JFK II: The Bush Connection

John Hankey has connected the various chains of evidence relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and finds that all of them lead to George H.W. Bush. The evidence is so compelling that, if brought before a competent court and argued before an objective jury, the former president's guilt in the assassination of JFK would be proved. 93-minute DVD

The Assassination of JFK, Jr.

If George H.W. Bush was responsible for the assassination of JFK, then who killed JFK, Jr.? Like father like son: John Hankey provides the official government documents which, when assembled and analyzed, would be enough evidence to attain a grand jury indictment of GW Bush for complicity in the murder of John F. Kennedy, Jr. 104-minute DVD

$30 - JFK II: The Bush Connection & The Assassination of JFK, Jr. DVDs