From the December 2002 Idaho Observer: Health districts mobilizing for mass smallpox vaccination campaign The IO, VacLib mount countercampaign to prevent planned smallpox pandemic by Don Harkins Health districts all over the nation are mobilizing to mass vaccinate entire populations within their service areas against smallpox. The Idaho Observer and Vaccination Liberation believe that the campaign will likely result in the worst public health disaster in human history. The IO, in cooperation with VacLib, will publish an eight-page edition called Smallpox Alert! that will contain the history of smallpox, smallpox vaccination and what we know of CDC's mass vaccination plan. The edition will also include the packet insert for the Dryvax smallpox vaccine and published statements from doctors, scientists and CDC officials. We intend to orchestrate eight pages of science and common sense to derail the Bush administration plans to vaccinate all of America. We will also publish some basic, inexpensive health and nutrition protocols that promote health and disease resistance, said VacLib President Ingri Cassel. This story is developing very fast. It will be a race to reach enough Americans with accurate smallpox information before the CDC announces the one case that will put the national mass vaccination machinery into motion. Voluntary or involuntary? Early last November Panhandle Health District (PHD) Director Jeanne Bock told Cassel that the smallpox vaccine would always be voluntary. We have since been getting reports indicating Bock lied. A captain of the Grants Pass, Oregon Police Department told Paul Walter, editor of at a special city council meeting Dec. 2, 2002, that he will get the shot or, arrested as a risk to others. A nurse in Spokane described the intense organizational activity going on at this time. She also said that people who refuse the shot, even those who are contraindicated with skin disorders or immune dysfunction, will be arrested. Bonner County Sheriff Phil Jarvis reportedly explained that they are expecting mobs of people fighting to be first in line to get their shots. He told several witnesses that he has the authority to declare martial law if things get out of hand and that he wouldn't hesitate to do so. A shot with every American's name on it In October, 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act which, if adopted, would allow states to declare medical martial law. October, 2001 was also the month Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson announced that his agency was arranging to secure 300 million doses of smallpox vaccine -- one dose for every American. Secretary Thompson believes that terrorists are planning to attack Americans with smallpox and that mass vaccination will protect them. Since The IO became aware of the federal government's plan to vaccinate every American against smallpox it has published several articles that prove Thompson's plans are scientifically flawed. Both science and field experience indicate that the plan is likely to precipitate a public health disaster of unprecedented proportions. Thompson's plan comes together Last September 22, the CDC released a 49-page report to the nation's public health community that details how to vaccinate millions of people within days. The report also instructed local health districts to forward a copy of their mass vaccination plan to the CDC by November 22, 2002. Bock sent a letter dated Nov. 13, 2002, to community leaders and elected officials, doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, firemen, school administrators and staff asking them to volunteer to help mass vaccinate their communities. Panhandle Health is requesting your help in responding to an urgent directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop a plan for mass immunization against smallpox. The requirement would provide for 'post-event' mass immunization -- vaccinating 180,000 residents [the entire population of the five northern counties of Idaho comprising the Panhandle Health District]. As of Nov. 4, 2002, PHD has enlisted the support of over 1,050 volunteers. Mass vaccination clinics will be set up in area high schools, hospitals and clinics. Bock is apparently counting on total cooperation from north Idaho citizens who boast the lowest vaccination rate in the nation. In an email message dated Dec. 1, 2002, Cassel reiterated several points of concern with regard to mass vaccination against smallpox, particularly with regard to the experimental nature of the Dryvax smallpox vaccine. Cassel indicated her concern that the mass vaccination will likely be followed by epidemics of secondary and systemic infections. Cassel's concerns are justified as published science and vaccine packet inserts provide a long list of people whose health conditions drastically increase the risk of medical complications that include death. According to a handout PHD recently presented at a meeting of retired police and firemen in Sandpoint, its vision during the administration of the mass smallpox vaccination campaign is, To safeguard the public against acts of bioterrorism, other infectious disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies. PHD's vision appears to be purely Orwellian. The nation's most influential medical associations have publicly stated their opposition to mass vaccination against smallpox. Citing the likelihood that such a campaign will spread rather than prevent the disease and will cause significant numbers of people to suffer permanent injuries and death, the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Association of Family Physicians all oppose mass vaccination against smallpox. The plan Once the CDC sounds the alarm that one case of smallpox has been diagnosed, health districts all over the nation will be prompted to spring their mass vaccination plans into action. The trigger will be based on the claim that, because vaccination wiped out smallpox, just one reported case will indicate that we are under attack. According to the CDC, smallpox is clinically indistinguishable from cowpox and monkeypox, diseases that occur regularly in third world countries where people are subjected to poor nutrition and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, the claim that one case of smallpox will indicate we are under attack is based on fraud. Once the mass vaccinations begin, potential recipients will be subjected to triage and instructed to fill out forms. Triage will categorize people by visible physical condition; the forms will require the disclosure of personal medical information and will relieve the staff, the medical facility and PHD of all liability for sickness and death that may result from the vaccine. Recipients will then be given orientations and will see a video on smallpox produced by the CDC. There will then be a Q & A session, after which people will either go right in to be given the shot or given a physical evaluation to determine if the evaluee is at risk for complications from the shot. Shot worse than disease For the October, 2002 edition of The IO [CDC pictures linked at bottom of this article] we frontpaged photos of children who contracted smallpox from the vaccine. In its natural state, ordinary quarantine procedures and sanitation are sufficient to stop the spread of smallpox. The vaccine, however, produces a pustule at the site of injection that is extremely contagious and spreads on contact. Eyes, ears and noses secondarily inoculated with fluid from the pustule erupting at the injection site become hideously disfigured. There is no credible science that justifies the planned smallpox vaccination campaign. Previous editions of The IO (May, June, July, August, Sept., Oct., 2002), available at have covered the high points of the science that indicates mass vaccination will spread an extremely virulent form of the disease. *** Copies of The Smallpox Alert will be available by December 18, 2002 in multiples of 100 only, for 10 cents each + shipping. If you wish to help us defeat this potentially devastating campaign by circulating the facts, or receive previous editions of The IO that contain smallpox info, contact The IO at (208) 255-2307. Read the Smallpox Alert! online. (This version lacks some of the photos.)
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