From the December 2005 Idaho Observer: Perverting our innate intelligence
by Jim Penick Only recently in our evolutionary history has man stood and stared at the horizon in pained perplexity pondering why humanity is mired in a world of violence, hatred and self-destruction. The answer can be found by looking at how we have prevented ourselves from reaching a higher level of human potential through the incorporation of unnatural and destructive practices that have become institutionalized in the modern world. Meddlesome and oppressive government, an unnatural lifestyle, intervention in the birthing process and a deranged diet are having disastrous consequences in every aspect of our society. We have perverted our natural intelligence (instincts) to the extent that the degeneration and ultimate extinction of our species is inevitable if certain changes are not implemented immediately. We see the collapse of society in every way today. Nobody can recognize the full scope of it because we are too busy trying to deal with its fallout. Beginning with birth Generations of western women have been conditioned to believe that childbirth is both painful and dangerous. In the western world, once a pregnancy is confirmed, prenatal visits with a pediatrician are scheduled and a hospital birth planned as matter of due course. What these women don’t know is that hospital births have six times the mortality rate compared to home births regardless of the condition of the home. Despite this fact, midwifery continues to be outlawed in state after state. The medical intervention in the birthing process is the most immoral thing imaginable. We are talking about profound biological, physiological and psychological damage. It is evident that the bonding structure has been almost obliterated from our society. When the bonds have been broken between mother and infant, all subsequent bonds will not materialize, thus, the family will ultimately degenerate. Bonds that should unfold, such as bonding with environment, social bonding and pair bonding of male and female in adolescence, have all collapsed. As evidenced by the fact that 50 percent of children today live in single parent homes. This bonding process is subverted initially with a hospital birth. If a woman gives birth in a hospital she is at the mercy of the medical personnel there—she has, in a sense, given the responsibility of her child’s birth to them. Many unnecessary medical interventions such as shaving of pubic hair, enemas administered prior to delivery, giving episiotomies, strapping the woman in stirrups which do not allow gravity to play its role, drugging, forceps deliveries, and Caesarean sections commonly occur in hospital births—and frequently for the convenience of the hospital staff. There are strange masked faces and bright lights which adds up to a nightmare for both the infant and mother, leading to all kinds of neural failures. Birth becomes a long and torturous ordeal instead being a positive, enlightening and satisfying experience. First doctors pump chemicals into the expectant mother to reduce pain; then they pump more chemicals in to induce birth, which has been stopped by their very intervention. After realizing that they can induce birth with their chemicals, the majority of women are giving birth between 9 AM and 3 PM—the most convenient hours for the doctors and hospital staff. The premature cutting of the umbilical cord has been routinely practiced now for 50 years. Various degrees of brain damage results in 20 to 40 percent of these cases. A full 30 percent of the infant’s blood remains in the placenta at birth providing all the oxygen necessary to the child. Ample time is given for the amniotic fluid to drain from the newborn’s nostrils and trachea before the baby attempts to breathe on his own. In underwater birthing, infants have remained underwater for up to twenty minutes after birth. Although not recommended, it goes to show that the umbilical cord continues to furnish oxygen after birth as needed. The umbilical cord should never be cut before it turns gray, usually 20 to 30 minutes after birth. Postpartum chemistry What then happens to the drugged and expectant mother? Since drugs pass into the placenta in less than a minute, and there is no drug that won’t pass through, the infant as well as the mother are drugged. When both are in this drugged and debilitated state you break up the entire bonding between mother and infant at the critical period right after birth. The utter hypocrisy of those who rightfully oppose women taking crack while pregnant, but sanction the destructive drugging of expectant mothers by doctors should be self- evident. Both are unnatural and highly debilitating to both mother and infant. Rest assured that there will be long-term consequences for both. This drugged state has effects on the mother that are devastating because she has eons of genetically-encoded intelligence, intuitions, capacities, knowledge, powers, and cellular memories that tell her exactly what to do with the infant, but drugs block her from accessing that information. The natural birthing process triggers that innate knowledge and instinctive behavior in a woman’s brain. Women who are chemically denied access to the instincts of motherhood experience what is commonly referred to as postpartum blues—a condition that can last for weeks because she knows that something was supposed to happen that didn’t. She feels weak and incompetent, can’t manage her baby and has to use daycare. Furthermore, she finds herself unable to breastfeed. Breastfeeding Society markets breasts as play things for men rather than their true function—feeding infants. Breastfeeding had decreased almost 97 percent over a 50-year period after WWII, but thanks to the La Leche League, about 50 percent of women breastfeed their babies. The downside is that a baby is considered "breastfed" if the mother nurses him for at least three weeks. Traditionally, mothers breastfeed their infants two to three years. Ideally, breastfeeding should last until the infant has a mouth full of teeth; not just one or two. Studies have shown that breastfed babies are six times more likely to survive their first year than bottlefed babies. Ninety percent of all infant deaths occur in bottlefed babies. Breastfeeding provides closeness and warmth—a close contact that bonds mother and child. Babies’ sucking stimulates the release of a powerful hormone called oxytocin into the bloodstream which causes the uterus of the mother to contract to its normal size more rapidly after birth. This prevents excessive bleeding after delivery and also causes the milk to "let down." If a mother is breastfeeding solely, her ovulation will be postponed for as much as two years. This means that if she does indulge in sex while lactating, she will not likely get pregnant. Thus, natural child spacing occurs and no artificial means of birth control is necessary. It also means that Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has provided for us so leave it intelligently alone and go with your instincts concerning these matters. Moo Humans are the only species in the animal kingdom that consumes the milk of another species. Cow’s milk, the most commonly-used substitute for infants humans, is a most nutritious food—if you are a calf! Bottlefed babies who are fed cow’s milk often have intestinal and gastric disturbances. This is because cow’s milk is not suitable for the baby’s digestive system. Cow’s milk contains more calcium and much less tryptophan and lecithin than mother’s milk. Tryptophan, an amino acid, and lecithin are essential for the developing brain and nervous system of humans. Calcium is employed in building bones. This is why cow’s milk has the components it has—a calf’s skeletal/muscular system grows rapidly to enable it to stand and walk on his own soon after birth. On the other hand, a human infant’s growth during the first few months of life is focused on the development of a highly organized brain with a perfection of senses and bodily control. Studies have repeatedly shown that babies fed infant formula or cow’s milk primarily have softer brains and are less likely to be as intelligent as breastfed babies. What are we doing to our precious children?! Is this any less than infanticide? Pasteurization is a process in which milk is submitted to a temperature of 130 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of from 10 to 30 minutes, reputedly to destroy harmful micro-organisms. In destroying these organisms, it also destroys the vitamins, enzymes and nutritive quality of the milk. Studies show that calves die within six-weeks if fed pasteurized milk, even if it comes from its own mother. Circumcision A wide range of studies show that in a drug-free birth, the newborn is conscious, aware and sensitive. Circumcision has been the practice in this country for the past 50 years and without anesthetics. "They don’t feel a thing" we are informed; they "cry a bit and go right to sleep" is the verbatim doctrine quoted for decades by surgeons queried about this practice. Nevertheless, an elaborate restrainer device, known as the "circumstraint," secures the infant with Velcro straps for the operation since he struggles fiercely when the cutting takes place. Recently some surgeons allowed an electroencephalogram (EEG) to be attached to the infant’s scalp while the circumcision took place. The brainwave patterns show serious disturbances as the infant screams. They do not then "just go to sleep"; they go into shock! The brainwave patterns show no resemblance to ordinary infant sleep patterns for several days after the operation. Home birthing Providing the mother is in vibrant health and not toxic, she will enjoy the actual childbirth experience. While profound changes during labor occur in an unhealthy woman sometimes necessitating hospital transport, subtle changes occur in the healthy woman. By giving birth in one’s own home, the mother is surrounded by loving friends rather than strangers, which further supports the natural birthing process. The newborn baby enters a warm, loving world instead of the cold, antiseptic world of the hospital. No bright lights, masked strangers, spanks on the buttocks, chemicals in the eyes, or premature umbilical cord clamping will occur in the homebirth. The father is able to share the first few days of their baby’s life while the mother is able to feed their baby on demand, ensuring that her milk will come in. Constant suckling at the breast causes the milk to come in: Nature’s means of "demand and supply." Hospitals routinely keep the baby in the newborn nursery, obfuscating Nature’s process for ensuring both mother-infant bonding and a good milk supply. Final word on hospital births Even though an enormous amount of literature on the value of unmedicated homebirths has appeared over the years, hospitals continue to treat the birthing process as a disease requiring their surgical interventions and drugs. These obscene practices have become not just acceptable but are today’s standard for childbirth. I appeal to women to quietly withdraw from their participation in the murderous medical establishment. You will be "600%" safer by taking responsibility for your own health and that of your baby. Buying a few books on natural hygiene, understanding the value of fasting and eating raw foods, and following Nature’s dictates will go a long way in ensuring that you and your family will experience disease-free, productive lives.
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