From the October 1999 Idaho Observer: Cayenne: A stimulant Herb by Dr. John Christopher Cayenne is one of God's wonderful herbal creations that never ceases to amaze! Lecturing recently, we heard the following story: One told how he had cut deeply with a sharp instrument the inside of his hand, fingers and palm. The blood spurted out in streams. He poured a large amount of cayenne pepper into the wound, and within seconds the blood flow slowed down to congealed dripping and the bleeding stopped entirely before many seconds had passed. With a goodly amount of cayenne covering the wound, he then wrapped it. He was so excited about the rapid results he could hardly wait for the regular herb meeting. But, as he said, the "punch line" was lost, because instead of a nasty ragged scar to show how severely he had been hurt, the area was healed and there was no scar. Many of the old herbalists claim that in cases of severe cuts, gunshot wounds, etc., cayenne can be taken internally as a tea and the bleeding will stop by the time, in most cases, you can count to ten. Cayenne goes immediately into the bloodstream and adjusts the blood pressure from the top of the head, to the bottom of the feet, equalizing pressure over the whole body. This takes the high pressure, which causes rapid bleeding, away from the wound and clotting starts immediately. Cayenne has been accepted by some of the orthodox medical profession, as mentioned in Merck Index, Maleria Medica and Pharmocology and other standard volumes. Let's go into more detail. In the first place cayenne is classified as a "stimulant." Stimulants are herbal agents that quicken, excite and increase nervous sensibility, thereby stimulating the functional activity and energy of the body. These herbs (stimulants) are naturalsanative substances (Remember that alcohol is not a stimulant, but an irritant and a depressant). Stimulants increase the power of the pulse and carry the blood to all parts of the body, tending to equalize and restore the balance of circulation in all parts. Cayenne has been used for ages to aid stomach ulcer cases. We have seen some of the extremely painful cases given relief, and then healed by using cayenne faithfully each day over a period of weeks or months. It should be used until pains are gone and permanent relief is assured. A story flashes back to my mind of an interesting case of stomach ulcers. A lady had been attending our herbal lecture series for some time. One day she told us about her husband's severe case of stomach ulcers. The recommendation from their doctor was to have part of his stomach removed, but he said he would rather suffer the pain than risk such an operation. He also refused his wife's suggestion to try cayenne, ridiculing her studies. When he would see me in town, he would bellow, "Hello, Doc! Killed anybody with cayenne, today?" He became so obnoxious, I avoided him when I could. Months went by and one day I saw him coming down the street toward me. I tried to avoid him, but he came, "head on." This time I was amazed, because there was not cutting remarks or sarcasm. In fact, he was very apologetic and asked if he could talk to me for a minute, and then told me this story. He had come home from work one night, "sick enough to die," with stomach ulcers. His wife was not home. He was in such pain he wanted to commit suicide. He went to the medicine cabinet to find some kind of medicine poisonous and deadly enough to kill him. But he discovered his wife had thrown out the old bottles of pharmaceutical medicine. All that was left in the medicine cupboard were some herbs and a large container of cayenne pepper. He was so angry that, upon seeing the cayenne, figured it, in a large dose, would kill him by burning him up. He took a heaping tablespoon of the cayenne in a glass of hot water, gulped it down and rushed into the bedroom. He fell upon the bed and covered his head with a pillow so the neighbors couldn't hear his "dying screams." The next thing he knew, his wife was shaking him awake the next morning. She told him he had slept all night (instead of being up every half hour for anti-acid tablets). To his amazement he discovered that the pain was gone, for the first time in months. He continued using cayenne three times a day faithfully. I have had a very interesting life watching thousands of people receive successful results with the use of herbs. Many calls and letters come from people who say their lives have been changed to healthier and more pleasant living through the use of herbs. Cayenne is one of the finest healing, nutritional herbs known to mankind. It is not a drug, it is a food of the highest value. I personally have used it faithfully for well over thirty years. This is one reason I have the strength and energy to lecture in 40 to 50 cities a year all over the United States and Canada, i.e., one week on the west coast, next week in Canada, and the following week Ohio or New York! With natural living, the use of cayenne and other herbs, I, at my age, have been fortunate enough to not suffer "jet lag" with all this year 'round traveling. I praise the Lord for the knowledge of herbology and hope its words will spread rapidly.
The Late Dr. Christopher is revered by physicians and health practitioners of many disciplines all over the world as the father of modern herbology. Though he is no longer with us, the works of this wonderful man still serve to better the lives of ordinary people in teaching them how to take better care of themselves by using the tools God gave us -- our own minds and the plants of the earth. Last month we focused on other uses of cayenne papper, such as its ability to strengthen the immune system by raising the body temperature, oxygenating the cells, stimulating the removal of toxins and alkalinizing our bodies so that anaerobic bacteria and viruses no longer have a ripe breeding ground. With the recent proliferation of chemtrails throughout the country and the spraying of malathion over New York City, it is more important than ever before to cleanse our bodies of excess toxins, consume more organic fruits, vegetables and whole grains and do all we can to strengthen our immune systems so that our bodies won't store the poisons we are being continually exposed to. One of the easiest ways of incorporating cayenne pepper into your daily regimen is to start out your day with a glass of cayenne lemonade made in the following manner: Take the juice of one whole lemon and mix with 8-12 ounces of distilled or purifies water, 1 teaspoon of 40,000 H.U. cayenne pepper and 1 tablespoon of grade B maple syrup. Consume one half hour before eating breakfast. This is the best way to protect yourself (and treat yourself if you do get sick) during the winter cold and flu season. Our November and December Back to Basics columns will focus on the importance of fasting, colon cleansing and getting rid of parasites. Dr. Hulda Clark, who was recently arrested for practicing medicine without a license, has helped thousands of people with chronic and degenerative diseases overcome them by cleansing the body of parasites and eliminating common packaged foods and hygiene products which encourage parasite infestation. Also, our November edition will include two important reports on recent vaccination news: The CDC satellite broadcast to the nation's health departments for training purposes on September 16, 1999, entitled "Immunization Update" and the meeting of the U.S. Congress Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Human Resources and Drug Policy on September 28, 1999, entitled "Compensating Vaccine Injuries: Are Reforms Needed?" Due to space constraints, they were not able to be included in this month's edition of The Idaho Observer and we focused on other important vaccine news instead (See pages 16-17).
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