From the September 2000 Idaho Observer: Media misses millennium assembly protests Protests/rallies held all over nation; hundreds of thousands of petitions signed: Where's the press? COEUR D'ALENE -- Americans for a Constitutional Government and The Idaho Observer helped other pro-America groups to organize demonstrations all over the nation September 6, 2000. The purpose of the demonstrations was two-fold: To protest the Millennium Assembly that convened that same day at UN headquarters in New York City and to rally in support of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)'s American Sovereignty Restoration Act, HR 1146. The protests have prompted a strange media brownout. We have reports that cities such as Sacramento, Calif., saw footage of the rally in CDA, but there was no mention of it here. We have reports that 2,000 people demonstrated in New York, but there is no mention in the network news. Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center was joined by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Rep. Helen Chenoweth (R-Idaho) at a 9 a.m. EDT press conference Sept. 7. The trio attempted to tell the world that the UN, according to its own guiding documents, does not plan on being a benevolent dictator. As far as we know, the only network to broadcast the press conference was CSPAN. We believe that at least 100 protest rallies were held across the nation Sept. 6, 2000. It will take some time to find out where they were. Since it is not in the best interests of our pro-UN government to report informed citizen protest over our involvement in and support of UN activities, we cannot expect the dominant media to report accurately to the American people the true intent of that growing octupus organization. We will just have to depend upon ourselves to spread the truth about the UN.
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