From the May 2005 Idaho Observer: While high priests of modern medicine fiddle, the brains of America’s children are burning
Compiled by The Idaho Observer Below you will find autism rate increases by state this past school year. They range between four percent and 60 percent; most are in the 15 percent to 20 percent increase range. These are official statistics, as provided by the several states departments of education and compiled by Ray Gallup, founder of The Autism Autoimmunity Project. These statistics indicate an epidemic—but autism spectrum disorders are not infectious, communicable diseases. Therefore, the source of the epidemic is either environmental or genetic. Since parents of autistic children are not commonly autistic themselves, nor was autism a trait that has been surfacing periodically in their family trees, we can logically rule out genetics as the source of epidemic autism. That leaves environmental factors. Corporate-neutral individuals who have studied this issue know that vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, in the presence of dehydration and malnutrition, play the most active roles in the development of autism. But non-neutral scientists with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and others investigating the autism issue with our tax dollars or funds from the pharmaceutical industry simply refuse to admit that their multi-trillion dollar industry is the source of the most devastating public health disaster in world history. Noting the percentage increase in autism cases by state in one year, think about the rates of increase over the last decade: The average among the 50 states is 1,055 percent increase from 1992-2003. The most dramatic increases are Alaska (3,538 percent); Colorado (6,179 percent); Illinois (120,000 percent); Maryland (12, 529 percent); Nebraska (13,835 percent); Nevada (17,720 percent); Ohio (23,291 percent) and; Wisconsin (18,006 percent). It does not take an NIH scientist to understand that autism, which was first identified in eleven children by world-renown child psychologist Dr. Leo Kanner in 1943, is a problem growing exponentially each year. It does take a parent, however, to decide how best to protect their babies from contracting a life-long disorder that will prevent them from having a normal, happy and productive life. While the high priests of medicine spend $millions on studies to blame the autism epidemic (and epidemics of other neuro-developmental and behavioral disorders) on faulty human genetics, the real cause of this epidemic is apparent to those seeking the truth. For more information, see the ad at right. To grasp the importance of this issue, think about what this country will be like in 20 years when half of the adults require constant care because they are not able to feed themselves.
Ages 6-21 State 2003- 2004- Percentage 2004 2005 Increase Arkansas 1,040 1,192 14.6 Florida 5,915 7,256 22.7 Idaho 571 686 20.1 Indiana 4,755 5,558 16.9 Kentucky 1,358 1,551 14.2 Louisiana 1,640 1,871 14.1 Maine 815 985 20.9 Michigan 6,341 7,318 15.4 Missouri 2,664 3,138 17.8 Montana 247 257 4.0 Nebraska 557 694 24.6 New Jersey 4,933 5,738 16.3 North Dakota 220 246 11.8 Ohio 5,146 6,308 22.6 Oregon 3,759 4,341 15.5 Pennsylvania 5,805 7,034 21.2 South Dakota 328 379 15.5 Tennessee 1,659 2,034 22.6 Texas 10,354 12,412 19.9 Utah 1,030 1,279 24.2 Virginia 3,533 4,271 20.9 Washington 2,824 3,414 20.9 Wisconsin 3,259 3,876 18.9
Ages 3-5 State 2003- 2004- Percentage 2004 2005 Increase Arkansas 74 102 37.8 Florida 1,236 1,415 14.5 Idaho 64 69 7.8 Indiana 679 699 2.9 Kentucky 228 232 1.8 Louisiana 284 332 16.9 Maine 203 270 33.0 Michigan 918 1,031 12.3 Missouri 199 255 28.1 Montana 23 31 47.6 New Jersey 570 650 14.0 North Dakota 20 32 60.0 Ohio 344 366 6.4 Oregon 630 686 8.9 Pennsylvania 1,373 1,582 15.2 Tennessee 299 356 19.1 Texas 1,586 1,824 15.0 Utah 149 205 37.6 Virginia 418 470 12.4 Washington 288 333 15.6 Wisconsin 410 485 18.3 The Autism Autoimmunity Project (800) 939-TAAP
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