From the November 2008 Idaho Observer:
Another Obama citizenship case attains new Supreme Court level
from Devvy Kidd—Leo Donofrio’s case submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court regarding Obama’s citizenship has reached a new level. The case has been "distributed for conference." On December 5, 2008, only 10 days before the Electoral College votes, the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will meet in private to discuss this case of Leo C. Donofrio, v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey (United States Supreme Court Docket No. 08A407). Donofrio informed me via telephone Nov. 19, 2008, about this historic event and wanted to thank everyone who sent their letters to Justice Clarence Thomas. Below is the link to the Supreme Court showing the docket and action:
If you go to this link below, it will give you the process under Title 18: Click on Justices Conference for more history on this process. This docketing by the court for this next step should send ripples of fear through the Obama camp. Obama, who has not publicly mentioned the citizenship controversy to his millions of supporters, has been proceeding at lightening speed to put together a cabinet and take possession of the White House with the hope that he won’t have to answer the question of whether or not he was, "at birth," a "natural born citizen." Every major corporate news network, print and cable news like FOX, CNN and MSNBC, have ignored all the court cases challenging Obama’s eligibility or downplayed them as sour grapes from sore losers or conspiracy theories.
Come Dec. 5, 2008, the corporate media may be singing a different tune.