From the May 2000 Idaho Observer: Water: The most understated cornerstone of good health It has been predicted that clean, pure water will become like gold in the 21st century. Water is the basic element that interconnects the normal functions of all structures that make our bodies into a single unit of water-dependent life on land. It is the cash flow of the body -- with 90 percent of our blood being composed of distilled water. Although we all know it is good for us, we often neglect drinking plenty of water through ignorance of how vitally important it is to our health. by Ingri Harkins Through my experience in dealing with peoples' health problems, I can safely say that most people are severely dehydrated. Drinking alcohol, soft drinks, coffee and caffeine teas only adds to the resulting dehydration in our bodies at the cellular level. The testimonies of those who have simply eliminated the above beverages from their diet and added distilled water in sufficient quantities are literally miraculous in terms of reversing serious health problems. Aside from all the poisons contained in tap water such as chlorine and fluoride, most water contains farm chemicals and inorganic minerals that clog our arteries and put a strain on our heart and kidneys. These inorganic minerals and chemicals can collect in our joints and along our spine causing arthritis and bone spurring. Since a primary component of our blood, skin and organs is pure distilled water, it is important to replenish our bodies by drinking plenty of water daily. In the book Your Body's Many Cries For Water by F. Batmanghelidj, we are told that asthma and allergies are not diseases but rather signs of chronic dehydration. Asthma and allergy conditions are often treated with different kinds of antihistamine medications. Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that primarily regulates the thirst mechanism for increased water intake. It also establishes a system for rationing of the available water in the body during times of dehydration. When we become dehydrated, histamine sees to it that the available water in the body is preserved and distributed to the vital parts according to the importance of its function. Increased histamine production in the lungs will cause spasm of the bronchioles. This natural spasmodic action of histamine on the bronchial tubes is part of the body's attempt to conserve water that would normally evaporate during breathing. Attacks of asthma during strenuous exercise should be viewed as a water preservation and crisis management process resulting from dehydration. In addition, children need water for cell growth. Seventy-five percent of the cell volume during growth will have to be filled with water. This is one of the main reasons why asthma is prevalent in children who often drink caffeine-containing sodas instead of pure water. Two years ago, my daughter had a dehydration crisis. As many of you with children know, heeding your advice often doesn't happen until they have an experience which brings home what you had been telling them. My daughter, Christie, was used to having pure, distilled water at home but would neglect to take water with her when she was away from home for long periods of time. Christie began to develop a dry rash around her eyes that didn't go away with creams and salves. She became desperate. As a 14-year-old teenage girl looks are of primary importance. I told her that if she would simply start drinking eight glasses of water a day and take a container of water with her wherever she goes, the rash will clear up. She followed my advice, eliminated sugar and pop, drank lots of water and the rash cleared up within four days. She learned from experience and now always travels with clean, pure drinking water. Back in 1983, a family friend had to leave his job of many years due to severe bone spurring along his spine. I went over to see him with a couple bottles of distilled water and some concentrated, mineral-rich capsulated herbs. I insisted that he follow a simple program of eight glasses of distilled water daily with the herb capsules and Perfect 7 intestinal cleanser. Within a week, he was up and around doing simple chores. After a month, the bone spurs were completely dissolved. The simplest way to explain this is the fact that our bodies accept inorganic minerals but cannot assimilate them. This man had developed osteoporosis and to maintain a degree of support, inorganic minerals deposited along the joints of his spine. The distilled water and herbal minerals chelated the inorganic mineral deposits out of his system and organic calcium from the herbs was able to be utilized by his bones to clear up the osteoporosis. As you can see, the ability to distill your own drinking water is the number one step you can take to take charge of your health. Since health is truly our greatest wealth, if you do not own a distiller today, then we suggest that you take steps to own one soon. The best way to insure that you are drinking plenty of water is to get in the habit of drinking a glass first thing in the morning, two glasses of water a half hour before each meal and another glass two hours after eating. The rewards of drinking more water are literally priceless.
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