From the February 2002 Idaho Observer: Sociomentology: The science behind the process of human social behavior The application of sociology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy and political science have left indelible marks on civilization. We have been conditioned to believe that the ologies mentioned previously are hard sciences to justify the billions of dollars that have been funneled into researching them. However, the sole intent of developing these ologies has been to perfect the means and methods whereby human behavior may be modified for the purpose of political and commercial exploitation. Collectively these individual sciences define the process of human social behavior. The fact that most people will say, The System sucks, or, You can't beat The System, is a product of the successful application of the ologies by those whom we will call the Ruling Elite. The Russians called the application of these ologies psychopolitics. The study of how psychopolitics have affected civilization can be called the science of sociomentology. By William C. Walter You wouldn't want to beat The System and you shouldn't say that The System sucks because you own it. The problem is that we volunteer our loss of control over how The System functions by delegating others to make our decisions for us. Ultimately the only inalienable right that God has reserved for every member the human race is freedom of choice in decision making. The System is the combined decision-making processes of every human being that interacts within a given set of circumstances such as the government and the governed and the employee, the employer and their customers and vendors. The most important choice human beings can make is to decide whether or not they will make their own decisions or volunteer to allow outside individuals or organizations make their decision for them. Human beings may own The System by birthright because they own their ability to make decisions, but if others are empowered to make their decisions for them then they are no longer in control of The System they own. The Decision-making Process The process of human social behavior is the acting out of the collective experiences of humans within a given set of circumstances. The circumstances are subject to change depending on who controls The System. The casual observer can witness this process at work by studying actions and behaviors between individuals, between organizations, or between individuals and organizations. The science of sociomentology concentrates on truths that can be determined from making observations of decisions that are made by people in all three of these categories. The basic decision-making process of individuals and organizations is identical. The differences between individual and organization decision making is how information is processed -- not in the steps themselves. In the case of the individual the exercise of decision making through the steps described below is accomplished entirely in the brain. Interestingly, in the case of an organization making a decision the processing of information is accomplished by two or more people who occupy separate offices that link the steps in an in house manner functionally identical to the process utilized by the individual. The nine steps of decision making 1. EVENT: A happening which challenges previous experiences 2. ALARMED: All five senses, enhanced by previous experiences and outside influences such as radio and TV, heighten impact of the event 3. COGNITION: Assessing the importance of the event based upon previous experiences that are similar 4. KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEFS: Reaction to event based upon previous experiences 5. INTROSPECTION: Self Examination of ones thoughts and feelings regarding the event based upon previous experiences 6. EMOTION: Feelings of, love, hate, fear, acceptance/rejection, envy, greed, jealousy that come onto play in response to the event based upon previous experiences 7. PERMISSION: From available alternatives courses of action are contemplated 8. DECISION: A choice is made from among the alternatives 9. ACTION/BEHAVIOR: The acting out of that decision. The exercise of these nine steps completes one cycle of the decision-making process. The acting out of a decision becomes an event itself -- a happening which may or may not affect the rest of the world. The most powerful force on earth The most powerful force on earth is the one true right God has reserved for every person born to this earth -- the right to make decisions. The force of this right is so powerful that it governs absolutely every thought and action of all people throughout their lives. Every one of God's children possess the ability to make decisions. Interactive decisions among people become The System. The people who comprise The System have needs. Peoples' needs will inevitably be exploited by other people. Therefore The System will be altered by people to maximize the exploitation of other peoples' needs. This is accomplished most effectively when people can be convinced it is in their best interests to let others make their decisions for them. At the top of the decision-making pyramid we have the Ruling Elite. The Ruling Elite utilize psychopolitics to deliberately influence all nine steps in the decision-making process. They control every step by: 1. Creating events and predetermining their outcome; 2. Manufacturing event details and controlling the information dissemination infrastructure; 3. Biasing the alarm faculties of common people by the selected dissemination of controlled information; 4. Molding knowledge and belief systems through education; 5. Intentionally providing the children of common people with inferior education through public instruction while Ruling Elite children attend premier schools and colleges; 6. Controlling the emotions of common people through social rhetoric and religious dogma; 7. Enacting rules and regulations that influence common peoples' decisions based upon expected rewards and feared punishments; 8. Intimidating the decisions of ordinary people by enforcing rules and regulations with coercion, the threat of force, torture, fines or imprisonment and; 9. Erecting surveillance networks that have the ability to monitor the behaviors and actions of groups and individuals. Sociomentology, the scientific study of how advances in ology-driven psychopolitics used by the Ruling Elite to modify the behavior of common people can prove that all nine steps in the decision-making process are controlled. From the moment we are born until the day we die, our minds are manipulated so that we can be exploited as a resource or exterminated as offhandedly as a homeowner may decide to rid himself of a carpenter ant infestation. If everyone knew about and understood their 9-step decision process (THE SYSTEM) and thereby recognized the power invested in every individual to control their own lives, there is a good chance the Elites who control our lives today would be left impotent overnight. Take a close look at those 9 steps and think about them. Steps 2 thru 6 are what prepares you to make informed decisions. The power-elites have us jumping straight to step 7 where they virtually dictate the limited alternatives available to us. Therefore, in making decisions (the selection from among those alternatives) we behave as if we are in bondage to their desires. You do have the power of free choice -- learn to use it.
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