The Obama administration, along with the government of Egypt, has submitted a proposal to the UN granting the UN rights to condemn nations that do not enact laws against bias-motivated crimes. Recent passage of the proposal by the Human Rights Council is the first step toward approval by the General Assembly.
Filled with jargon typical of the Anti-Defamation League, the architect of hate laws worldwide, the proposal requires member nations to suppress “religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination.” It “urges states to take effective measures, consistent with their obligations under international human rights laws…” It instructs nations to pass federal hate crimes laws “insuring that relevant national legislation complies with their international human rights obligations and is effectively implemented.” This resolution encourages condemnation of “national racial or religious hatred” but also of speech that incites discrimination against persons belonging to “minorities.” Its broad use of the term “minorities” may well include sexual orientation.
In language identical to that of ADL’s 56 member-nation hate crimes bureaucracy – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – this initiative calls for UN condemnation of “racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia [fear of peoples different from you], and related intolerance.” It also condemns use of the internet for “discriminatory racist and xenophobic discourse or content.”
Passage of the U.S. federal hate crime bill is vital to implementation of UN authority over America. Clearly, Obama is moving forward rapidly to end US sovereignty, making America part of “the federated continents” of the “truly United Nations” envisioned by former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. Such intentions are only confirmed by Obama’s likely signing of the treaty being presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. It would give the globalists power to bleed America economically in order to build up the third world, reducing America to a vassal state in submission to global governance. ~ Rev. Ted Pike.