From the March 1999 Idaho Observer: Kempthorne Vaccination Agenda mirrors UN "initiative" In his January 6, 1999 State of the State address, Governor Kempthorne announced his plans to implement an aggressive vaccination agenda. Although mounting evidence is linking the widespread use of vaccines to the epidemics of psychological and physiological disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder and cancer, the governor insists that we must vaccinate as many children as possible regardless of the dangers of vaccines to the health and well-being of children. Reading the following article will give you insight into why the governor is willing to ignore the evidence and support an aggressive vaccination agenda. You will learn that vaccines are not about disease prevention: Vaccines are big business. The Children's Vaccination Iniative by Kris Gaublomme, MD The United Nations distributes a booklet called The CVI Strategic Plan: Managing Opportunity and Chance. A vision of Vaccination for the 21st Century. It is a most interesting piece of literature for those who want to understand how vaccination policy works. We will, therefore, have a closer look at the document. The players The Children's Vaccine Initiative (CVI) was founded following the 1990 New York World Summit for Children. It is a global coalition of organizations from the public, non-governmental and private sectors, including the vaccine industry, Working together... new scientific developments to increase protection from infectious diseases, and to simplify vaccine delivery to benefit all the world's children. It is not so much a new structure or Organization, but a coordination of powers with the aim to serve a specific goal in a very efficient way. The first CVI Strategic Plan was prepared in 1992/93. Most participants of CVI are associated with national or international health organizations, or scientific research institutes. From a distance it looks like those people can claim intellectual immunity and commercial virginity. But what about official representatives of pharmaceutical firms directly involved with vaccine production, such as SmithKIine Beecham, Pasteur M66eux Connaught, and Merck? Is there any reason to believe they could possibly be neutral in designing a strategic plan? There certainly is not. The Rockefeller Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation is a private foundation with a mandate 'to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world' by making grants to individuals and institutions as well as by operating a number of own programs. It was founded in 1913 by J.D. Rockefeller, a very wealthy American industrialist. During the second half of the past century he was the leader in the USA oil business, and the owner of the world's largest oil refinery industry. He accumulated a personal fortune of over $1 billion. He was condemned by the U.S. Supreme Court for violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and retired shortly after that. He then directed his efforts into philanthropy, spending half of his personal fortune on institutions invented by and dedicated to himself, such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Apparently, he was much interested in medicine. His son John D. Jr. donated the land on which the United Nations headquarters was built in New York. Other members of his offspring were governors of Arkansas and West Virginia, one was elected to the U.S. Senate and one was head of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York. So it is obvious that this family was very influential in both political and financial circles. From the very beginning they had excellent connections with the United Nations., which is very important in understanding the entire puzzle. The Rockefellers are business people to the marrow, investing their money where it yields the highest profits. Vaccines, for instance. In 1991 the foundation's assets were estimated at $1.9 billion. The United Nations The UN is the head of the giant octopus that is the real emperor of this world. The UN was founded at the end of World War II (1944) in order to maintain international peace and security. In a short time it has become very influential in every aspect of international relations: Political (General Assembly), military (Security Council), legal (International Court), social and economical (Ecosoc), medical (WHO) and financial (Word Bank). From the beginning, the world leaders (USA, Great Britain, France, the USSR and China) dictated a blueprint for a new world order to the smaller nations. They continue to do so up to this day, and even blackmail the whole organization if their interests are not met (as did the USA by holding back its contributions prior to the appointment of Kofi Annan to as UN General Secretary in 1996). The World Bank The World Bank is the financial arm of the UN. It was established in 1944 to assist European postwar recovery. But soon enough, in 1949, the focus shifted to international trade and economic development. The World Bank began to grant huge loans to development countries, imposing at the same time their conditions as to the political and economical development of those countries. The third world was left little choice: Either they complied with the conditions of the world rulers in Geneva or they were left to themselves, with starvation as the only perspective. The need to obtain favorable agreements about repayment of the loans makes those countries even more dependent upon the goodwill of international financial and political advisers. So, in exchange for financial oxygen, they end up with their hands tied up tightly on a political level. Once again the actual decisions are made in Geneva or in Washington. WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1948 with the purpose to allow the highest possible level of health by all the peoples. It is part of the UN. It is within the WHO that international health standards are set, that research is directed and that global health strategies are defined. Among those strategies global immunization programs enjoy a high priority. The provision of safe drinking water and the education of medical personnel are other purposes. UNICEF Is the UN children's fund which was established in 1946. Being responsible for child welfare programs in general, it is actively involved in CVI and particularly promotes and financially supports worldwide vaccination programs. UNDP The United Nations Development Programme is yet another part of the UN which actively supports and promotes the global implementation of vaccination programs. The goals The goal of CVI is described at length throughout the plan but is well summarized in one sentence: The challenge for the 21st century is to make sure that the enormous impact of vaccines on the health and well- being of the population is maintained AND expanded. An evident goal is the maintenance of the present vaccination schedules, eventually substituting an old vaccine like pertussis or BCG by newer, more expensive ones. But that is just a starting point. A whole set of vaccines presently in their final stages of research and approval must be added everywhere: Rota virus, pneumococcus, meningococcus and cholera vaccine are near initial introduction (p.3). And there is more to come: Research efforts currently under way to develop new vaccines effective for the prevention of malaria, tuberculosis, shigella dysentery, E.Coli, diarrhoea, respiratory syncitlal virus (RS V), HIV and other infections ...are likely to yield products or viable candidates in the next ten years... (p. 3-4). The alleged goal of CVI is to prevent childhood mortality from infectious diseases through vaccination. The true objective, however, is quite simple and transparent: The expansion of the vaccine market. To shape the entire world into a docile recipient of a multitude of vaccines, CVI intends to vaccinate everybody, everywhere, at any age, against any disease, by any means, at any cost_forever. Everybody, everywhere, at any cost The vaccine industry, or the pharmaceutical industry as a whole, is too big for national borders. It wants to sell its products worldwide, it wants a global marketplace for its products' (p4). Wealthy countries are roused to pay for those who cannot afford expanded vaccination programs, so that everybody on earth can enjoy the blessings of vaccination. Touching, isn't? A most commercial interpretation of solidarity anyway. The quest for new markets is also reflected in the search for new target groups. They look for target groups beyond infants and women of childbearing age (p.6; 20). This includes to promote the concept of vaccination as a preventive measure relevant to all stages of life_infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and maturity (p.20). They want to identify groups with low immunization rates and target them for innovative and intensified efforts to increase access (p. 19). To make sure no one escapes one has to identify and create appropriate opportunities... for reaching unimmunized individuals' (p.20). Right after birth, for instance, or before entering school or a profession. We are already familiar with that trick. Against any disease Not only the present list of so-called vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, hepatitis B, Hib and rubella, have to be preserved, it also has to be expanded with new ones. And this, if possible, at an ever rising pace. The accelerated development and introduction of priority new and improved vaccines is one of the main goals of CVI (p. 5) (emphasis is mine). In order to hide the obvious idiocy of such a multitude of vaccines, public resistance must be broken by measures like the reduction of the number of injections or the substitution of injection by oral or mucosal application of vaccines, vaccines which will, simplify immunization At any cost The authors are quite aware that the expansion and adaptation of the vaccination policy will cost handfuls of money. Increasingly sophisticated production technology and higher development costs will mean that future vaccines will cost more. (p. 4) Likewise, we read that, it is clear that new vaccines of global appeal will generally not be inexpensive products when initially introduced. (p. 10). Also, The vaccine- financing infrastructure must be expanded and strengthened to support the introduction of new vaccines. Governments must take increasing responsibility for financing their national vaccine needs as well as their immunization programmes in general (p. 1 5). Already development countries cannot afford the existing vaccines, except at the cost of other, more basic health measures. But even in developed countries, like the USA, it is obvious that many citizens cannot afford simple social security, yet $billions are spent to have them all vaccinated. Isn't it kind of strange that, among the first priorities formulated by CVI, we read promoting respect for and protection of intellectual property? (p.5). What has this got to do with saving children's lives? Nothing! What has it got to do with defending the lucrative side of scientific monopolies? Everything! It is obvious that selling vaccines to individuals is less profitable than deals with the governments. One of the main aims of CVI, therefore, is encouraging governments towards ... adequate financing of immunization programmes... (p.5) and to coordinate the donor community to encourage national governments to take greater financial responsibility for their vaccine supplies and immunization activities... (p.16). In the next section of this article I will explain how we need to understand what is meant by encourage. The question for now is: What do they mean by adequate financing. The answer, again, is quite simple. Governments should make vaccination programmes the number one priority of their health policy and spend as much as it takes to vaccinate everybody against every disease possible. This strategy, evidently, has got tremendous advantages. There is barely a need for expensive advertisement campaigns when the governments incorporates a vaccine into the official vaccination calendar. A pocketful of advisers are easier to convince (not necessarily by scientific arguments) than the general public or the entire medical body. The government disposes of much vaster financial means than the public does. And last but not least: If the government is actively engaged in the vaccine propaganda, it is not likely to make a fuss about occasional embarrassing side-effects. By any means It is quite remarkable that in order to obtain better health no strategy is considered other than vaccination. Not a word about basic measures like food and water supplies, sewage disposal, housing conditions, education and employment. All of these are factors known to highly influence public health, primarily in poorer countries. If CVI does not seem to be much interested in those ways of helping, one has a right to wonder why not. Measures will be taken to increase the public acceptance of the multitude of vaccines imposed. Combination vaccines and oral or mucosal delivery systems are being investigated. CVI wants to encourage governments to towards adequate financing of immunization programmes(p5). What does this mean in plain English? It means that national decision makers have to be convinced, by all means, to drain all the national health funds into the vaccine sewer-pipe. It means plain manipulation. Lobbying has become common practice both on national and international levels. It is the staggering amount of money needed to carry this plan into effect that inspires its architects to manipulate the decision makers. One of the most despicable concepts of CVI is the manipulation of the need for vaccines. Creating and expanding demand for vaccines' (p. 6) is part of its supply strategy. In order to free the last reader from the illusion of CVI's objectives, it confesses to support social and behavioral research designed to achieve a better understanding of factors leading to increased social acceptance and use of vaccines (p.6; 19). CVI wants to investigate the public's attitude toward its willingness to pay for protection (p. 1 9). Words that should belong rather in a senior member mafia meeting than in a WHO brochure. In line with this is the intention toward increasing the awareness of the value of vaccination to society and to national decision-makers, thus increasing the demand for vaccines in all countries (p.6) and inform the public and decision makers on the value of disease prevention and the role of vaccination as a cost-effective health intervention (p.16.). Inform translates to convince by turning the propaganda system loose on the public. One powerful suggestion by CVI: Promote the use of mass media sources, such as the Internet, to address the value of immunization and vaccines(p.21). And since the entire set up looks better if it appears to be spontaneous, ensure participation of the community (especially of mothers) in the planning and promotion of immunization programmes (p.22). Finally, just to finish the job, develop active information campaigns for the public on immunization programmes, vaccines and the risk of infectious diseases (p.22). CVI even boldly defines the term brainwashing by stating that it must, Improve the credibility of national and global demand forecasts... (p.16) First sing your song, then make sure the right people listen to it by bringing scientific dignitaries into the game to promote vaccines as the only method to prevent disease. CVI attributes it's accomplishments to the unique role that CVI has as an Organization that facilitates interaction and communication, especially between the private and public sectors of the vaccine continuum (p.7). A few pages further, this beautiful marriage grows into collaboration and cooperation between public and private sectors (p.23). Until the boundaries between both disappear completely? At other levels, people go to jail for corruption of politicians. But not so when it comes to health strategies because here the welfare of the nation is at stake. So lobbyists become heroes instead of villains. Another manipulation is to promote access to national delivery systems and vaccines (p. 6; 19). CVI will establish a clear agenda of action for decision-makers... (p.22). The translation of the previous statement is better understood as preventing the policy makers from thinking for themselves! Forever and a day The idea is that worldwide vaccination can go on forever. The pace of this innovation is expected to increase well into the next century and beyond (p.4). The means The most important instrument in the vaccination strategy is what is called the vaccine continuum. By that CVI means total control over the entire vaccination chain, starting with the definition of the needs (a magic bullet against dangerous infections killing many people), continuing with the initiative for research on a vaccine, the trials, the approval by quality control bodies, production of the vaccine, the motivation of financial powers to support all this, distribution, the brainwashing of policy makers and professional health workers and the manipulation of the media to convince the public of the need for more vaccines. This is the illusionary script as designed by the vaccine industry. A script that leaves no room to coincidence, independent political decisions, or even democracy as such. Once a target is set on the highest level, very predictably, some new scourge is described in medical literature which, in turn, is echoed in popular medical literature (e.g. the Guardian Press' free weekly magazine sponsored by the same pharmaceutical companies), the press, TV and, finally, in the proposals by national experts to the department of health. Once one sees the pattern, it is all so transparent and predictable, yet, apparently, nobody is able to stop this train. The background The CVI document confirms the observation that the scientific background for the vaccine fanaticism is the awareness that the era of unlimited antibiotic treatment and control of infectious disease has come to an end. So other markets must be anticipated before the day the use of antibiotics will collapse with a worldwide economic rumble. As we have seen above, the potential market for vaccines is unlimited because it comprises the entire world, with an unlimited number of new diseases to be discovered and eliminated. The motives One criticism on the CVI document that would not be justified would be to say there is a lack of transparency and honesty. Although the entire project is scented with a deep concern for children and for mankind worldwide, it does not even try to hide its deeper motives. CVI puts so much stress upon the importance of intellectual property rights (IPRs) that it becomes undeniable that this is its key concern. These IPRs provide assurance to Investors that a vaccine candidate will be able to find markets that provide a fair return on invested funds. Without a good system to protect and respect IPRs it is unlikely that new vaccines will become available (p.13, emphasis is mine). In other words: No financial gain, no vaccines. No matter how many children die, no matter how much mankind is suffering, CVI's concerns melt like snow in spring when financial profit is no longer guaranteed. Conclusions There are some contradictions in the thinking of the authors of the Strategic Plan. On one hand, for instance, vaccination is promoted as the most effective strategy as to prevention from infectious diseases. Victory over smallpox and polio are claimed as their achievements. But then if vaccines have been so effective why do we need so many more to protect ourselves from new scourges? Why are allergies and systemic diseases skyrocketing instead of disappearing? Why are aggression and depression so common in everyday medical practice? Is there an exaggeration in saying that more vaccines equals less health? I don't think so. Why don't we live in a healthy world? Or is that, as we are told, just a matter of time? A goal soon within reach if we all cooperate? Are there just a few more problems to solve, and are they working hard at solving them? The presumption made in this kind of thinking is that there is only a limited number of infectious diseases. Once we defeated the last bad bug, our troubles are over. This thinking, of course, is more than naive. One has got to be blind and stupid to believe anything of the kind. Nature is a lot more inventive than that and we will never wipe out diseases from this world. The question is how to live with them without being affected too much, not how to annihilate diseases or disease as such. There is no reason to be afraid of disease, only of its complications. To prevent complications, there is only one alternative: Health. Health is not the absence of disease; it is the ability to deal with disease in an effective way. As a matter of fact, many of the bacteria and viruses modern medicine fights so vigorously are needed to keep the biological balance at our surface: Our skin and our respiratory and intestinal mucosa. I have always said that private interests were hidden behind official vaccination policy making. I was wrong. It is not hidden, it happens in the open. The powers concerned do not even feel the need to be secret about it. They feel so almighty they can publicize their malicious intentions in official reports without any significant opposition to it. The vaccination lobby shamelessly takes all the children of this world as hostages to still their greed for money and power. They relentlessly abuse our compassion for the weaker and our concern about health to promote their giga-business. No matter what. No matter how many more vaccine victims will suffer death or side-effects. No matter how many financial resources this strategy devours at the expense of essential social investments like housing and employment. No matter what. Shocking. There is no excuse for this crime. Just as shocking is the observation that (health) policy is no longer under local, democratic control. Everything is set up and organized with scrutiny at the highest, international level by those who take profit from it: The pharmaceutical industry, the financial world and politicians. Through their many channels they put the entire scientific world, together with policy makers, under such pressure that there is no escape. At the same time the medical professionals as well as the general public are brainwashed with all the means of the modern 'industry of conscience: Press, television, radio, the Internet. This way our concern goes beyond global health care. Democracy itself appears to be more virtual than real when it comes to important matters and the real difference between totalitarian regimes and the 'free world' appears to be more a matter of subtlety than of strategy. When it comes to power and money, respect and dignity do not exist. In a TV interview, an Italian politician once said that the essence of mafia activity is not the use of violence, but the inherent infiltration of private interests in political decision making. Let us not underestimate the powers that support the global vaccination strategy. I don't believe that the anti-vaccination movement is to any degree a match for them as to influence and striking power. All we have is our compassion, our anger, our integrity and the knowledge that we are right. Damn right. There is no way to stop the vaccination train as long as so much money is involved. The only alternative I can perceive is to convince the bankers of this world that there is an alternative, namely a shift to non-specific Immune system support. So far there has been very little research in this field, although some firms are interested. Let us hope they see that opportunity and use it wisely, without screwing it up the way they have been screwing up our health with vaccines for the past 200 years. Free copies of The CVI Strategic Plan. Managing Opportunity and Chance: A vision of Vaccination for the 21st Century, are available from CVI Secretariat, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
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