The Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11 is a special edition, 8 ½" x 11", 32 page booklet designed to educate Americans and the world on relatively unknown and yet indisputable facts surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. The president’s 9/11 Commission concluded that interagency rivalries and human error opened doors in our national security infrastructure wide enough for terrorists to hijack four commercial airplanes and crash three of them into strategic targets on U.S. soil. The evidence, uncovered and analyzed by scores of independent investigators from all over the world, indicates that human error does not adequately explain the tragic events of that day. Nor does our own, system-wide failure to provide for the national defense justify wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or the passage of civil liberties-usurping anti-terrorism acts here at home. The editors of The Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11 have reviewed volumes of written and visual 9/11 information available from both official and independent sources illustrating how the president’s 9/11 Commission omitted analyses of critical issues in its final report.

We are projecting that this Report will be reprinted several times until the public demands a thorough investigation into the events of 9/11 and the true perpetrators of these catastrophic events are punished for their crimes.

The Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11 has a cover price of $4. We encourage you to put them in store fronts on consignment and distribute them at community meetings.

You can view the entire text of The Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11 on the internet at


Price for The Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11

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