From the October 2002 Idaho Observer: Reward offered for anti-smallpox vaccine activism For those who need a shot in the arm of activism -- NOT vaccines -- the following offer is being made: * $200 in U.S. Funds and $100 credit in books and tapes from Vaccination Liberation ( to the person who can give us the best story of their activism in disseminating anti-smallpox vaccine information enmass. This means that the recipient of the award will need to journal his/her daily activities regarding their activism and write an article about their adventures. The article needs to be at least 1,500 words in length, and no more than 2,500 words. The winner will be determined by the current board of directors with Vaccination Liberation and will be based on the best demonstration of activism; not the quality of the article. We suggest that you begin daily journaling of your activities, whether they be posting information on bulletin boards; speaking at meetings; calling into talk radio shows; hosting a community meeting to educate others; printing out material to share in your travels to the post office, grocery store, bank, etc.; submitting letters to the editor; writing your health district director or; sending out emails to everyone you know. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2002. and should be sent to both and The winner will be announced on December 7, 2002 and their article printed in the December edition of The Idaho Observer. Due to the overwhelming response to this offer being circulated on the internet, we are also challenging other anti-vaccination activists to up the award being offered. If you decide to add an additional contribution to this award, or decide to participate in this challenge, we encourage you to contact The Idaho Observer at 208-255-2307 or Vaccination Liberation at 208-765-8421. *** Critical juncture by Ingri Cassel It is apparent from all the saber rattling in Washington, D.C. and the mainstream media's ever-changing and evolving stories that don't quite add up that we are at a critical juncture on this planet and it is up to each one of us to participate in changing the channel. In fact, it is our duty to share the knowledge we have been blessed with receiving. I was returning from town while listening to National Public Radio October 7. It just so happened that I found myself listening to Fresh Air with guest Richard Preston, author of The Hot Zone, talking about his latest book, The Demon in the Freezer: A True Story, about smallpox and anthrax. The entire interview was focused on disseminating the most horrendous propaganda on smallpox I have ever heard. Following is a sampling of the more outrageous statements Preston made: * The smallpox virus is more deadly than the Ebola virus * The smallpox virus is airborne and highly contagious * Smallpox is so contagious that each infected person will infect 10 others, thereby multiplying at a terrifying rate * Experts can detect smallpox at the initial stages by the classic worried face [I'm sure a LOT of us may have worried faces once this planned scenario gets going and literally hits us in them.] * Smallpox also has many faces (he goes onto describe so many varied forms and manifestations that nearly any pesticide or chemtrail poisoning could fall into the category of smallpox ... I am barely exaggerating) * The miraculous eradication of smallpox occurred in 1979 due to the success of ring vaccination throughout the world. There is much more and the entire interview is archived at for those inclined to validate Preston's incredible bold-faced lies. This is the most incredible dissemination of misinformation I have witnessed since Dr. Paul Offit told the world last February that it is reasonable to assume a small child can handle up to 10,000 antigens (such as in a vaccine) in ONE day (The Idaho Observer, May 2002). Remember that you have the inalienable right to refuse this unconstitutional and evil plan to kill off 80 percent of the world's population through trickery and deceit. Helpful reminders on your journey: 1. Be vocal about your opposition to Bush's absurd war against Iraq. It is our government's aggression that will justify a created smallpox attack and use of this deadly vaccine. 2. You are a spiritual being and it is vital to pray for strength and guidance daily. 3. Focus on what you want to happen, not on what you're afraid will occur. If thousands of people focus their minds and hearts on a positive outcome, or a peaceful conclusion, then you will help shift the tide of fear toward love. Then love will prevail, and the conflict will dissipate. Always remember that our minds are creative. It is imperative that we become more conscious of our thoughts since they create our reality.
![]() Home - Current Edition Advertising Rate Sheet About the Idaho Observer Some recent articles Some older articles Why we're here Subscribe Our Writers Corrections and Clarifications Hari Heath Vaccination Liberation - Recent Chronology Sept. 23: CDC releases guidebook to all 50 governors that describes how to vaccinate a million people in their states for smallpox within 10 days. Sept 24: VacLib President Ingri Cassel makes 20-minute anti-vac presentation to Sunrise Rotary Club at Owyhee Plaza Hotel in Boise. Sept. 25: Oregon announces it does not approve of the recent CDC recommendations for smallpox vaccinations. Sept. 26: VacLib overwhelmed with people who are afraid that smallpox vaccinations will be forced on them and their children. Sept. 27--until the end of this madness: We will actively resist the vaccinators because we have God, science and truth on our side.
The Idaho Observer
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Phone: 208-255-2307