From the October 2004 Idaho Observer: Be your own expert because the "so-called" experts have lost their minds
Millions of people are catching onto the dangers of vaccines since the growing number of afflicted children is impossible to ignore. Frightened by growing public concern, public health officials feel the need to use the police powers of the state to justify their unscientific policies that vaccines are safe and effective. compiled by Vaccination Liberation Iowa bans thimerosal This year Iowa became the first state to ban thimerosal, a mercury derivative, from being added to vaccines. Although it is part of the manufacturing process and is still in vaccines in trace amount, this is a huge victory that could snowball with other states passing similar legislation. In fact, another news release from California notes that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger just signed a bill that bans practitioners in California from administering thimerosal-containing vaccines to children under three years old. Unfortunately, both bills will not become law until sometime in 2006. CDC decides to go down with sinking ship In perfect timing to this recent whirlwind of activity surrounding the controversy of mercury-containing vaccines, the subsequent development of autism and the lack of safety studies done on thimerosal as a vaccine additive, the CDC continues to be supportive of thimerosal. The federal "epidemic" agency is issuing vaccine fact sheets to health departments all over the nation assuring health care professionals and consumers that thimerosal in vaccines is perfectly safe and has never been proven to be otherwise. Experts claim study proves mercury is good for developing brains Also well timed is the citing of the September, 2004 edition of Pediatrics by Reuters Health in which an article appeared claiming thimerosal-containing vaccines actually improve children’s behavior and development. The article Reuters Health and other news outlets have broadcast widely is entitled, "Mercury-Containing Vaccines May Help, Not Harm Kids." The article actually says: "There appeared to be protective effects from thimerosal-containing vaccine exposure for general developmental disorders, attention-deficit disorder, and unspecified developmental delay." After two years of being told that we should not eat mercury-containing seafood or breathe it via coal-fired plants because it’s very bad for you, are we now to believe that injected mercury takes on a new life and is beneficial? Under threat, duress and coercion In the midst of this heated debate among the controlled media, the CDC, and Big Pharma versus outspoken consumer advocates, activists and researchers, we find that our "police state" enforcers of this debacle are out in full force to make sure we all partake in the medical miracle of vaccines. In Washington D.C., an October 2 Washington Post article entitled "District Resorts to Court to Enforce Inoculations: 434 Students Parents’ May Face Neglect Charges," we are told that parents will be fined as much as a $100 and jailed for up to five days for "each offense" if their children are truant due to lack of "immunizations" or records validating that their children have had the "required" shots. Among the requirements for attending Washington D.C. middle and high schools are booster shots for diphtheria/tetanus (Dt vaccine), Measles, Mumps and Rubella (the MMR vaccine) and hepatitis B. More recently, varicella vaccine (for chickenpox, a mild infectious childhood disease in healthy children) has been added as an additional requirement for attending school. Exemptions based on medical reasons or religious convictions are not mentioned in the article. Nurses know In Washington state, Virginia Mason Medical Center decided to require that ALL their nurses be injected with this year’s flu vaccine. The Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA), representing more than 600 registered nurses, jumped in and filed a petition in federal court seeking an injunction to stop the implementation of the hospital’s recent policy requiring mandatory flu vaccination for all RNs. Although WSNA makes statements in these press releases that flu shots are recommended and they believe they are a "good thing," they are adamantly opposed to requiring a medical treatment such as the flu vaccine with the threat of termination for failing to partake. A paradox? So here we have a school district threatening fines and jail time for parents if their children are truant due to lack of immunization records and failing to comply with school district "policy," and a nurses’ association filing a petition in federal court to allow nurses to keep their job if they choose not to vaccinate with this year’s flu shot. Why aren’t we hearing cries denouncing policies that violate the Nuremberg Code prohibiting forced medical experimentation via vaccines? A People petition After soliciting vaccine awareness activists for stories of families who had one autistic child and a subsequent non-autistic child who was never vaccinated, People magazine published in its September 27, 2004 edition an article entitled "Desperate Measures – Armed with a new study, some parents say vaccines trigger autism. But is skipping shots the answer?" Many parents of autistic children and vaccine awareness activists were outraged with the lack of true investigative reporting done on the part of the four authors cited. In fact, it appeared to be a front piece for backing up current CDC policy. Or worse, an admission that pharmaceutical industry advertisement dollars have major influence over People’s editorial policy. The entire article has so many outright lies that Spokane activist Joan Mootry decided to make a list of them and refute the article in the form of an online petition to be sent to People magazine when there is a sufficient number of signatures. To date, 830 people have signed this petition. To sign the petition, go to and have your voice count! Still trust the FDA and CDC? While the vaccine police appear to be in full force, we hear that Fluviron, the flu vaccine the CDC has purchased 46 to 48 million doses of so that 100 million doses will be available for this year’s flu season, is contaminated and must be "dumped." The story even made the headlines of our local paper, The Coeur d’Alene Press (October 6, 2004). According to the Press,The Panhandle Health District was counting on 7,500 doses—or 63 percent of its stock to be Fluviron, manufactured in Liverpool, UK, by Chiron. According to several news releases, Chiron will close it doors for three months due to British regulators finding of what they delicately termed "manufacturing problems." What is most disturbing is the fact that our health officials knew in August of this year that 4 million doses of Fluviron were contaminated but defended the rest of the supply, assuring doctors and health departments there would be no shortage this year. This is certainly a deja vu for our readers since the December 2000 edition of The Idaho Observer ran an article about the filth and contamination problems with Medeva’s Liverpool plant, and how the FDA gave the green light to sell 20 million doses of Fluvirin that year despite not having inspected it to see if the problems had been resolved from their earlier inspection in 2000. It just so happens that Medeva was shutdown and then reopened as Chiron - same plant, different name. What was then Fluvirin is now Fluviron. What this really means is that unsanitary and filthy manufacturing conditions are given the green light by our own FDA. In fact the U.S. purchased a million doses of Fluviron prior to Chiron’s UK plant being shutdown by British regulators, and these doses of Fluviron have not been recalled. Afterall, thousands of U.S. citizens have already received Fluviron and this scandal could turn public health into a public "disease" nightmare. As if on queue to coverup the real problems associated with contaminated vaccines causing serious diseases, doctors across the nation are voicing their outrage that they won’t have enough flu vaccine available to protect their most vulnerable patients - the elderly - from catching the flu. What doctors are really admitting is that they are clueless as to other methods of treating and preventing flu, their training being limited to the use of toxic drugs and now contaminated biologicals. Pregnant women and infant children first While the "mercury-containing" vaccine issue rages, the CDC was planning on supplying the public with only Six million to Eight million doses of mercury-free flu vaccine, and this year’s sales campaign is targeting pregnant women and infants. Apparently it is up to the health department to order "thimerosal-free" flu vaccines. It was reported to The Idaho Observer that the Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) did not bother to order any mercury-free flu vaccines this year even though it is soliciting flu vaccines for infants, toddlers and pregnant women. Informationally out to lunch As vaccine awareness activists begin to investigate exactly what vaccines health departments are administering, they are finding doors closed and even police used to stop the public from asking appropriate questions and learning the truth about vaccines. Violet Harris of Caldwell, Idaho went to the Canyon County Health Department to find out exactly which vaccines they were administering to the county’s children in their summertime drive to "immunize" the county’s children before school. Harris wanted to see the vaccine package inserts from the manufacturers so she could further her research into epidemic learning disabilities and behavioral problems in Canyon County children. She was not only refused the information but was told that she was on private property and was swiftly escorted out of the building by local police who were called to remove her from the premises. Joan Mootry had a similar experience in Spokane when she was abruptly "hung up on" during a phone call with the Spokane Regional Health District in which she was attempting to have specific questions answered regarding their flu vaccine campaign. She finally decided to go there in person with a gentleman at her side as a witness. Mootry continued to get evasive treatment with the employees of the SRHD actually refusing to give out their names. Needless to say, this was quite a rude awakening for her "witness" who has actively opposed the fluoridation of Spokane city water being added to the ballot in November. The people of Spokane have previously voted down twice the fluoridation of Spokane city water. How many flu shots can you prevent? We are encouraging people across the country to mass produce the following ad as a half page flyer and disseminate as many as possible in your communities. This insanity can only continue by the few awake among us doing nothing. The Flu Vaccine: Expanding a Failure This year, aggressive flu vaccine sales tactics are targeting 100 million customers in the USA, up from last years 80 million doses. The use of flu vaccine is still controversial 60 years after its introduction. Medical theorists disagree on whether flu vaccines protect from the flu or the opposite, actually cause diseases. Deaths associated with the flu continue to rise parallel with increased flu vaccine usage. No large population studies prove the flu vaccine to have any protective value. Every year, 80 to 90 percent of the population is naturally immune from all forms of Influenza Like Illnesses (ILI’s). Due to the fact that only 10 to 15 percent of these ILI’s are actually flu, Natural immunity protects 96 to 98 people out of every hundred from contracting the flu. An increasing number of people are concluding that the body is self-protecting and self-healing and that artificial immunization is ineffective and harmful. Known adverse effects of the flu vaccine include flu-like symptoms, joint and muscle pain (sometimes lasting for years), severe allergic reactions and occasional death. Natural immunity to all contagious diseases is promoted by lifestyle practices that increase digestive ability and elimination of toxins. Many religious prohibitions against blood pollution exist for both health and spiritual reasons. Scientists are awakening to the fact that vaccination has it roots in the pre-scientific age and no adequate scientific tests prove vaccine safety and effectiveness. Explore our treasury of hard to find facts about vaccines at This public service announcement is brought to you by Vaccination Liberation 1-888-249-1421 The weblink to this flyer is How do we immunize without vaccines? It is important to understand that our medical "experts" are trained at schools that are funded in large part by the pharmaceutical industry. If we are going to realize optimal health, we must become responsible for our lifestyle choices and healthcare decisions. Dis-ease, whether it is cancer or the flu, is a sign that our body is out of balance with the particular illness being our body’s attempt to regain balance. Becoming a student of naturopathy and homeopathy will give you the tools necessary to work with your body’s healing energies. Vaccines, antibiotics and other toxic drugs are foreign to the body and work in opposition to your body’s attempts to heal itself.
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