From the December 2005 Idaho Observer: Autism research task group results provide basis for local government "proclamations"
Retired engineer Don Meserlian of North Caldwell, NJ, is the founder of Voices of Safety International (VOSI). VOSI was formed to develop scientifically sound, corporate-neutral standards that truly protect public health, public safety and the environment. Meserlian believes that, by using a federal law, the National Technology Transfer & Advancement Act of 1995, people can locally enforce standards that protect their needs and interest. He also believes this process is an excellent way to peacefully overthrow the nation’s many "demockeries" which enforce standards that benefit special interest groups—usually at the expense of people and the environment. This law requires that all federal agencies review and utilize applicable private sector standards. VOSI is recognized by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST). VOSI recently experienced a major breakthrough that can be easily duplicated in communities all over the country. The standard accepted by his township was regarding the relationship of mercury exposure to the incidence of autism. Autism is epidemic all over the nation and the state of New Jersey is experiencing one of the nation’s most alarming increases in diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder. Proclamations for Autism Awareness Whereas, the National Technology Transfer Act of 1995 encourages local governments to review and utilize private sector standards that improve the health and safety of their citizens and protect the environment and; Whereas, Voices of Safety International (VOSI) is a private sector standards writing organization recognized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and; Whereas, the VOSI Autism Research Task Group (ARTG) has unanimously accepted the VOSI Autism Research Reports and Standards and concluded that local governments should issue "Proclamations" encouraging their citizens to become familiar with them and; Whereas, the VOSI website contains both Research Reports and Standards on the probable cause and possible prevention of the autism epidemic at"Public Health." Now, Therefore, I _____________, Mayor of ___________, urge all employees and residents of _____________ to review and utilize the applicable VOSI Autism Research Reports and Standards in order to become aware of the probable causes and prevention of the autism epidemic. The proclamation above was adopted in North Caldwell, NJ, and can just as easily be adopted in towns all over the nation as a small but significant step in raising public awareness to the true cause and prevention of autism.
The slogan of Voices of Safety International (VOSI) is "Standards to Overthrow Demockeries." VOSI’s method for having this long neglected federal law enforced is to "Think Globally & Act Locally." We can encourage mayors nationwide to adopt "Proclamations" such as this one, thereby initiating a grass roots revolution. VOSI will then be in a position to force federal officials to acknowledge standards that prove the cause of the autism epidemic: The profit-motivated vaccination policies of our corporate- dominated federal government. I am asking activists to present the proposed "Proclamation" to their mayors and obtain support from fellow residents to insure that the mayors both sign and present the "Proclamation" to the local press. Please send a copy of the "Proclamation" showing the name and town of your mayor to Following is a letter from Meserlian published in The Caldwell Progress Nov. 11, 2005: Proclamations on autism should include private sector standards April is annually recognized as "Autism Awareness Month." The New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for the Autism Community (COSAC) has obtained the cooperation of many local governments to issue official "Proclamations" that provide facts on autism. The 2005 "Proclamation" stated that autism was once a rare disorder affecting only one in 10,000 people whereas the current rate (according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is one in 166 children. This is an epidemic! As a resident of N. Caldwell, and chairman of Voices of Safety International ( VOSI), I attended the 4/19/05 meeting where the COSAC "Proclamation" was read and posted on the township bulletin Board. At this meeting I proposed that the information on the VOSI website be added to the "Proclamation" in order to alert citizens of the existence of the VOSI Autism Standards and Research Reports." This suggestion was accepted and confirmed via email from the N. Caldwell Clerk dated 4/20/05. The COSAC "Proclamation" was not amended to include the VOSI information in order that the mayor could appoint a liaison person to an Autism Research Task Group (ARTG) formed specifically to review the VOSI Autism Research Reports that indicate, according to a survey of more than 1,200 parents that the percent contribution of mercury in vaccines, the triple-antigen vaccines (DPT and MMR) and genetics as causes of the autism epidemic are 18, 62 and 20 percent respectively. David Paris, currently N. Caldwell Borough Attorney and previously president of the N. Caldwell Council , was appointed as a liaison member to the 11-member ARTG. The National Technology Transfer & Advancement Act, also specifically directed to federal agencies, encourages all levels of government to utilize private sector standards that can be of benefit to the health and safety of their citizens. VOSI is a private sector standards writing organization recognized by the National Institute for Standards & Technology ( Local governments should advise their citizens, by means of "Proclamations" about the availability of these VOSI autism standards in order that they may be aware and make individual decisions as to whether these standards should be utilized. The nine-member ARTG, which included Judith Ulchinsky, director of Special Services, West Essex Regional Schools and Marsha Rickles, N. Caldwell columnist for the Progress, were required to review and ballot seven resources including the three VOSI autism research reports and standards and the federal government’s position on the vaccination/autism link. The VOSI standards and research report were approved unanimously whereas only two thirds of the participants supported the government’s position. The two liaison members of the ARTG, David Paris and Ruth Schuster, Director of Special Education, N. Caldwell Public Schools, were not required to review or participate in the poll but were made aware of all task group activities. Based on completion of the ARTG review and approval of the VOSI Research Reports and Standards, local mayors are encouraged to sign the "Proclamation" [see above]. Donald C. Meserlian, PE - Chairman Voices of Safety International;
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