From the May 2009 Idaho Observer:
WHO, CDC thank public health partners for job well done Headlines, fudged figures perpetuate baseless "swine flu" fears; public prepped for pandemic The CDC claims that 36,000 people die of the "flu" each year. In America today, one in 67 children are diagnosed as autistic. Millions suffer the adverse and even fatal consequences of prescription drug use. Millions more are stricken with chronic symptoms associated with the consumption of government-approved food additives such as MSG and aspartame. These are existing epidemics that could be "cured" by banning the toxic chemical compounds causing them. But no.
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To believe that swine or any other flu is a pandemic waiting to happen requires that we believe the federal government is here to help us and that "CDC" is an acronym for "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." But, if one assumes that the federal government is not here to help us and CDC is more appropriately described as the "Centers for Disease Creation and Propagation," the coming "swine flu pandemic" takes on new dimensions.
Mad cow disease. Avian flu. Swine flu. Is it a coincidence that the world currently exists under pandemic influenza threats attributed to cows, chickens and pigs—all three of which are animals farmed in the most inhumane, unsanitary and disease-promoting manner imaginable? The corporate farming of animals provides a hungry world with a constant supply of chemically-contaminated, genetically-modified meat while producing huge pools of putrifying feces, blood, urine and entrails. Though the high priests of public health never mention it publicly, common sense tells us that these pools are breeding grounds for influenza-like illnesses to sicken people and animals within exposure range.
Medical martial law requires community compliance through ignorance-induced fear
Back in 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) convinced many countries that an avian influenza pandemic was inevitable. Governments were encouraged to create national stockpiles of the anti-viral drugs Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir) until a vaccine could be created and rushed to market to effectively counter the looming threat. Although WHO is claiming these two drugs can actually cure the flu, studies comparing the flu in oseltamivir-treated versus non-treated groups found that duration of flu symptoms was simply lessened by approximately 24 hours when treated with Tamiflu. Despite the excellent track record of more natural remedies such as oil of oregano, colloidal silver, and MMS (sodium chlorite) that cannot be patented, these remedies will not be publicized or utilized by community pandemic emergency response teams.
WHO Director General Dr. Margaret Chan gave the following speech in Bangkok, Thailand May 8, 2009:
"Honourable ministers, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen,
"Thank you for convening this special meeting of health ministers and thank you for giving me an opportunity to address you.
"Above all, thank you for your diligence all these years in tracking the H5N1 virus in humans and animals, in reporting and treating so many cases, and in dealing with so many tragic deaths.
"For five long years, you have kept this avian virus under watch and largely under control.
"As we know today, the virus with the greatest pandemic potential, the H1N1 virus, has sprung up from another source, on another side of the world.
"But H5N1 taught the world to expect a pandemic and to plan for this event.
"The world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history, thanks, in part, to your vigilance and diligence.
"Years of alert and expectation mean that most countries now have preparedness plans. Vaccine manufacturing capacity has increased sharply. Large stocks of antiviral drugs have been produced and procured.
Right now, treatment courses from the WHO stockpile are being shipped to more than 70 countries in the developing world.
"We are, right now, gaining experience in the use of non-medical interventions, such as social distancing, to delay spread of the H1N1 virus.
"WHO and its regional offices have tested their alert and response plans, also in operational exercises. We are prepared.
"In addition, we have the backing of the greatly strengthened International Health Regulations.
"This is a time of great uncertainty for all countries, and great pressure on ministers and ministries of health. The only certain thing that can be said about influenza viruses is that their behaviour is entirely unpredictable. No one can say how the current situation will evolve.
"Countries will, quite rightly, want to do everything possible to prevent the arrival of the virus or, once in a country, to delay its further spread and thus flatten the epidemiological peak.
"At the same time, it is important for countries to refrain from introducing economically and socially disruptive measures that lack solid scientific backing and bring no clear public health benefit.
"The rational use of travel—and trade-related measures—is always wise. It is all the more wise at a time of severe economic downturn.
"Ladies and gentlemen, On this occasion, let me make two additional requests.
"First, do not drop the ball on monitoring H5N1. This virus is endemic in poultry in parts of the region. We have no idea how H5N1 will behave under the pressure of a pandemic.
"Second, H5N1 has conditioned the public to equate an influenza pandemic with very severe disease and high mortality. Such a disease pattern is by no means inevitable during a pandemic. On the contrary, it is exceptional.
"From past experience, ASEAN+3 countries know what it means to be at centre-stage during the outbreak of a new disease. We must battle misperceptions with the facts and respond to the disease with the facts. I know you will help me on this front as well.
"The decision to declare an influenza pandemic will fall on my shoulders. I can assure you, I will take this decision with utmost care and responsibility."
Note that 194 nation states are part of the 2005 revised International Health Regulations (IHR). All 194 nations had until June, 2007, to implement IHR which included passage of legislation empowering state surveillance and monitoring of their citizens under the guise of a potential worldwide pandemic (smallpox, polio, SARS or human cases of new strains of influenza). Stockpiling specific vaccines and anti-viral medications are part of compliance with IHR.
The power of the media to hype people into a panic over the latest potential pandemic—"swine" flu—has both emergency response personnel and a skeptical minority alarmed, but for different reasons. Community emergency response planners have been waiting for this moment to put their training into practice. They march to the beat of CDC and WHO directives and updates, feeling confident the information they are receiving is factual and in their community’s best interest. Health districts, in cooperation with county governments, make sure their information is coordinated through their Public Information Officer to ensure that local citizens receive the same information. However, the skeptical minority are independent thinkers who find that accurate history is different than the official version taught in public schools. They have been doing their own research and most of them get their information from independently published books, the Internet, testimonies of whistleblowers, foreign newspapers and shortwave radio broadcasts.
On May 13, 2009, the Coeur d’Alene Public Library hosted a public education outreach program with six area panelists sponsored by the IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) titled "The Flu & You – Steps to Assure Community Health." Due to the continual reporting of the potential of an H1N1-induced pandemic on the horizon, organizers were disappointed when only a handful of people showed up. However, a skeptical minority was present and seized the opportunity to ask a myriad of questions panel members were apparently unprepared to answer. Following are several questions which were raised along with many others that could not be addressed due to time constraints.
Regardless, it is apparent that the machinery is in place to create a mass die-off under the guise of protecting public health. We must be vigilant about countering WHO/CDC propaganda with facts and this is best done by posing serious questions regarding this latest pandemic threat in public forums and letters to local newspaper editors. For example:
• For at least the past 10 years we have been told that 36,000 people die in this country each and every year from influenza. According to Idaho’s Pandemic Influenza Response Plan, the difference between a pandemic and our annual epidemic is that the former is global and has the potential of causing 10 times the number of deaths during the same period of time. If we have this many Americans dying annually while flu vaccine production and distribution increases each year, why is the WHO and CDC spending precious resources creating a swine flu vaccine when the annual flu vaccine has been a proven failure year after year?
• During the last swine flu pandemic scare of 1976, our government procured a million doses of a new swine flu vaccine while airing TV commercials scaring people into taking it. The one alleged death from this flu that triggered this response was a soldier on a military base. However, thousands came down with debilitating Guillane Barre syndrome and dozens died after receiving the "emergency" swine flu vaccine. President Gerald Ford was forced to halt the "pogrom" when the predicted pandemic never manifested and the injuries from government’s vaccine cure proved to be a public health nightmare. Our concern is that history may be repeating itself should a level 6 pandemic be declared by the WHO and CDC. With the WHO, the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry having such poor track records, why should we trust their prognosis and solution?
• Aside from the CDC-reported 36,000 flu deaths per year, the U.S. is currently experiencing several epidemics:
The U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world ranking number 28 among developed nations.
108,000 deaths each year from hospital drug reactions
350,000 deaths each year from prescription drugs in Nursing Homes
104,000 Deaths each year from unnecessary surgery
100,000 Deaths each year from hospital acquired infections
10,000 Deaths each year from standard medical testing
30,000 Deaths each year from over-the-counter drugs such as Advil and Tylenol
61,000 cases of Parkinson’s each year directly attributed to aspartame and prescription drugs
Overall, that is about 1,000,000 deaths each year from standard medical intervention, mostly drug-related, including 6,800 child deaths due to vaccination. Why is the CDC spending precious resources on preparing for a potential swine flu pandemic with mass dissemination of anti-virals and the creation of a swine flu vaccine when our nation is experiencing an epidemic of cancer, heart disease, obesity and auto-immune diseases from FDA-approved vaccines, drugs, GMO food and food additives such as MSG and aspartame?
• The three strains for the 2008-2009 influenza season included "A/South Dakota/6/2007 (H1N1) (A/Brisbane/59/2007-like) and A/Uruguay/716/2007 (H3N2) (A/Brisbane/10/2007- like)." How many Americans received the flu vaccine this past flu season and how many of them received FluMist which contains "live" viruses with recipients being "contagious" for 21 days? How many of these vaccine recipients became ill with the flu, and how many tested positive for the "novel" H1N1 virus?
• We are told that Baxter International and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) pharmaceutical companies are fast at work creating a swine flu vaccine that matches the new H1N1 strain allegedly being detected in a small percentage of recent flu cases. Considering the horrible product safety track records of both Baxter and GSK, why would the CDC authorize these companies to rush an experimental swine flu vaccine to market—especially since the Bioshield Act releases manufacturers of all liability for death and disability caused by pandemically-prepared vaccines?
Many more questions will likely arise from reading the following four pages. We encourage our readers to become familiar with their state’s influenza pandemic plan and to also view federal government documents related to their unbridled authority during a WHO/CDC declared level 6 pandemic.
Pandemic Response Plans by State
FedGov Documents on Public Health Preparedness