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The Seven Major Chakras
The sanskrit word 'chakra' is pronounced as the English spelling implies: a 'hard' ch sound;
NOT 'shakra'.
Chakra means 'wheel' of energy.
Sahasrara - The 'Crown' Chakra
Located above the crown of the head, in the astral body.
Not associated with any nadi.
Ajna - The 'Third Eye' Chakra
Located between the eyebrows.
Vishuddha - The 'Throat' Chakra
Located at the throat.
Anahata - The 'Heart' Chakra
Located at the heart, or breast-bone area.
Manipura - The 'Abdominal' Chakra
Located at the solar plexus.
Svadisthana - The 'Genital' Chakra
Located in the region of the generative organs.
Muladhara - The 'Root' Chakra
Located at the base of the spine.
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