd., of Therough Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory in the summer of 1989. Five separate field experiments were planned and announced in advance, undertaken by teams of workers using portable equipment, and recorded in extensive field observations. National Weather Service (NWS) data were used later to analyze the geographical distribution and intensity of atmospheric effects. It’s interesting to note that one of the observations Dr. DeMeo made after his experiments was the connection between rainfall and underground nuclear testing: "The relationship between underground nuclear bomb testing and atmospheric phenomena needs further research and study. Soaring summertime temperatures were observed in the open desert shortly after a series of such tests. Additional systematic observations suggest a tendency for rainfall-diverting high pressures to build in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast following underground testing in Nevada. Similarly, an increasing buildup of DOR [dead orgone]-laden air, followed by drought or severe storms, has been observed in the Great Plains also following testing in Nevada." In 1992 The Water Resources Department of Arizona was studying weather modification as a way of increasing the water table for a vastly growing state. After BuRec’s (Bureau of Water Reclamation) role lessened, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), through its Federal-State Cooperative Atmospheric Modification Program (AMP), became Arizona’s chief federal partner in weather modification studies. Arizona, which joined AMP in 1989, was one of five U.S. states participating in the program. The other current (1992) AMP states are North Dakota, Utah, Illinois, and Nevada. To quote this 1992 report, "regardless of what the projects were called, early advocates of weather modification often promised more than could be delivered. During the early years of weather modification work in the 1950s and 1960s, the shift from research to actual application was too rapid. This premature action was not consistent with the careful evolution of a body of knowledge and the maturing of recognized scientific principles. This created weather modification credibility problems. Others remain fully convinced that weather modification holds great promise to augment water resources. They believe its premise is sound and scientific findings promising. They believe its potential will be realized with more research and the eventual application of cloud seeding activities." One of the chemicals used in "cloud seeding" is silver iodide. Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the EPA, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and as a toxic pollutant. At this point in history, we’re heavy into the "Star Wars" program. Conceived decades earlier, made famous in the Reagan era, and brought to you by the same people today. Space is the new frontier for war and weapons. It is the playground of the military, domain of the new arms race. Nuclear weapons, space based lasers, first strike missiles, radar jamming satellites, electromagnetic weapons, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV’s), and weather manipulation are all part of it. These high tech weapons require chemicals such as barium, aluminum, silver iodide, strontium, zinc and a whole array of other toxins to blanket the air-be it for radar jamming purposes, to test bacteriological drift patterns, to x-ray the sky to find optimum missile routes, to shroud a city or battlefield in cloaking metal particulates, to line up the criss-cross patterns in the sky with GPS, or to cover an area in seeded clouds for weather modification. And these toxins are now being discovered in disproportionate amounts in bodies of water, soil, vegetation, and even deer antlers. People are discovering chemicals like barium fallout dusted on their cars and the rooftops of their houses. People are testing positive for barium poisoning and toxic levels of other heavy metals. Don’t expect the sky to look the way you remembered it any time soon. The government has forfeited the skies and militarized them on your behalf, with your permission, and with your money. They are up there every day putting their weapons and poisons in place and experimenting freely, in plain site, with the gusto of kids on Christmas day. And we, the public, has given them our blessings through our non-action due to ignorance and indifference. Here’s is a fraction of what is going on in the air right now. You need only to read military budget reports to see what’s under-way: Department Of The Air Force Fiscal Year 2007-The report is 566 pages long, so here’s only a few highlights of what projects the air force is asking Congress to continue funding: National Security Space Weather Programs, WEATHER SERVICE, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. Air Force Weather Agency Beddown, Tactical Weather Radar, Weather Service Equipment Maintenance, High Energy Laser Initiatives, Space-Based Serveillance, Aerospace Vehicle Technologies, Aerospace Propulsion, Aerospace Sensors, DIRECTED ENERGY TECHNOLOGY-which means weapons, Multi Disciplinary Space Technology, High Energy Laser Research, Advanced materials for weapons systems, Advanced aerospace sensors, Electronic combat technology, MAUI SPACE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, High Energy Laser Advanced Technology Program, Polar MILSATCOM (Space). Advanced (EHF MILSATCOM (Space). National Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satelite System, Space Control Technology, Space Radar, Airborne Electronic Attack, Next Generation Long Range Strike (NGLRS), Nuclear Weapons Support, Counterspace Systems, Space Situation Awareness Systems, Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) High EMD. High Frequency Ground Control Antennas, Space Fence, Threat Simulator Development, Ranch Hand II Epidemiology Study-, Space Test Program, Air and Space Operations Center - Weapon System (AOC-WS), Space-based Infra Red System, Alternative Infra-red space system. Rocket Systems Launch Program, Space Test Program, Space and Missile Test evaluation center, SPACE WARFARE CENTER, Space & Missile Test & Evaluation Center, Space Situation Awareness Operations, Counter-Chemical Biological Radiological, Nuclear Ops, Electronic Warfare Battle management, Satellite control network… This is barely a "teaser" of the types of experimentation going on in the troposphere of our earth right now. If you read army, navy, air force and marine operations reports and requisition reports, they are asking for hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and executing thousands of space based, chemical and biological, nuclear, weather-based, electromagnetic, laser, and traditional weapons testing and defense testing. It’s ironic that they try to hide their operations, yet their appropriations and congressional validations are not classified. Here’s the announcement that the air force will now take over space duties: 8 /3/2007 - WASHINGTON (AFPN)-- Air Force officials here completed the final phase in integrating space functions into key Air Staff processes for operations, plans and requirements, or A3/5. As of Aug. 1, space functions previously found within the Directorate of Strategic Security, or A3S, have been reorganized to better integrate the space domain throughout the A-staff. "Air Force missions have evolved to encompass air, space and cyberspace," said Maj. Gen. Roger W. Burg, the director of strategic security at the pentagon. "We are witnessing an evolution in what it means to be an Airman, and this evolution should result in an ‘Airman’s Culture’ that embraces the core domains of air, space and cyberspace equally." As they say, "In war, the only form of truth is denial." You just have to watch the sky to know that every day the military is up there. The corroborating evidence and official documentation is infinite. Yet, what concerns me is the blatant denial on the part of the military and the government that anything is going on at all. Would it be so wrong to say, "Of course we’re working on weather modification, we’ve been doing it for years, you can read the documents." Instead, the message we get is, "Nope, not up there, you don’t see anything, nothing at all, contrails, commercial airliners, you see nothing." And it’s telling that denial is also the official story from any organizations that are connected to the government, be it NASA, NOAA, FAA, NWS-which includes the Weather Channel, PBS, the EPA, the military, and anyone connected with the military. Equally astounding to me is the number of people who are willing to accept these empty excuses from industry representatives. This causes my internal alarm to awaken my sense of historical memory and warn me that what we see in the sky is even more dangerous than any documentation we can get our hands on at the present time. Meanwhile, doctors are trying to treat our "mystery" flus and illnesses, on-coming aches, flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, low-grade fevers, sore throats, "allergies", swollen glands and coughs that go on for unnatural spans of time. We are spending many more days per year with illnesses we’ve never previously known. And there’s lots of them. Get used to this phrase: "It’s just a virus." Perhaps we should consider that NASA was never about "one giant leap for mankind." Our technologies have made us no smarter, no less aggressive, and infinitely more dangerous to ourselves and to our planet. Until we accept the realities and responsibilities of our political choices and our participation in society, things will get worse. Until we accept our role in the escalation of violence in the world today, we will continue to see ourselves as innocent, righteous victims, and the cycle of violence will feed upon this blindness. As we come to a close, I wanted to include in this article some quotes from a speech by a long time military man and decorated war hero. Major General Smedly Butler was the most decorated Marine in U.S. history at the time of his death in 1940 after 33 years of military service. In a speech delivered in 1933 he said, "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. "The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns six percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag. "There isn’t a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its ‘finger men’ to point out enemies, its ‘muscle men’ to destroy enemies, its ‘brain men’ to plan war preparations, and a ‘Big Boss’ Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism. "I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. "I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. "During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." What if this is another crucial point in history where our government is using fear against us in order to further dominate the world of business, at the cost of our retirements, educations, health, social systems, natural environments, world status, and the lives of millions of people? Will our children be reading about all the illnesses and destruction caused by weather modification and the militarization of space? Will they read of official denials and a brutal unwillingness on the part of authorities to reveal the names of the chemicals and substances we were forced to inhale daily under protest? Will they read of class action suits and recently unclassified documents revealing how many thousands, if not millions of people were victims of military experimentation during the "war on terror?" Perhaps it’s time for mankind to wake up and realize that maybe, just maybe, WAR IS WRONG. And paying people to do the killing for us while we watch television, play video games, or surf the internet is not the spiritual path of our future. Or is it that weapons of mass destruction are okay just as long as they belong to us… Sources: Nuclear Weapons Archive REUTERS: U.S. To Pay Workers For Radiation Exposure New York Times Article : Almost All In U.S. Have Been Exposed To Fallout sec=health&res=9807E3DC1031F932A35750C0A9649C8B63 National Cancer Institute Report on Thyroid Cancer and nuclear testing • 8e2f-7ce624a130d2 National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health Housed at Fort Detrick Military Base Washington Post Article about National Cancer Institute aquiring the "Anthrax Hotel" Hazardous Substances in the Workplace-Zinc Cadmium Sulphate International Labor Organization – Zinc Cadmium Sulphate _icsc04/icsc0404.htm EPA Biotechnology Program Under Toxic Substances Control Act Bacillus Subtilis – Merck Pharmaceuticals Annual Sales 2006 Canadian Military Sprayed with Agent Orange by the U.S. Military a480-df2ab480e730 Allan (as it is often referred to) is notorious for its role in the CIA’s Project MKULTRA, the Agency’s initiative to develop "mind control" techniques which were implemented at the Allan by Dr. D. Ewan Cameron. The lawsuit that ensued: 20070703 Radioactive Poloium in cigarettes: Philip Morris U.S.A. Inter-office Correspondance Regarding Radioactive Cigarettes: EPA fines military at Tucson International Airport for polluting drinking water Description of Arizona’s Military Installations from the office of the governor: General Smedley Butler’s Speech Military Toxics Project: Defensive Training Initative Environmental Impacts -02369.pdf 1975 Weather Modification Agreement between Canada and USA 1972 Nixon Archives-National Security Council report on International Aspects Of Weather Modification 1989 Cloudbusting in Arizona 1992 Water Resources Research Center-Weather Modification 1998 Department of Defense Report by the United States General Accounting Office regarding the use of CHAFF-09/22/98, GAO/NSIAD-98-219: Az Governor’s Military Taskforce Report April 2, 2007 Get people to look up.
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