From the November 2002 Idaho Observer: Facts About Influenza: The Disease and the Vaccine Last year in New Jersey flu vaccines were available at drive-up windows. The practice has reportedly been discontinued because so many people were willing to line up with their bare shoulders that they snarled traffic and at each other. An NPR reporter commented that to continue the drive up flu vaccine service would mean also providing a trauma clinic to treat the cuts and bruises that resulted from people fighting while in line for a shot. We are entering the cold and flu season and millions of Americans are expected to get their flu shots. What is most disheartening is hearing about friends or neighbors that did not know how harmful the flu vaccine is. Such a case happened to us recently when we heard that the person who owns a parcel a few doors down had a flu shot this year and nearly died. He is 80 years old and was flat on his back for an entire week and claimed he could barely move, let alone walk. Needless to say, he will not be getting another flu vaccine in the future. But how can we prevent similar tragedies from occurring? By sharing the following facts:
What is Influenza? Infection with influenza (flu) virus may be severe and occasionally fatal. Typical influenza illness includes fever and respiratory symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, as well as headache, muscle aches, and often extreme fatigue. Although most people who get the flu recover completely within 1-2 weeks, some people may develop serious medical complications such as pneumonia. ~Maine Lung Association. See How Safe Are Flu Vaccines? A mercury derivative, the preservative thimerosal, is a component of all three flu vaccines in the U.S. -- Fluvirin, FluShield and FluZone. Two out of three of these vaccines contain 25 micrograms of mercury per dose, five times the maximum amount judged safe by the CDC for a 110 lb. person. The flu vaccine was recommended for all healthy children age 6 to 23 months by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on April 12, 2002. Since the vaccine has not been licensed for children under 6 months, the CDC recommended that household contacts of these babies be vaccinated for everyone's protection. Flu vaccines are cultured in chicken embryo. This means that people who are allergic to egg and/or chicken can become seriously ill. All viral vaccines contain not only the particular virus but they also contain traces of leukemia virus and other cancer-associated viruses. These are not completely removable. They exist in the chicken from which these eggs are taken and although they claim they are 98% purified, 2% of several billion viruses is still an awful lot of cancer and leukemia dangers.~Dr. Eva Snead in an interview by Gary Null. See According to Dr. J. Seal of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre. In the Swine flu vaccine disaster of 1976, over 500 people in the U.S. were paralyzed by the disease, with 30 dying after being injected with the vaccine, which is concocted from material taken from influenza victims and then cultivated on mashed chick embryos. Other problems associated with flu shots are paralysis, memory loss, itchy rashes, and chronic fatigue. See Vaccination - Assault on the Species by Pat Rattigan, ND at British pharmaceutical company Medeva's Liverpool plant was found by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be producing vaccines in filthy conditions. The FDA report found that Medeva neither maintained nor cleaned its equipment. Furthermore, Medeva was unable to prove that its vaccines were not contaminated with bacteria or fungi. Certain fungi provide the medium in which the prion protein crystal that causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) to proliferate. Because it exports flu vaccine to America, Medeva got a warning from the FDA to clean up its act. However, in a report dated October 22, 2000, The London Observer noted that the FDA had not reinspected the Medeva facility since it sent the warning letter and gave the company the green light to sell an estimated 20,000,000 doses of its Fluvirin vaccine in the U.S. during the 2000 cold and flu season. [Go to Information, then Archive, then type Medeva in the keyword box. See especially the October 22, 2000 article Revealed: full scale of vaccine blunders.] Will the flu vaccine protect one from catching the flu? There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway. ~Dr. J. Anthony Morris (distinguished virologist and formerly Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.) See In a 1993 Dutch article on a nursing home for the elderly, 50% of the vaccinated population caught the illness compared to 48% unvaccinated. See The Flu Vaccine: Is It Really Safe and Effective? at Large scale studies of compulsory flu vaccination in Japan of school aged children showed the vaccine to be ineffective and conducive to lawsuits due to adverse side effects. Two large studies, one in 1980 and the other in 1985, involving four cities with vaccination rates between 1% and 90% showed little difference in flu incidence. In 1987, the Japanese government changed the flu vaccine from compulsory to voluntary. By 1989, even though only 20% of the population took the flu vaccine, the incidence of influenza did not increase. ~ Why the Japanese government had to cease compulsory vaccinations -a presentation by Dr. Yamamoto, Naples, Italy, June 1997 Over the past twenty years, age specific death rates for pneumonia and influenza have increased in the older adult populations [over age 65]. However, since 1987, while death rates from influenza in the over 65 age group have been increasing, flu vaccination rates also increased from 33% to 65%. ~ The Maine (U.S.) Lung Association, statistics for U.S.A. See graph at: In Great Britain, the post office dropped its influenza vaccine program after it showed no improvement in absenteeism. In Birmingham, six hundred elderly vaccinated people showed over double the incidence of respiratory disease as compared to a non-vaccinated group. ~Sunday Express, 12/17/89 Even vaccine proponents admit that unvaccinated individuals are 80-90% immune to the flu. Some seasons the flu vaccine is admitted to be useless due to the guesswork involved in determining what virus to put in each year's flu vaccine. However, even vaccines with correct serotypes, followed by 'adequate' antibody levels, fail to produce immunity to the flu. In an October 9, 1997 Associated Press article, a survey was cited revealing that only 30 percent of doctors, nurses and attendants annually get flu shots. ~ Study: Health workers major sources of flu in old-age homes by Paul Recer Is it influenza or pesticide/chemical poisoning? The symptoms of the flu are often identical to the symptoms experienced when one is exposed to toxic levels of such poisons as pesticides, herbicides and fluoride. Granville Knight, MD, stated under oath at a Congrssional Hearing in the 60s that waves of so-called 'Virus-X' and similar diseases ... are caused by exposure to such agricultural chemicals; [and] that it is impossible for doctors to diagnose the difference between London flu, virus conditions and pesticide poisoning. ~Immunization:The Reality Behind the Myth by Walene James, pp. 118-119 See for more information. Or write to:
Vaccination Liberation *** Consider placing the following display ad in your local newspaper:
Again it is time to consider being injected with rotten eggs in the illusive search for a flu-free winter. If you have not already decided to avoid the flu shot like the plague, then you may be interested in the following: In 1997 the Associated Press stated that about 70 percent of doctors and nurses do NOT get annual flu shots. The Maine (U.S.) Lung Association says, for the USA, Over the past twenty years, age specific death rates for pneumonia and influenza have increased in the older adult populations [over age 65]. However, while death rates in the over 65 age group from influenza have been increasing since 1987, flu vaccination rates also increased from 33% to 65%.These figures show that vaccination is the wrong approach for achieving improved health or reducing the number of deaths. In fact, studies of large scale compulsory flu vaccination in Japanese school-aged children showed the vaccine to be ineffective and conducive to lawsuits due to adverse side effects.
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