This file, '', is included prior to processing .phpc and .php files. It contains code for file dependency tracking, custom error handling and utility functions.
These functions support the phpc XMExtension
This file is automatically included by XMake when processing .phpc files

You may include this file in ordinary .php scripts to use the error handling in a command line or a web server context:

$success=include_once( getenv("XMAKE_HOME")."/config/XMExtensions/" );
if (!$success) {
    trigger_error("Failed including phpc.ini",E_USER_ERROR);
// set the custom error handler
$old_handler = set_error_handler("phpc_error_handler");


// optionally, read a file specified in XMake.conf to simulate a web server environment
if (!empty(

// phpc_add_prerequisites() talks to phpc_get_prerequisites() with global:

// useful for embedding dynamic php:
define('PHP_OPEN_TAG','<'.'?php ');


// display_errors causes error display on STDOUT
$phpc_display_errors=(bool) ini_get('display_errors');
// log_errors writes errors to STDERR, or error_log, if set
// log_errors is independent of display_errors
$phpc_log_errors=(bool) ini_get('log_errors');

// for compatibility with earlier versions of PHP CLI:
if (empty($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"])){
// we are not running on a web server
$phpc_server_env = false;
} else {
// we are running on a web server    
// NOTE: user 'nobody' usually doesn't have permission to open STDERR
$phpc_server_env = true;
$phpc_break_str="<br \>";



USAGE: sample code for .phpc file
// suppose you want to use 'file1' in the same directory as this script:
// a) create absolute path to it
// register it:
phpc_add_prerequisites( $prerequisite_file );

Paths to files must be ABSOLUTE paths, resolving any symbolic links
    assume your script uses a file 'file1', in the same directory as the script file
    $file1=realpath(file1) doesn't work since it returns false if the file doesn't exist
    since file1 may be created by XMake, we need the path whether or not it exists
    __FILE__ is always the full path to the current file


/// phpc_add_prerequisites
* @desc     add prerequisite files to global array
            accepts a single filename string or array of filenames as input
            accepts relative paths or absolute
            if $prerequisiteFiles is not not an absolute path:
            create an absolute path, relative to current directory
* @param    mixed $prerequisiteFiles
* @return   void
function phpc_add_prerequisites( $prerequisiteFiles ){
    if (!
    foreach (
$prerequisiteFiles as $i => $file ){

/// phpc_get_prerequisites
* @desc     returns $XMAKE_PHP_PREREQUISITE_FILES, removing any duplicate values
            used by phpc.mkh: XME_phpc_dependCmd    
            called with: php -r '... phpc_get_prerequisites(); ...'
* @return   array
function phpc_get_prerequisites(){
$prerequisiteFiles = array_merge(get_included_files(), $XMAKE_PHP_PREREQUISITE_FILES);
$prerequisiteFiles = array_unique ( $prerequisiteFiles );

    The custom error handler, phpc_error_handler is automatically installed

/// _phpc_write_error
* @desc     If running in CLI environment or log_errors=1
                send errors to STDERR
            If running on a web server and log_errors=0:
                format as HTML and write to STDOUT
* @return   void
function _phpc_write_error( $string ){
    if (
$phpc_display_errors ){
        if (
// if running on a web server, format as HTML
$text = htmlspecialchars($string);
$text = str_replace("\n", $phpc_break_str."\n", $text );
        } else {
    if (
$phpc_log_errors ){
// never format as HTML
        // if error_log is empty, error_log() writes to STDERR and date/time is not prepended

/// phpc_error_handler
* @desc     error handler function
* @param    int $errno
* @param    string $errstr
* @param    string $errfile
* @param    string $errline
* @return   void

function phpc_error_handler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
$error_message = "";

// if we are being called by a wrapper (such as phpc_lintCmd) then don't overwrite:

// handle all allowable errors:
if ($debug ) _phpc_write_error( "    XMAKE_XME_PHPC_FATAL_ERROR_MASK=$XMAKE_XME_PHPC_FATAL_ERROR_MASK\n");
    if ( (
$errno & error_reporting()) ||
    ) {
        if (
$debug) $error_message = "phpc_error_handler: ";
        if (
array_key_exists($errno,$phpc_error_codes)) {
$error_code = $phpc_error_codes[$errno];
        } else {
$error_code = "Unkown error type";
$error_message .="PHP: ";
$error_message .=$error_code." [$errno] $errstr";
$error_message .=" on line ".$errline.", ".$errfile;
        if (
$debug && ($errno & $XMAKE_XME_PHPC_FATAL_ERROR_MASK) ){
$error_message .=" FATAL ERROR aborting...";
_phpc_write_error( $error_message."\n" );
// now handle exit status

/// phpc_fatal_error_mask
* @desc     error handler function
    similar to error_reporting()
    optionally set mask for fatal errors, return current mask
    normally, $XMAKE_XME_PHPC_FATAL_ERROR_MASK cannot be set if it is already:
    when running as CLI SAPI, 'xmake phpc.lint' and XME_phpc_dependCmd controlfatal errors
    override this behavior by using $force=true
    In web server mode, $XMAKE_XME_PHPC_FATAL_ERROR_MASK is always set, regardless
* @param    int $error_mask
* @param    boolean $force
* @return   int

function phpc_fatal_error_mask ($error_mask=NULL, $force=false) {
    if (
$error_mask==NULL ) return $XMAKE_XME_PHPC_FATAL_ERROR_MASK;
    if (!isset(
    if (!isset(


/// phpc_absPath
* @desc     return an absolute path to a file:
            if $path is absolute, resolve any aliases, etc.;
            if $path is relative, create absolute path from $relPathDir
* @param    string $path
* @param    string $relPathDir
* @return   string

function phpc_absPath($path, $relPathDir=""){
    if (
$path{0} != '/' ){
        if ( empty(
$relPathDir) ){
//echo "relPathDir=$relPathDir\n";
} elseif ($relPathDir{0} != '/'){
trigger_error('phpc_absPath: $relPathDir must begin with "/"', E_USER_ERROR);
$path = phpc_str2path( $relPathDir.'/'.$path );
    } else {
$path = phpc_str2path( $path );

/// phpc_require_once
* @desc     works around Bug #22775: Fatal error from require() exits with status=0
* @param    string $file
* @return   void
function phpc_require_once( $file ){
    if (!
trigger_error("phpc_require_once(): failed including file:\n    $file\n", E_USER_ERROR);

/// phpc_setenv
* @desc     set some PHP environmental variables to mimic php -f environment
* @param    string $phpc_source_file
* @return   void

function phpc_setenv( $phpc_source_file ){

$keys = array(
    foreach (
$keys as $i => $key){
$_SERVER[$key]=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[$key] = $phpc_source_file;

/// phpc_str2path
* @desc     return a path; similar to realpath except it doesn't return false if file doesn't exist
* @param
* @return   string
Derived from make_path written by "Jon Kraft" <>
      - Justin Koivisto <>
    Modified by Greg Keranen <>
function phpc_str2path($path_str){
$pwd=(strlen($pStr)>0) ? ("/".$pStr) : "/";
// phpc_str2path
