From the January 2004 Idaho Observer: Citizens outraged over Bush amnesty plans for millions of illegal Mexican aliens compiled from reports In the months prior to 9/11, President Bush began announcing plans to grant amnesty to illegal Mexican aliens whose presence on American soil is a criminal act. The issue took a back seat after 9/11 so the Bush administration could fight the war on terrorism. Though the war on terrorism is expanding to everywhere except the U.S./Mexican border where millions of undocumented illegals are able to get into this country, amnesty is now back in the headlines. Estimates of the numbers of illegal Mexican aliens who may qualify for amnesty range between 8,000,000 and 20,000,000. When President Bush first announced in spring, 2001, that he planned to grant amnesty to illegal Mexican aliens and allow them to qualify for entitlement programs, most Americans were opposed. His plan is being received with even less favor now as the nation is straining under a $7 trillion debt and all the tension and paranoia of our post-9/11, war on terror world. The biggest question on the minds of Americans is Why? The Bush administration has no real answer except that it claims the U.S. and Mexican economies are so dependent upon one another it's just the neighborly thing to do. There is no evidence to suggest that Mexican President Vicente Fox intends to return the favor. Pro-amnesty Mexican/American Linda Chavez has circulated an email calling for her people to throw their support around President Bush for reelection in 2004. A poll Scott Lauf of Citizens Lobby ( has been running a poll to test American approval of the amnesty plan. If votes actually counted in this country, the Bush campaign has reason to bring some 20 million votes to the polls. Even people who voted for him in 2000 and have been supportive of wars on terrorism, Iraq and the liberties of the American people feel he has gone too far with this amnesty agenda. I voted for this man in 2000 and have supported his decisions during his current term; however, I definitely will NOT vote for him this year. By making this pandering amnesty proposal, he has proven that he cares more for lawbreaking illegal aliens than he cares for this country's citizens. I cannot and will not support ANYONE for public office who disrespects and disregards the sovereignty of the United States, one poll taker commented. Poll respondents are to be credited for highlighting the issues that make this plan absurd. It appears amnesty is intended to cause the civil unrest most Americans expect once the flood of uneducated, entitlement-demanding, drug-trafficking, baby-producing Mexicans begin to settle into their new lives as U.S. citizens. More comments You cannot reward crime. That is what you are doing when you give legal status to ILLEGAL Aliens who came into the United States through illegal means. What you are saying to them is, 'Crime Pays.' Is this the kind of message that you want to send to other immigrants and the American people? Please reconsider your decision. This is not going to help you in your reelection bid. There are more whites in America than there are Hispanics, and many Hispanics are also opposed to legalizing illegal aliens. President Bush's intent to legalize illegal aliens is to legalize the invasion of the country that I fought to preserve in WWII. Definitely! If Bush's plan to grant amnesty to illegals (regardless of where they're from) passes the house and senate, I will NOT VOTE FOR HIM or anyone who said yes to this absurdity. I know it's only one issue, but it's a BIG issue. I want to make my position very clear on amnesty for illegal criminal aliens. NO AMNESTY, PERIOD! Illegal border crossers from Mexico are criminals. Why in the world would any sane person reward them for ignoring our laws? They are a drain on our social services, health care system, school systems, criminal justice system, and urban infrastructures. Cheap labor? No way. I will not vote in 2004, and I will ask my extended family to not support such a ludicrous program at the expense of our citizens. I have been an ardent supporter of George Bush until now, but now feel he is selling out the country. I'm a 68 year old hard core Republican that has no intention of voting for Bush. Bush is spaced out. His former life has caught up with him. Don't even think that I could vote for him. President George W. Bush wants to give some eight to ten million illegal aliens, most of them from Mexico, legal status. The plan would legalize these aliens as temporary workers, which would allow them to work freely in the United States without fear of deportation. The plan is so disastrous to our country's well being and so fraught with potential risk to our country's security that the plan should be regarded as bordering on treason! I voted for this man in 2000 and have supported his decisions during his current term; however, I definitely will NOT vote for him this year. By making this pandering amnesty proposal, he has proven that he cares more for lawbreaking illegal aliens than he cares for this country's citizens. I cannot and will not support ANYONE for public office who disrespects and disregards the sovereignty of the United States. I fully intend to have a write-in candidate -- Congressman Tom Tancredo from Colorado -- a true patriot... You can contact the Bush administration and inform them of your thoughts regarding illegal alien amnesty. Bush advisor Carl Rove has been behind many pandering proposals on immigrants and Hispanic voters. His phone number is 202-456-5587. you can also call the office of White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card at 202-456-6798. Contact the Bush-Cheney '04 reelection campaign office headquarters in your area. Inform the president's little foot soldiers that your vote in 2004 hinges on his actions over illegal aliens and border security. Send email to or call 703-647-2700 Contact your Senators and Representative on Capitol Hill. Tell them you oppose Bush's amnesty proposal as well as the McCain/Kolbe/Flake guestworker bills (S. 1461 & H.R. 2899).
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