From the January 2003 Idaho Observer: Public health officials resist releasing details of pandemic preparedness plans It took nearly six weeks to obtain a copy of Idaho's mass smallpox vaccination plan. We have been informed by Panandle Health District that we will never be allowed to see the district plan because it's confidential. Why were public health officials so hesitant about releasing their smallpox plans to the public? When did public health become top secret? The brief analysis of the state plan that follows will answer those questions. Public health officials have been building the pandemic preparedness infrastructure in the U.S. since 1973. by Don Harkins The State of Idaho's Post-Event Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines is the culmination of four decades of pandemic preparedness plans specific to recent concerns that terrorists might use smallpox in the U.S. in an act of biological terror. The State of Idaho intends to use the state plan, in conjunction with the CDC plan and local, district wide plans, as a model to effect a public health strategy of massive proportions. The plans involve the cooperation of many people -- doctors, nurses, first responders, law enforcement -- most of whom believe their participation will benefit the public during a declared state of medical emergency. We believe that the plans mentioned above are built upon a foundation of historic and scientific fraud and are being used as a cover for the true agenda: The biggest medical experiment in human history. We will begin this analysis by highlighting the aspects of the plan as outlined in Guides A-G. Text quoted directly from the plan is in boldface; our comments in regular typeface. Guide A Surveillance, Contact tracing and Epidemiological Investigation Should this plan be activated, the state epidemiologist or disignee will coordinate overall case surveillance and epidemiological investigation activities for the state. This person will work closely with Federal and district health agencies on all aspects of the epidemiological investigation, surveillance and contact tracing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been the lead agency in the push to develop national pandemic preparedness plans. It has, by its own admission (Preparing for the next Influenza Pandemic, Feb. 29, 1999) forwarded model statutes to city, county and state governments for adoption. The statutes are in place for the CDC to legally assume the reigns as the lead agency in a declared state of medical emergency. Outbreak Definition: because smallpox no longer exists as a naturally occurring disease, an outbreak of smallpox is defined as a single laboratory confirmed case. Since the World Health Organization declared smallpox eradicated in 1980, labs and personnel familiar with smallpox are functionally nonexistent. A suspected case of smallpox will be sent to the CDC for analysis. Upon the CDC's order, and upon the premise that smallpox has been eradicated, one CDC-identified case of smallpox would be considered an outbreak and would trigger the pandemic preparedness machinery to begin mass vaccinations. When this plan is activated, the state epidemiologist or designee will coordinate the epidemiological investigation in collaboration with federal health authorities...The lead state and federal staff will coordinate all aspects of the investigation with relevant district, state and federal authorities, including the FBI, police, quarantine officials and others. Again, since the only agency in the loop experienced with smallpox and the lab facilities to test for it, the CDC will be in control of coordinating investigations, quarantines and policing efforts after the plan is activated. It will be upon the CDC's recommendation that federal funds will or will not be released during a declared state of medical emergency. All personnel designated for case interviews must be vaccinated prior to initiating their first face-to-face interview with a suspected, probable or confirmed smallpox case. Members of the public suspected of smallpox exposure will be detained. Those who will be in direct contact with them will be vaccinated. Once confirmed case(s) of smallpox have been identified, the district public health staff will initiate immediate active surveillance...A computer system for data entry and analysis of all the collected case investigation and surveillance will be provided by federal health authorities... Once the CDC has declared an outbreak, it will charge the locals with the task of surveillance and investigation data entry into federal databases. Active Surveillance in Hospitals This section describes how hospitals will have authority to identify and detain suspected smallpox cases, keep detailed records and transfer suspected smallpox cases to a type X facility. Persons may be released but under active surveillance for 18 days post suspected exposure; 14 days following successful vaccination. Guide B Vaccination Guidelines If contacts can be vaccinated within 4 days of their contact with the smallpox case, they may be protected from developing the disease or may develop a less severe illness. Emphasis original. The vaccine may work. It may not. A broader vaccination campaign to increase community immunity to smallpox may be instituted by Federal public health authorities... The initial strategy is to vaccinate contacts only. However, the CDC can order mass vaccination at any time. As of this writing, Idaho strategies will be heavily dependent upon CDC actions... Guide C Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines The state health officer will designate a person to coordinate with federal authorities all activities related to isolation or quarantine...CDC Isolation Guidelines as Outlined in CDC ISRP Guide will be followed. The CDC will control quarantine and isolation. Public Health Powers Needed by Health Officer of Bioterrorism Event This section acknowledges the absence of civil authority. Health officials may order the following: Collection of personal records, control, seizure and/or destruction of private property, detainment of persons, mandatory medical examinations, access to all elected officials, trained professionals and the press. Guide D Specimen Collection Since no lab is set up in Idaho, suspect samples will be sent to the CDC for testing. Guide E CDC and Idaho Communications Plans and Activities At 10 pages, this is the biggest part of the 34-page plan. It explains how the media will be used to report what the government wants reported and how to coordinate reports among CDC personnel, local health officials and police. Guide F Decontamination Guidelines Describes how reusable medical equipment can be cleaned and how personal property can be destroyed when ordered. Guide G Transition to Mass Vaccination Official Public Health Use only This important section was not provided. Conclusions The premise upon which the mass smallpox vaccination machine may be activated is that, smallpox vaccine helped to bring about the global eradication of smallpox. Science has shown that cowpox and monkeypox, both of which are currently occurring in third world countries, are clinically indistinguishable from one another. Smallpox was not eradicated. Its name was changed. The premise is false. We know the CDC knows the premise is false ( The Idaho Observer, July, 2002). If the CDC activates the smallpox vaccination plan it will have been activated based on fraud. Once the CDC uses the fraud to declare an outbreak, all investigative, administrative and police authority lead back to the CDC -- according to the plan. Under the fraud, people will be subject to detainment, quarantine, mandatory medical procedures, surveillance, confiscation, occupation or destruction of personal and real property. Authorities will cooperate in perpetuating the fraud by coordinating what information is released to the public. On page two of the plan, the Executive Summary prefaces the plan with a list of types of injuries per million the vaccine has caused in the past. Then it lists four groups of people who are contraindicated for the vaccine: Person with skin diseases, persons who are immuno-compromised, pregnant women and children under one year of age. Note that in the case of a known exposure to smallpox, these contraindications are not absolute. In other words, if they decide you will be vaccinated, even if you are contraindicated, you will be vaccinated. The plan is not supported in science, history or common sense. We must conclude that public health and safety is not the engine driving the smallpox plan.
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