From the February 2003 Idaho Observer: Federal prison population up nearly 700 percent since 1980 There was much controversy last year when the 9th Circuit decided to remove the words, ...under God, from the Pledge of Allegiance. What would happen if the 9th decided to remove, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave, from the Star Spangled Banner? Are we still the land of the free and home of the brave? For that matter, are we still one nation under God? Since our prison population of primarily nonviolent drug offenders continues to grow at a pace that will have us all behind bars by 2056, we should remove land of the free from our national anthem. While we're at it home of the brave can be stricken as well since we are watching our nation become imprisoned and duck our heads hoping it doesn't happen to us rather than stand up to the injustice. Federal Bureau of Prisons Weekly Population Report, January 30, 2003 According to the Federal bureau of Prisons QUICK FACTS webpage at, as of January 30, 2003, 165,427 federal prisoners are held in 102 federal institutions. The number is up nearly 700 percent from 24,000 in 1980. Rather than write a story, we will just let U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facts speak for themselves. INMATES BY SECURITY LEVEL (BOP facilities only): Minimum: 21%; Low: 37%; Medium: 24%; High: 10% (8% of inmates have not been assigned a security level). INMATES BY GENDER: Male:152,300 (93.2%), Female: 11,193 (6.9%) INMATES BY RACE: White: 91,925 (56.2%); Black: 66,410 (40.6%); Asian: 2,526 (1.6%); Native American: 2,632 (1.6%). ETHNICITY: Hispanic: 52,228 (32.0%). CITIZENSHIP: U.S.: 115,473 (70.6%); Mexico: 26,334 (16.1%); Colombia: 3,276 (2.3%); Cuba: 2,634 (1.6%); Dominican Republic: 3,363 (2.1%); Other/Unknown: 11,963 (7.3%). AVERAGE INMATE AGE: 37. SENTENCE IMPOSED (calculated for those with sentencing information available): Less than 1 year: 3,262 (2.2%); 1-3 years: 21,704 (14.7%); 3-5 years: 23,680 (16.0%); 5-10 years: 43,006 (29.1%); 10-15 years: 25,558 (17.3%); 15-20 years: 12,377 (8.4%); More than 20 years: 13,243(9.0%); Life: 4,999 (3.4%); Death: 27. TYPES OF OFFENSES (calculated for those with offense-specific information available): Drug Offenses: 81,146 (55.0%);Weapons, Explosives, Arson: 15,574 (10.6%); Immigration: 15,358 (10.4%); Robbery: 10,112 (6.9%); Property Offenses: 6,938 (4.7%); Extortion, Fraud, Bribery: 6,956 (4.5%); Homicide, Aggravated Assault and Kidnapping Offenses: 5,112 (3.5%); Miscellaneous: 2,711 (1.8%); Sex Offenses 1,557 (1.1%); Banking and Insurance, Counterfeit, Embezzlement: 1,054 (0.8%); Courts or Corrections (e.g., Obstructing Justice): 779 (0.5%); Continuing Criminal Enterprise: 633 (0.4%); National Security: 85 (0.1%). Drugs: BOP figures show that the percentage of federal inmates doing time for drugs has been rising steadily. In 1970, 16.3 percent were doing time for drugs; the percentage peaked in 1993 at 60.7 percent and is at 55 percent today. Ironically, the USA Today reported 1/25/03 that a by the Justice Department Inspector General sheds light on how the use and trafficking of drugs have become significant problems in the federal prison system whose inmate population has boomed since the 1980s. ALDERSON FPC, WV 892 ALLENWOOD FPC, PA 425 ALLENWOOD LOW FCI, PA 1386 ALLENWOOD MED FCI, PA 1415 ALLENWOOD USP, PA 1087 ASHLAND FCI, KY 1142 ASHLAND-CAMP 286 ATLANTA USP, GA 2347 ATLANTA-CAMP 487 ATWATER USP, CA 1377 ATWATER-CAMP 133 BASTROP FCI, TX 1350 BASTROP-CAMP 161 BEAUMONT LOW FCI, TX 1956 BEAUMONT MED FCI, TX 1750 BEAUMONT USP, TX 1369 BEAUMONT-CAMP 370 BECKLEY FCI, WV 1750 BECKLEY-CAMP 373 BIG SPRING FCI, TX 854 BIG SPRING-CAMP 117 BROOKLYN MDC, NY 2665 BRYAN FPC, TX 741 BRYAN-ICC 114 BUTNER FMC, NC 724 BUTNER LOW FCI, NC 1376 BUTNER MED FCI, NC 833 BUTNER-CAMP 291 CARSWELL FMC, TX 1159 CARSWELL-CAMP 239 CHICAGO MCC, IL 742 COLEMAN LOW FCI, FL 2032 COLEMAN MED FCI, FL 1655 COLEMAN-CAMP 402 COLEMAN USP, FL 1663 CUMBERLAND FCI, MD 1193 CUMBERLAND-CAMP 267 DANBURY FCI, CT 1067 DANBURY-CAMP 240 DEVENS FMC, MA 1097 DEVENS-CAMP 129 DUBLIN FCI, CA 1094 DUBLIN-CAMP 278 DULUTH FPC, MN 623 EDGEFIELD FCI, SC 1227 EDGEFIELD-CAMP 476 EGLIN FPC, FL 784 EL RENO FCI, OK 1333 EL RENO-CAMP 155 ELKTON FCI, OH 1846 ELKTON-FSL 541 ENGLEWOOD FCI, CO 917 ENGLEWOOD-CAMP 119 ESTILL FCI, SC 1184 ESTILL-CAMP 256 FAIRTON FCI, NJ 1355 FAIRTON-CAMP 100 FLORENCE ADMAX USP, CO 402 FLORENCE FCI, CO 1260 FLORENCE FCI-CAMP 454 FLORENCE HIGH USP, CO 938 FORREST CITY FCI, AR 1822 FORREST CITY FCI-CAMP 231 FORT DIX FCI, NJ 3993 FORT DIX-CAMP 455 FORT WORTH FMC, TX 1567 GREENVILLE FCI, IL 1265 GREENVILLE-CAMP 246 GUAYNABO MDC, RQ 1156 HONOLULU FDC, HI 461 HOUSTON FDC, TX 901 JESUP FCI, GA 1066 JESUP-CAMP 145 JESUP-FSL 599 LA TUNA FCI, TX 988 LA TUNA-CAMP 165 LA TUNA-FSL (EL PASO) 391 LEAVENWORTH USP, KS 1797 LEAVENWORTH-CAMP 451 LEE USP, VA 1069 LEE USP-CAMP 127 LEWISBURG USP, PA 1163 LEWISBURG-CAMP 360 LEWISBURG-ICC 173 LEXINGTON FMC, KY 2059 LEXINGTON-CAMP 202 LOMPOC FCI, CA 1523 LOMPOC FCI-ICC 134 LOMPOC USP, CA 1298 LOMPOC USP-CAMP 316 LORETTO FCI, PA 1115 LORETTO-CAMP 146 LOS ANGELES MDC, CA 1104 MANCHESTER FCI, KY 1204 MANCHESTER-CAMP 428 MARIANNA FCI, FL 1268 MARIANNA-CAMP 301 MARION USP, IL 429 MARION-CAMP 353 MCKEAN FCI, PA 1311 MCKEAN-CAMP 306 MEMPHIS FCI, TN 1240 MEMPHIS-CAMP 279 MIAMI FCI, FL 1176 MIAMI FCI-CAMP 300 MIAMI FDC, FL 1444 MILAN FCI, MI 1474 MONTGOMERY FPC, AL 765 MORGANTOWN FCI, WV 1132 NELLIS FPC, NV 629 NEW YORK MCC, NY 901 OAKDALE FCI, LA 1228 OAKDALE FDC, LA 819 OAKDALE FDC-CAMP 86 OKLAHOMA CITY FTC, OK 1375 OTISVILLE FCI, NY 1031 OTISVILLE-CAMP 125 OXFORD FCI, WI 959 OXFORD-CAMP 165 PEKIN FCI, IL 1270 PEKIN-CAMP 251 PENSACOLA FPC, FL 481 PETERSBURG FCI, VA 1154 PETERSBURG-CAMP 307 PETERSBURG MED FCI, VA 1513 PHILADELPHIA FDC, PA 1128 PHOENIX FCI, AZ 1310 PHOENIX-CAMP 223 POLLOCK USP, LA 1415 POLLOCK-CAMP 103 RAY BROOK FCI, NY 1241 ROCHESTER FMC, MN 806 SAFFORD FCI, AZ 818 SAN DIEGO MCC, CA 916 SANDSTONE FCI, MN 912 SCHUYLKILL FCI, PA 1245 SCHUYLKILL-CAMP 299 SEAGOVILLE FCI, TX 1265 SEAGOVILLE-CAMP 117 SEATAC FDC, WA 908 SEYMOUR JOHNSN FPC, NC 548 SHERIDAN FCI, OR 1450 SHERIDAN-CAMP 480 SPRINGFIELD USMCFP, MO 1223 TALLADEGA FCI, AL 1083 TALLADEGA-CAMP 363 TALLAHASSEE FCI, FL 1375 TERMINAL ISL FCI, CA 808 TERRE HAUTE USP, IN 979 TERRE HAUTE-CAMP 437 TEXARKANA FCI, TX 1337 TEXARKANA-CAMP 284 THREE RIVERS FCI, TX 1114 THREE RIVERS-CAMP 289 TUCSON FCI, AZ 862 VICTORVILLE MED FCI 1682 VICTORVILLE-CAMP 199 WASECA FCI, MN 1072 YANKTON FPC, SD 642 YAZOO CITY FCI, MS 1998 YAZOO-CAMP 135 BUREAU OF PRISONS 140256 PRIVATELY MANAGED PRISONS CALIFORNIA CITY CI, CA 2592 CIBOLA COUNTY CI, NM 1020 ELOY DC, AZ 472 ELOY DC-INS 956 MCRAE CI, NC 312 RIVERS CI, NC 1399 TAFT CI, CA 1788 TAFT-CAMP 453 TOTAL 8992 CONTRACT FACILITIES LONG-TERM CONTRACT/IGA 7088 BIG SPRING, TX 2623 EDEN, TX 1268 GARZA, TX 965 REEVES, TX 2011 OTHER 221 CCC'S 6262 HOME CONFINEMENT 1534 JAIL/SHORT-TERM DETENTION 1029 CONTRACT JUVENILES 266 TOTAL 16179
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