From the April 2002 Idaho Observer: Wright-Patterson, air traffic controllers vindicate chemtrail conspiracy theorists Should we be breathing in powdered aluminum? By William Thomas VANCOUVER, Canada - As continuing chemtrail activity culminated in massive aerial spraying over Vancouver Island and Washington state March 20, 2002, and broadening plumes once again fanned out to haze clear blue skies - Air Traffic Controllers at major airports across the United States expressed concern over the emissions constantly showing up on their radar screens. These radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found in laboratory tests of chemtrail-contaminated rain taken in Espanola, Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz particles in the chemtrail fallout -- and levels of aluminum FIVE TIMES higher than Ontario's maximum permissible health safety standards. In a fourth interview with reporter S.T. Brendt last week, Deep Sky stated that Air Traffic Controllers at Chicago's O'Hare airport, all three major airports in New York, Los Angeles LAX, San Francisco, Atlanta, Cleveland, San Diego, Washington DC's Dulles and Jacksonville, Florida, were being ordered to route airliners beneath formations of Air Force tanker planes spraying something that regularly clouds their screens. Every controller, without exception, is being told to divert traffic due to military exercises , and to bring in traffic lower because of experiments that may degrade their radars. The controllers at Cleveland's airport were surprised by the extent of obscuration on their radars. Chemtrail scientist breaks silence Ohio is the home of Wright-Patterson -- the air force base working with electromagnetic and weather modification technology. A scientist working at Wright-Patterson recently told reporter Bob Fitrakis that two different projects are being conducted. One involves cloud creation experiments to lessen the effect of global warming. Other chemtrails are connected with the military's extremely high-power Radio Frequency beam weapon in Alaska called HAARP. The scientist claims that the two most common substances being sprayed into chemtrails are aluminum oxide and barium stearate. When you see planes flying back and forth marking parallel lines, X-patterns and grids in a clear sky, that's aluminum oxide, according to the scientist. The goal is to create an artificial sunscreen to reflect solar radiation back into space to alleviate global warming. In some cases, barium may be sprayed in a similar manner for the purpose of high-tech 3-D radar imaging.
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