From the March 2002 Idaho Observer: Why is J.A.I.L. essential? * Since 1995 over 1,100 formal complaints have been received by the Idaho Judicial Council (IJC). According to IJC records, only three complaints have resulted in disciplinary action. The actions taken did not result in temporary removal from the bench and were akin to a slap on the wrist. * If your attorney files a complaint to the IJC against a judge, he/she is banned from attending hearings (if any are held) and denied the information necessary to determine if due process has been observed. ~Bradbury vs. Idaho Judicial Council, 2000 * Idaho has the fastest growing prisoner population in our nation at an increase of 12.9% per year. ~U.S. Bureau of Judicial Statistics, August 2000 * For every $77 in state court filing fees, $18 goes into the judges' retirement fund. In the year 2000, $1,380,493 went into this fund. ~Idaho State Supreme Court * Judges may retire after serving 20 years on the bench, obtain the title senior judge, and then earn a full year's pay equal to the salary they earned on their last day as a fulltime judge -- for working a total of only 35 days. * The Idaho Judicial Council was created by the Idaho State Supreme Court and, therefore, judges are sitting in judgment of their fellow judges. *** When J.A.I.L. becomes law: * Judges will be removed from the bench if evidence proves they are in violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. * Judges may be held for civil or criminal damages if their actions from the bench cause harm to another. Judicial Immunity will be granted only for acts of good faith only and evidence of same. Judges must earn their right to immunity. * Judges found to be abusive of their authority will be relieved of their tax-paid salaries and jailed if necessary. * J.A.I.L. is touring the state in the month of March. The J.A.I.L Tour schedule, contact information and media kit/information packets can be obtained by calling J.A.I.L. We must have 43,685 Signatures by April 30, 2002, to place J.A.I.L. on the November, 2002, ballot in Idaho.
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