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The Moon Salutation:
Chandra Namaskar
This is a series of 12 postures, practiced in sequence:
- Raised Arms Pose: Hasta Uttanasana
- Hand to Foot Pose: Padahastasana
- Equestrian Pose: Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Lord Hanuman Pose: Hanumanasana
- Pose of the Moon: Shashankasana
- Equestrian Pose: Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Lord Hanuman Pose: Hanumanasana
- Cobra Pose: Bhujangasana
- Pose of the Moon: Shashankasana
- Pose of the Moon: Vajrasana
- Knee-Support Pose: Utkatasana
- Prayer Pose: Pranamasana
Notice the symmetry:
- Pose 3 = Pose 6 - EXCEPT the leg positions are reversed.
- Pose 4 = Pose 7 - EXCEPT the leg positions are reversed.
- Pose 5 = Pose 9
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