This form demonstrates the 'static' use of gk_formmail.php.
We illustrate how to:
1. Use a static HTML form instead of a PHP form page
2. Create a PHP 'action' handler for the form and include gk_formmail.php from within this handler script.
3. Name the required gk_formmail configuration file appropriately, in relation to the name of the 'action' script: [action].config.php
4. Redirect on error / success with 'bad_url' and 'good_url' configurations
There are seven files required (click links to view source):
+ the HTML form: static.htm
+ the 'action' handler for the form: static.htm.action.php, which simply calls require('gk_formmail.php');
+ a config file: static.htm.action.php.config.php
+ the 'bad_url' handler for the form: static.htm.action.php.bad_url.htm
+ the 'good_url' handler for the form: static.htm.action.php.good_url.htm
+ gk_formmail.php (available for licensing): the master 'controlling' script.