From the July 2001 Idaho Observer: California patriot demands jury trial for 2nd Amendment, civil rights violations CORNING, Calif. -- Don Bird, a committed American whose line in the sand notice to public officials in the form of a letter to The IO editor (March, 2001) caused numerous IO readers to take notice, has filed a civil action in the Eastern District of California U.S. District Court. Bird has named California Governor Gray Davis, California Senators Jack Scott and Don Perata, California Assemblymen Alan Lowenthal and 10 John and Jane Does in the action alleging that, Virtually all citizens have standing regarding violations of their rights by the Crime Bill of 1994....This law violates the right to own militia firearms and magazines implicitly referred to in the Second Amendment. Bird's five-page complaint is a tight, full circle argument that proves the intent of the 2nd Amendment and the civil right violations that state and federal governments are committing by enacting and enforcing laws that deny a responsible, law-abiding American the right to keep and bear arms. He also provides the legal citations of cases that prove his point as well as Internet sites that have posted historical documents that support the right to keep and bear arms as a necessary line of defense against those who militantly desire civil disarmament. This will be a very simple case to argue, explained Bird. The Defendants will only need to explain to the 'Jury' the meaning of the word. . . 'INFRINGE.' The 'Jury' will only be asked to explain what this word means to them...The Plaintiff will request a judgment for relief from the Defendants individually for the stated amounts: $1,775 -- General Damages; $1,775 -- Compensatory Damages and; $1,775 -- Punitive Damages. Bird received favorable front page press in Red Bluff Daily News June 29, 2001. We are in contact with Bird and will keep our readers posted on developments in this 2nd Amendment action.
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