From the May 2001 Idaho Observer: National concern regarding judicial lawlessness increasing A Matter of Justice holds rally on U.S. Supreme Court steps in D.C. by Pat Revere WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A group called A Matter of Justice held a rally in front of the Supreme Court Building here May 6, 2001. Over 100 concerned citizens conducted a peaceful demonstration intended to increase public awareness of the obvious: That the nation's judges must also be expected to obey laws like everyone else. A Matter of Justice President Dr. Jacob Roginsky stated that the dominant media failed to cover the event though the major networks and newspapers had been alerted that the rally was to take place. Dr. Roginsky added that when he called NBC and explained the nature of the rally, they hung up on me. Dr. Roginsky did, however, report on a matter that indicates pro-judicial corruption interests were represented at the rally. A man whom nobody seemed to know was jumping up and down yelling unintelligible statements. Our mission is to change the way government, i.e. judges and the courts, are doing business -- not by jumping up and down but by changing unlawful government through a lawful solution process, explained Roginsky. It is unknown at this time if the man was a planted provaceteur or was acting on his own. A Matter of Justice can be contacted by calling: (540) 644-9054; visiting the website:; or by writing: PO Box 6963, Washington, D.C. 20077-9330.
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