From the August 2000 Idaho Observer: Looming Millennium Assembly to promise age of global governance By Douglas Allen Saturday September 2, 2000, the United Nations Millennium Assembly plans to celebrate Global Governance Day, or One World Government Day. By September 6, the assembly of the heads of all 188 member nations will begin gathering at its international headquarters in New York. The assembly's reported agenda is to adopt programs and policies intended to make the UN more efficient and responsive to the needs of the world's people and to rejuvenate the UN's 50-year-old charter and adopt it as the Charter for Global Democracy. The UN Millennium Assembly is going to explore methods that will facilitate the eradication of national sovereignty and the dissolution of international borders in the interest of a form of global governance often referred to as the New World Order. Global governance will empower and fund the United Nations to be the supreme governmental authority on the planet. Selected NGO's (non-government organizations), called Civil Society, will take their place as both representatives of the people and implementors of UN policies. More than 130 international organizations called IGO's (inter-governmental organizations), will be consolidated as direct administrative agencies to the new UN System. National governments will become mere administrative agencies reporting back through the appropriate IGO's to the UN. Consequently, any internal election procedures of any country will be of no or little consequence. In every instance the UN will have the ability to override any proposed legislation of any participating government. Elected officials will simply become the administrators of a UN One World Government. Departments of Justice may only handle domestic matters as appointees of a World Court. Defense Departments will be replaced by a world-wide UN military force. Departments of Education will be replaced by a universal curriculum designed and managed by UNESCO and the UN will provide its own social security system. These mandates and the ensuing celebrations have been in the works for sometime. At least a decade of preparatory work has taken place to launch the New Millennium of Global Governance, a term that recently replaced New World Order. Communist Goals of 37 years ago places up-coming events in proper perspective. The U.S. Congressional Record, Appendix, pages A34 and A35 dated Thursday, January 10, 1963, list 45 current communist goals for America. Goal number 11 reads as follows: Promote the United Nations as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is re-written, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. The agenda of the UN was published by the Commission on Global Governance in 1995 and now appears as a charter. Just as the Society of the Elect, of Cecil Rhodes Secret Society or Inner Circle, authored the original Articles of the League of Nations, so too an unidentified body has authored the Charter on Global Governance. According to President Clinton's mentor, Carroll Quigley, page 26, of The Anglo-American Establishment, the first draft was created by Lord Phillimore, however the second draft, known as the Cecil Draft, was attributed to Lord Robert Cecil but in actual fact it was the work of Alfred Zimmern a member of the Milner Group, named after Sir Alfred Milner, Cecil Rhodes protégé and successor. On October 24, 1999, the Charter for Global Democracy was made public and had been signed by 56 nations. The Charter has 12 Principles and is in reality a document that ensures the abolition of human rights and personal freedoms. Following are the 12 Principles contained within the charter. Principle # 1: Calls for the consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the United Nations. Principle # 2: Calls for the regulation by the UN of all transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring an International Code of Conduct, concerning the environment and labour standards. Principle # 3: Demands an independent source of revenue for the UN, such as the Tobin Tax with taxes on aircraft, shipping fuel and licensing the use of the Global Commons, which is defined as outer space, the atmosphere, non-territorial seas and the related environment that supports human life. Principle # 4: Eliminates the veto power and permanent member status on the UN Security Council. Principle # 5: Authorizes a standing UN Army. Principle # 6: Requires UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies as a part of a multilateral Global Security System under the authority of the UN. Principle # 7: Requires both individual and National compliance with all UN Human Rights treaties and declarations. Principle # 8: Activates the International Criminal Court and makes the International Court of Justice compulsory for all nations and provides individuals with the remedy to petition the Court in instances of social injustice. Principle # 9: Calls for a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by insuring sustainable development. Principle # 10: Calls for the establishment of an International Environmental Court. Principle # 11: Calls for A High Level Action Team, to police climate change and to allocate carbon emissions based upon equal per-capita rights. Principle # 12: Calls for the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest Nations, global poverty reductions and an equitable sharing of global resources as defined by the UN. With out question this is a totalitarian planetary agenda created by an International Banking Cartel who in turn control the IMF and the UN. The charter puts into perspective the roles of the World Trade Organization, the Multi-lateral Agreements on Investment for Transnationals, the role of the Organization of Economic and Co-operative Development as the propaganda enforcer of the IMF and the Financial Action Task Force. There is little doubt that history will remember the coming UN Millennium Assembly as a bold and substantive move by the global socialists to prop the UN up as the authority behind global governance. We have been awaiting this moment. UN literature has been promising this moment will arrive. Now it is here. *** Do something: We have entered the age of American activism. On page one we describe the activities proposed by the American Policy Center. On page 21 we have printed the letter by Ben Hinkle which proposes to organize hundreds of demonstrations in support of Rep. Ron Paul's (R-Texas) HR 1146 at the local offices of U.S. congresspersons all over the country. Surrender of U.S sovereignty to global socialism is extremely unpopular almost everywhere except on Capitol Hill. Do something like get a bunch of your friends together and, between noon and 3 p.m. your time, peacefully but loudly protest the Millennium Assembly's intent to usher in the new order of global governance this year.
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