From the June 2008 Idaho Observer:
Birth the way God intended In the final book of the Ringing Cedars series, The Rites of Love (available from The IO or at, Anastasia explains how Man should be birthed into this world, emphasizing that the process is primarily psychological rather than physical. "[T]he process of conception and carrying a child—as well as its appearance in the world as a Man—is not primarily a physiological, but a psychological one. It is the highest form of joint creation between a man and a woman. It is the apex of achievement of their thoughts, feelings and intellect." She claims that, since our focus on the birthing process has been on the physical nature of birth, "the principle component of the human self has been relegated to the background or eliminated completely. The result is that people have come into the world who are, in essence, quite the opposite of God’s likeness." To interfere with this process is to replace what is natural and perfect with something that is artificial and less perfect. She continues, "The physiology involved in the formation of human flesh was pre-programmed by the Creator and is quite capable of developing all by itself, without bothering the mother or father with a need to control the process. On the other hand, the psychology and philosophy of birth—a process on an immeasurably higher level—is wholly dependent on the mother and father. It is a joint creation by Man and God. The appearance of pain at the moment of birth is a sign of an erroneous psychological approach to the birth process on the part of the parents. "Many, many animals give birth to their offspring in natural surroundings and none of them perish or experience suffering. Nor did the Creator come up with any thought of pain for His most beloved creation, Man. Just as loving parents would never conjure up the thought of pain for their children. "As she fulfills her highest purpose—that of co-creating God’s Man—the woman who has carried the Divine child within herself receives a reward ordained by the Creator. This reward is the feeling of bliss and the chain of joyful ecstacies during labor, but certainly not pain. Quite to the contrary, the process of giving birth to a Man should be a joyful and pleasant one. "It is Man himself, deceived by the occult sciences and suggestions from the dark side, who by his own intrusion has made childbirth painful for the mother and a fatal shock for the baby." Vladimir Megre’, the author of these books, then questions Anastasia as to why she termed the birth a "fatal shock" and she responds, "[The baby] does not understand why it is being so rudely torn out of its pleasant and perfect Space and why its mother suffers and experiences pain. The mother’s pain occasions untold mourning on the part of the child." When modern medicine attempts to lessen the mother’s pain through the administration of anesthetics, these drugs actually "increase the pain for the infant since anesthetics cut him off from contact with his mother. Such a state instills in him fear and a lack of self-confidence, which continues even into adulthood, even into his most advanced years... "When a Man is living in his mother’s womb, he feels a coziness there—he feels comforted, cared for, peaceful. On the physical plane, his needs are completely met. He is free of the problems plaguing Man in everyday life; he is allowed to experience the whole of the Universe. "Over the nine months all the information about the marvelous order of the Universe, about Man’s purpose right from the beginning of creation, is imparted to him. The world he knows inside his mother’s womb is vast and marvelous. And then all of a sudden, something rudely tries to thrust him out of this world of supreme grace. Every woman knows: this means the labor has begun—an inevitability, or so it seems—and hence people do not think about the effect it might have on the infant. Few women in today’s world realize that they do not have to frighten their baby—on the contrary, they can caress their child during labor, talk with it, express their thoughts to it, invite it to be born into the world. And this need not be accompanied by any sensation of stress or pain. "After hearing the call of his mother and father, the child will perceive the labor contractions as a caress—an invitation to make his appearance of his own free will, to explore a world that is brand new to him. "To be born of his own free will—that is an indication of great and extraordinary significance. All the information imparted by God during a birth like this will be preserved in him. "When a woman experiences fear over her labor, this fear is felt by the child in the womb. When a woman experiences pain from her labor trouble and has thoughts only for herself, the child in the womb experiences double the amount of pain. He feels abandoned and, above all, helpless and defenseless. Such feelings are harmful, and they are lasting. They wipe out the information the child has earlier received about the grand Creation, since they are in contradiction to it. In this kind of birth, the child feels for the first time in his life that he is not the master of the Universe, but a worthless nonentity, subject to some kind of external forces. "His body is born, but the spirit of mastery and of a kind creator is not born in him. Such a Man will not become the likeness of the Divine. A mere slave of some other entity he will remain and he will try his whole lifetime to free himself from slavery, but in vain. "Earthly tsars, presidents, along with their bodyguards and service staff, are likewise the slaves of circumstance. They think they are deciding something of importance and try to make their life a happy one, but life for them only becomes more and more unhappy and hopeless...This thought of hopelessness suggested at the birth by pain, interferes with human society’s ability to make the right decisions." Today the birth of a Man is more like a routine operation and in the U.S., frequently by caesarian section. Anastasia asks, "Who is thereby causing the Man to emerge into the world—the mother, who has not given birth to the child, or the surgeon, who has torn the fetus out of the mother’s body? The infant, who has not yet appeared in the world, suddenly loses contact with his mother and, consequently, with the whole order of the grand Creation. Then he is forcibly torn from the womb. What for? Whereto? And why so rudely? And why is he not in charge of himself? The whole world crashes before him! "People believe a child is born into the world, while he, at the moment of birth, feels himself forlorn. And while it seems as though this infant Man has thrived, what has remained alive, in fact, is only his flesh. He will try to use what paltry remains he can reclaim of his spiritual substance to search for his Divine self throughout his life. And for this only his father and mother are to blame."