From the July 2008 Idaho Observer:

As of June 23, the Campaign for Liberty had accumulated 62,400 members—in less than two weeks. As of July 18, the number has increased to 70,712. The goal is to have 100,000 members by September 1, 2008. This is a numbers game; the more of us that join encourages more people to join us in the

Campaign for Liberty

Rally for the Revolution

Minneapolis, Sept. 1-2, 2008

As the Republican National Convention gears up to nominate a candidate at odds with so many of the party’s traditional principles and who promises us four more years of war, inflation and financial ruin, we’ll be holding our Rally for the Republic in neighboring Minneapolis.

On September 2, 2008, at the University of Minnesota’s Williams Arena, the message of freedom and the Constitution will be shouted from the rooftops. We’ll hear from top-notch speakers, musicians, and organizations who share our message. We’ll stand up for the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and respect for the Constitution that were once the hallmarks of the Republican Party.

And we’ll have a great time.

Our program in the Twin Cities will be unforgettable. With your help, this can be the biggest event the freedom movement has ever seen.

At the rally we’ll also officially launch the Campaign for Liberty, complete with a multimedia presentation introducing the organization and laying out our short- and long-term goals. We’ll also hold workshops on how to organize and win in your precinct, district, and state. There are no shortcuts: This is the kind of knowledge we need if we are to translate great ideas into electoral victories.

But that’s not all: We also have exciting events planned for September 1st, the day the GOP convention opens. First, Ron Paul will hold a book signing for his #1 New York Times bestseller, The Revolution: A Manifesto, at 1 p.m. at a Borders bookstore on the outskirts of St. Paul (866 Rosedale Center, Roseville, Minn.). That night, as a thank-you to all those who worked so hard on the campaign, we are pleased to announce the Ron Paul Nation Celebration , a free concert by musicians who supported Ron Paul.

We will soon debut a new website dedicated exclusively to our events in Minnesota, including logistical support, information on performers, a working schedule, and promotional items to download and distribute. Check with to see when the rally site is up or join the campaign to get the email updates.

In short, please come to Minneapolis if you possibly can. Urge your friends and family to do the same. Be part of the grand culmination of Ron Paul’s historic campaign and the official launch of his new one, the Campaign for Liberty. There is no better or more dramatic way to declare that we are here to stay, that Dr. Paul’s support was no flash in the pan.

Ron Paul has made incalculable contributions to the cause of freedom and inspired millions with his message. Will you join us in standing beside him in September, at a critical watershed for the freedom movement?

In liberty,

The Campaign for Liberty Team