From the January 1999 Idaho Observer:
Carol could not believe her eyes by Ingri Cassel Carol Geeck, N.D., Ir., will be speaking at the Kootenai County Extension Office in Coeur d'Alene on Monday, January 19, at 7 p.m. She will explain to us what she can see in our eyes about the state of our immune systems and overall health. The event is sponsored by the North Idaho Chapter of Vaccination Liberation. A suggested donation of $3 will be requested at the door. Geeck knew all too well the meaning of physical and emotional pain. She was born with a dislocated hip due to an injury to her mother during pregnancy. She underwent her first corrective surgery when she was eight months old. During the three years that followed, she lived with one body cast after another. At age nine, she experienced another painful procedure which included surgical pinning, repetitive casting and physical therapy for several months to follow. From 1940 to 1990, she endured 10 hip surgeries and three back surgeries. A post-operative infection nearly took her life in 1968. Geeck almost died again in 1971 when she was administered a lethal dose of anesthetic during one of the surgeries. As terrifying as these experiences were to Geeck, she said they brought to her strength and spiritual renewal such as she had never known and the impetus to heal herself and help others to do the same. She vowed to make this her life work. She had been reliant on medical doctors and prescription medications for most of her life. But from 1980 to 1984, she managed to eliminate both by instead prescribing for herself a new set of habits and attitudes, a special diet and a strict exercise program which included daily horseback riding. I came to the stables on crutches, Geeck recalls, and one year later I walked out crutch-free. Much of her success in this area she attributes to the work she had done helping kids learn to ride, especially those who were handicapped. Unfortunately, Geeck had to undergo a total hip replacement in 1990. The doctors told her she might never walk again. But I knew better, she said. I wasn't about to accept this, or even accept having to use a cane again. Then a neighbor came to mind; a woman who many years before told her about an Escondido-based chiropractor and iridologist. I laughed back then! I had no belief in chiropractic treatment and knew nothing of iridology, so, of course, I didn't go, she confessed. But when I contacted and met with this neighbor again, I was in a totally different place. I opened my mind and eyes to the science of iridology. And this dear woman, who in reality knew very little about me, looked into my eyes that day and literally told me all about myself. My strengths; my weaknesses; different incidences and traumas. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was as if she were psychic! Geeck immediately contacted Dr. Jensen and began to study iridology. She attended workshops and lectures by certified professionals in the field. She studied, researched and reincorporated knowledge she feels was passed onto her by her grandfather who was a proficient herbalist. As Geeck pursued her education and worked toward a degree in Naturopathy, word of her knowledge and skill spread by word of mouth. Today Carol Geeck is a practicing naturopath and iridologist. She uses both live blood microscopy and hair analysis in her practice. One drop of blood tells many tales, she explained. The state of the immune system, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, liver stress, toxic conditions, digestive weakness and even fungal conditions. By the shape, size and color, we can tell if the blood is being supported by the necessary nutrients and oxygen, or depleted. Furthermore, much can be learned from one's hair, Carol continued. Your hair can reveal the content of minerals in the body tissues and indicate whether a deficiency exists. She gave the example of elevated calcium levels in a hair analysis indicating that a strong tendency exists for osteoporosis. Numerous other conditions may result from a mineral imbalance. Some of these are allergies, arthritis, chronic headaches, diabetes, depression, hypoglycemia and hypertension. The Bible describes the eyes in terms of being the mirror of the soul. They are similar to a printed map detailing the state of body tissues and organs. Carol has the latest in iridology equipment by which she magnifies, photographs and examines her patient's eyes. The map of the human eye will show a pathway to dis-ease that traditional laboratory methods cannot detect, she said. Through iris analysis, we can assess not only inherent and acquired weaknesses, but also pinpoint which gland, organ or tissue they are located in; measures of toxicity in the body; location of an inflammation; and ascertain to what degree it has progressed. Carol Geeck currently operates Heal-thy Self Consulting in Naples, Idaho. She received her degree in Naturopathy from Westbrook University in Aztec, New Mexico, and is certified to practice iridology, sclerology, nutrition, live blood cell analysis and herbology. Dr. Geeck is also certified and very involved in the International Iridology Research Association. She has incorporated state of the art equipment (live video cameras for the analyses of the eyes and live blood cell analysis) in her work, as this allows the client to see their own eyes and blood work immediately. You can reach Dr. Geeck for a personal consultation by calling (208) 267-6606.
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