From the August 1999 Idaho Observer: Leas children finally come home Bureaucrats, elected and otherwise who have conspired to keep girls in a violent, perverse and drug infested environment for the last five years are now conspiring to cover their actions by keeping father and children out of court. Meet the "child protection" industry. by Don Harkins For those who have been following the Leas custody battle since the original story ran in the December, 1998 edition of The Idaho Observer, Fred Leas' two girls, 10 and 11 years old, are finally with their father -- almost two months after it was agreed and ordered by Magistrate Greg Kalbfleish that the Leas girls be allowed to spend summer vacation with their father in Helmer. The Leas custody battle is one of the most horrible stories of its kind we have ever seen. The Leas boys have been in more or less default custody of their father because they refuse to stay with their mother and her sadistic, sexually perverse, drug dealing and convicted pedophile husband Paul Mohr. The boys, 13 and 14 years old, will not stay with their mother and insist that they will run away if they are forced to be with her. The boys have made statements that have been submitted into court as evidence where they claim that Mohr has threatened to kill them if they ever tell anybody about the Mohr's drug dealing activity. Leas has been attempting to gain custody of his girls since his wife the former Ruth Leas and Mohr began implementing an elaborate conspiracy to have Leas thrown in prison for crimes he did not commit. The Mohrs damaged property and blamed it on Leas and planted large amounts of marijuana in Leas' home then called the police. There are other such incidents which have been proven through evidence to have been orchestrated by the Mohrs to put the innocent Leas in prison for a very long time. The most horrible attempt came when the Mohrs convinced Christine Elder to allow Paul Mohr to sodomize her, then she filed a false police report saying that Leas raped and sodomized her at gunpoint. The charges were dropped because Leas was could not guilty of such a horrible crime. Elder later recanted her story in a letter to Leas and admitted that she had been duped into playing along with this sinister conspiracy. She apologized to Leas from California where she fled to get away from the whole situation. A prosecutor in search of truth and justice would grant Elder prosecutorial immunity in trade for her testimony. Latah County Prosecutor William Thompson has shown no interest in prosecuting the Mohrs for attempting to frame an innocent person with one of the most perverse and violent crimes imaginable. Since his wife left him in February, 1993, Leas has been in court over 130 times. He has never been late for an appearance and the people who staff the Latah County Courthouse all know Leas and smile and say hello to him in a friendly, compassionate way. The Mohrs have never been prosecuted by Latah County Prosecutor William Thompson for filing false police reports. Thompson also failed to prosecute the Mohrs for custodial interference when they moved to New Mexico with the two girls last August without even informing Leas who, at that point, had not seen his girls in well over a year. Interestingly, Leas had been prosecuted by Thompson in 1996 for custodial interference when he attempted to protect his kids from the Mohrs by secretly moving them to South Dakota. Leas was convicted of custodial interference and sentenced to time served and five years probation. Child Protective Services has failed the Leas girls by never investigating the scores of complaints that Leas has filed on behalf of his neglected and abused girls. Various members of city, county and state police have either been a part of this conspiracy or are guilty of doing nothing to put an end to it. Other people who have distanced themselves from the hell that they have been party to causing this family are Magistrate Stephen Calhoun, who has recused himself from further proceedings regarding the Leas case, Maureen Laflin of Idaho Legal Aid who has been helping the Mohrs to lie to the court and abuse their children with your tax dollars, friend of the court and reportedly friend of Prosecutor Thompson child psychologist Greg Wilson who has been in possession of a videotape for several years wherein the girls tell the concerned adults what life with their mommy has been like. Leas, who paid Wilson $1,500 to make the tape, has filed every kind of motion imaginable to compel Wilson to make the tape available to the court as evidence. If a jury or a judge would have seen this tape two years ago when I paid him to make it, this whole thing would have been over and done with two years ago, commented Leas who cannot understand why the court cannot order the tape to be admitted as evidence. Wilson keeps an office in Clarkston, WA. For some reason that apparently gives Friend-of-the-Court Wilson the ability to obstruct justice in Idaho. Since being awarded visitation with his girls by Kalbfleish at a hearing in Moscow April 26, 1999, many of the same people have been doing everything in their power to keep Leas from actually realizing court ordered summertime custody of his girls. They know what has been going on and they know that as soon as my girls feel comfortable, they are going to tell me everything, said Leas. On July 29, 1999, Leas had traveled to Clarkston, WA, for a few hours to bid a job. When he returned, he found that his 14-year-old son and one of his daughters hid under a bed while two people from the probation office came in and ransacked his home. They are looking for anything they can find to violate me on, said Leas. According to the kids who were hiding, the Probation Officer Denise Farmer found a filet knife and said to the other officer, can we use this? to which Probation Officer Tom Blewett reportedly responded, No, it wouldn't hold up because they would say that it could be used to cut food with. This is an example of how desperate they are to lock me up before my hearing. We have two weeks to go, said Leas. Leas has been struggling all summer to be in a position to get his girls and Blewett has been as obstructionistic as he could possibly be. I have him on tape lying to me, said Leas who is optimistic that someday these people will be forced to explain their actions to a jury of their peers. Now that Leas has his girls and they are telling him what life is like in the Mohr's house in Roswell, NM, he wants to push for full custody of the girls so they do not have to go back to what most people would understand to be an unacceptable lifestyle of sexual deviance, drugs, violence and other perversions too numerous to mention here. The girls are scared to go back. What they had to say on the tape that Wilson refuses to provide the court was pretty bad. Now they have two more years of stories to tell, said Leas. Leas too is afraid. I have two weeks to get somebody to listen to my girls. How on earth could we have a system so screwed up that it cannot see that sending my girls back to New Mexico with their mother is like sending them straight to hell? It is indeed curious why judges, prosecutors and other government employees and friends of the court would all conspire to damage the Leas children in an effort to protect an underworld character like Mohr whose connection to drug trafficking and other criminal behavior is easily proven. Leas is currently selling everything that he has of value to see to it that his girls are not forced to return to a life that most of us, government bureaucrats excluded, would not wish on our worst enemies. If you can find it in your heart to help this loving, dedicated father to buy back a decent lifestyle for his little girls then please contact The Idaho Observer and we will put you in touch with Leas. IMPORTANT Received a collect call from Leas in Latah County Jail. Blewett had him arrested 8/2/99 for bogus charges of violating custody agreement -- not parole violation. Blewett told Farmer to "Go get those girls" but, fortunately, the girls were not with Leas. Blewett is recommending that Leas be sent to prison for three years.
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