From the January 2008 Idaho Observer:

Police State

1. America the beautiful, how far have you come?

and where are you going—insane.

You’ve taken your most innocent, free-spirited children

and flushed them mercilessly down your drain

[HOOK]: We just can’t wait, it’s much too late!

America has become a police state!

2. They tell us this time it’s because they’ve made a war on drugs,

but I tell you, it’s a war declared by thugs; -

A police-state-tactic war against good people, who like sheep

are lulled off to the slaughter in their sleep…

[HOOK]: It’s far too late, we cannot wait!

America’s become a police state!

3. Do you think you’re still living in the land of liberty?

Better look around and check if you’re still free.

You can’t step or roll from here-to-there without a paid permit

They won’t let us live just for life, and the joy of it.



[ BRIDGE] : Today’s worship of government

like always, is idolatry.

And that’s why America is no longer free.

They snuff out the innocence*

by staging trumped-up incidents;

the name of their game is

stealing freedom by small increments.

4. Is there anywhere we can still travel in this land

without a pass or fine or license tag?

Without risking being hauled away for papers not in order,

while our guardian’s busy saving some burnt flag…

5. The destroyers of this country have you do their dirty work

of building enough jails to crush us all.

Yet you cheer and scream for more police,

more prisons and more laws

while it’s your own liberty that’ll take the fall…

6. Just try to travel down your road or build onto your land

without permission and a hefty fee.

That’s the very definition of a slave of other men

--but incurable, when you still think you’re free:


7. Sadists masquerading as state law-men call you in,

make you feel so proud to be a jury peer.

But the attorney-judge decides in advance what you’ll decide,

by fixing the law and all the evidence you’ll hear.

8. Like Josef Stalin in his day, America’s got its quotas

to fill the endless prisons the maniacs build.

They’re passin’ laws against every natural act that humans do,

to achieve their goal that every jail be filled..."

9. You don’t believe that anything I’m saying now is true

--a phenomenon hidden in human fear.

Solzhenitzyn couldn’t name it in 600-some-odd pages

But while they drag us each away, we still say:

"It can’t happen here!"


10. You don’t believe that anything I’m saying now is true

--a phenomenon hidden in human fear.

Solzhenitzyn couldn’t name it in 600-some-odd pages

But while they drag us each away, we still say:

"It can’t happen here!"

[HOOK] :

It’s much too late, we cannot wait! America has become a police state!

-But it can’t happen here!

-Pero esto no puede pasar aqui!

-Da, Nu potia sa untemplia alcia!

[repeat in Russian, Serbian, German, Croatian, Polish, et. al]

~Copyright PF Lazor, 1992