From the November 2005 Idaho Observer: ACTION ALERT! ACTION ALERT!
S. 853 and H.R. 2672: Bills to kill the Republic must be stopped John Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF) is assembling a team of volunteers willing to line up meetings in advance of traveling to D.C. to talk with key members of Congress including Senators Hatch and Harkin, Congressmen Paul and DeFazio for the purpose of asking serious questions about how S. 853 and H.R. 2672 threaten our future access to dietary supplements and the very EXISTENCE of America: 1. Trilateral Cooperation Charter between Canada, US, Mexico which is outlined in detail on the FDA Website, even being so bold as to show the flags of these three Nations that the CFR intends to mould into one entity: 2. CFR White Paper - "Building a North American Community" 3. North American Cooperative Security Act - S. 853 and H.R. 2672 *See My Alert to Vitamin Consumers at We need to use these three items as litmus paper to determine what to put into the expanded version of Kevin Miller’s hard hitting DVD documentary about the CODEX Vitamin Issue: "We Become Silent" which you can see with a broadband connection at Donations are urgently needed to send IAHF to DC: To wake more people up on these important issues, hold meetings in your area using the following educational materials: 1. DVD "We Become Silent" (28 Min. Very Hard Hitting) produced by Kevin P. Miller, winner of the Gold Medal at the NY Film Festival in 1994 for "Best Documentary" ("Let Truth Be the Bias") Which helped pass DSHEA in ’94. 2. Hour long Audio Cassette of John Hammell’s PANLA Conference Presentation last August about Codex, CAFTA, FTAA— helps fill in the blanks from the DVD by providing another layer of detail. 3. Health Crusador magazine - Special Anti-Codex Issue with interviews of Hammell, Scott Tips, Nancy Lee Bentley, and Carolyn Dean, MD. For only $30, you can procure these materials and glean enough from them to hold a meeting explaining to everyone what is going on. You can then explain the dire need to kill the North American Cooperative Security Act (S. 853 and H.R. 2672) If you form a group, you can also invite Hammel to come speak in person or remotely via WEBCAM. (Please consider a minimum donation of $30). Any amount you can afford to send to help SAVE AMERICA FROM DESTRUCTION would be gratefully received, and if you can help Hammell in D.C., please contact him as soon as possible. For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom 556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA WEB: N.America: 800-333-2553 World: 360-945-0352 See the Aug., 2005 edition of The IO—more to come in Dec., 2005 edition
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