From the September 2000 Idaho Observer: July 4, 2016: The Last Independence Day By Dr. Adrian Kreig A book review by Don Harkins Dr. Adrian Krieg has mastered the art of writing books on the big conspiracy that appeal to the widest possible range of readers. July 4, 2016: The Last Independence Day is the second book by Dr. Krieg that it has been my pleasure to review. Last year we reviewed The Satori and the New Mandarins which was so packed with information I gave up using my highlighter pen because it seemed a little silly to highlight the entire book. Satori was written brilliantly to be interesting to the doctorate-lever conspiracy student as well as an enjoyable read to the kindergarten-level conspiracy student. 2016 is written much the same way. Though it cannot be called a sequel to Satori because Satori was intended to be informational while 2016 is intended to be activistic, the two books must be stored side by side on the bookshelf. If you have one, you must have the other. Dr. Krieg goes way out on a limb with 2016 by employing that brave and historically dangerous tactic of predicting the year upon which the future will actually unfold for us. However, whether 2016 or 2001 is the last Independence Day, Dr. Krieg illustrates the clues that are all around us and pulls them into focus so that even the kindergarten-level conspiracy student can see we are being steered toward an age that can be best described as Orwellian. 2016 brings us quickly up to date with a chapter on Conspiratorial History. Then Dr. Krieg divides the remaining clues into fascinating chapters on Information Overload, Judicial Activism and Cultural Marxism, Legislative Encroachment, Media, Finance, Children and Religion, Socialism in America and the UN role in U.S. and world politics. In essence, 2016 explains how the powerful puppet masters (Satori) have employed government and media (Mandarins) to so preoccupy the people with rules and regulations that they cannot see they have been brainwashed into accepting their loss of freedom as a normal evolution of events. July 4, 2016 will be the last Independence Day unless Americans change their voting habits and demand a return to the principles upon which the United States was founded, Dr. Krieg stated on the back cover of the book. This book is timely for the age of activism we have just entered in this country. Most of 2016's chapters conclude with a section entitled: What we can do which gives some ideas on how we can alter our daily routine so as to not participate in activities that undermine the principles upon which this nation was founded. My review of this work may be slightly biased as Dr. Krieg gives The Idaho Observer a positive plug as one of the watchdog media outlets that should be supported over the lapdog media that is aiding and abetting our collective socio-political demise. That said, this book is a must for people who read and enjoyed Satori. It is a must for people who are dabbling in conspiracy because it will lead them to harder books. It is a must for people who are contemplating rearranging their lives so as to avoid promoting the conspiracy through their day-to-day actions. It is a must for people who want to become activistic because it imprints upon the reader illustrative lines of logic upon which they may build their protests intelligently and convincingly. To order 2016, visit the website at:
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