Fundamentally Disparate Ideologies
by Don Harkins
Extreme liberals, most of whom believe that the laws of natural science run the show
on earth, believe that people are born to be basically decent social creatures and
that we are all just one more encounter session, just one more government program and
just one more tax dollar away from gushing forth with all that innate decency for all
to see.
Conservatives, most of whom believe in the Bible and the teachings of Christ, believe
that all people are born with a sinful nature and that the only way to be good is to
struggle against their inherently sinful nature, with God's help, through lessons
taught in the Bible.
For the sake of discussion, let us lump all Americans into two catagories:
Conservatives and liberals. To further our sake of argument, let us agree that there
are extreme conservatives and extreme liberals and that the bulk of society is
comprised of more moderate citizens who tend to believe what they hear from the
mouths of the the extremists within whose ideology they feel the most comfortable.
There is a fundamental difference between liberalism and conservatism as recognizeable
from the philosophical platform espoused by the two disparate concepts:
One philosophy demands that people share their wealth with others through the
government so that the good people who have taken a left turn and gone bad can
realize their goodness; the other philosophy demands that people be held accountable
to their peers and to God for their actions.
One philosophy demands that we all be responsible for our own behavior through our
own free will as we will someday answer for our actions before God. The other
philosophy makes us all socially and financially responsible for the actions of
others and enslaves us to their ill behavior.
The Bible tells us that people are sinners from birth and that on judgement day we
are to be held accountable for our actions. The government tells us that people are
good, then it taxes us some more to teach bad people to be good through some new
government program.
When was the last time the Bible lied to you? Can you remember the last time that
the government did not lie to you?
One philosophy leads to freedom on earth and eternal life in heaven. The other
philosophy makes us slaves on earth to people who do not believe that there is a God,
or a heaven.