From the January 2006 Idaho Observer: New electric motor design could solve world energy problems
Solution to energy crisis found in hardware stores? Judging from the responses The IO receives from readers after publishing articles on alternative energy, there is not only notable reader interest in the subject, but "American ingenuity" is kept alive among our readership. Though they—those inventive, tinkerers in our midst—will appreciate the text more than non-tinkerers, the following article represents a new era of innovation: The selfless era. The #1 reason why the world is held in bondage to the oil age and alternative (economical, resource-responsible, environmentally sensitive, efficient) power sources are still unavailable is greed. As Americans, we are culturally-conditioned to place a high value on our intellectual property. While this mindset has given us plenty of widgets, it has retarded marketplace availability of key innovations that would make our widget world sustainable. Alternative power is the best example. Oil powers our modern world. Because oil powers the modern world, those who "own" the oil commodity are at the top of the commercial food chain and are, therefore, among the wealthiest, most influential (and ruthless) entities on Earth. These people will do anything to maintain their power position. The greatest gift ingenius Americans can give these creatures is a patent application. It makes a public record of their work and, upon being granted, assigns exclusive legal rights to the concepts patented. And now genius can be regulated, it can be taken to court and stolen by attorneys; it can be bought, sold and perverted—it can be killed. We will have free energy one day, but it won’t be when some guy invents it and the oil age becomes relegated to the dustbins of history because it lost fair and square in the freemarketplace; we will have free energy when we are all able to make it ourselves and commercial starvation closes the chapter on the age of oil.
By Reg Miller In a society where the design trend has been to lighter, smaller and cheaper products, have basic electric motor principles been overlooked? Consider a simple experiment that will prove to you that a redesigned motor could power an air-conditioner or any industrial function for almost nothing. A friend showed me this, but I could not accept it without doing an experiment, so I built the electric diagram shown below in a couple of hours (once the parts were rounded up). The five coils were slipped over a 5/8 inch bolt and the leads that came with coils were soldered to lead wire and then to the terminal board as shown for easy access. Each coil was a small roll of #28 magnet wire as it comes from the electronics store. These came with about 2,000 turns. The number of turns I realized was not critical; but I made certain that all five coils were identical to make the math simple. The test probe is a common l/4" bolt connected to a postage scale with a string. I found a charged-up, 12-volt car battery, an amp meter, a cheap digital voltmeter, and was ready. I ran the current through only one coil with the amp meter in line and it indicated 0.1 amps. The voltmeter read 12.5 volts DC, so the circuit used 1.25 watts of electrical energy. Then I tested the field in a simple and direct way by using the 1/4 inch-bolt probe and I got about a 10 oz. pull before it let go. Let’s say that this first coil represents the motor windings found in motors of today. In fact, they are usually of a thicker wire and less than 400 turns so they draw more current than our fine wire coil, but bear with me. Since most one hp motors (theoretically 746 watts = one hp) use 1000 watts, it is fairly accurate to say that the motors of today run at 75 percent efficiency, so I made a conservative estimate that my electromagnet was "75 percent" efficient. See Table 1 below. Coil Turns Volts Amps Watts Efficiency= 75%xl.25/Watts 2,000 12.5 0.1 1.25 75% 4,000 12.5 0.05 0.625 150% 6,000 12.5 0.033 0.417 225% 8,000 12.5 0.025 0.313 300% 10,000 12.5 0.020 0.250 375%
Table 1 Next I altered the lead from the amp meter so that the current went through two coils in series. Since the coils have equal numbers of turns, the resistance doubled and so the amp-meter read 0.05 amps. The voltmeter still read 12.5 volts DC, indicating the circuit was using 0.625 watts. The next pull test surprised me. Although I could easily see that the circuit was using half the energy the electromagnet was pulling exactly same, if not slightly harder, than before. As I continued to add coils in series and repeated the experiment, I was fascinated with my final conclusion. I had all five coils in series and they were using only 20 percent the energy of one coil, but the pull test indicated that the electromagnet had the same or slightly more strength (using more iron atoms of the bolt) With each added coil. Actually, since textbooks indicate that the equation for this electromagnet device is given by: Pull Force = kiN, where k = 1 for air and 2,000 for iron, i = the current in the wire, and N = the turns that make up the coil, and since there is no upper limit for N, the experimental results of Table 1 below are actually not surprising, it’s just that motors don’t normally contain this large number of turns. The reason, of course, is because they are designed around 12 VDC power sources—as in a car (or 110 volts as in the common convenience outlet powered by the grid). Since the pull on the electromagnet is the phenomenon that creates the torque in an electric motor, the simple experiment indicates that efficiency would improve by adding larger coils to the electromagnet part of a motor. Doing a thought experiment and adding 5 more coils would yield the results of Table 2. Coil Turns Volts Amps Watts Efficiency = 75%xl.25fWatts 12,000 12.5 0.0166 0.208 450% 14,000 12.5 0.0143 0.1788 525% 16,000 12.5 0.0125 0.1563 600% 18,000 12.5 0.0111 0.1388 675% 20,000 12.5 0.0100 0.125 750%
Table 2 Although these motors might be more expensive to build and be slightly larger, wouldn’t it make sense in this time of increasing energy costs and decreasing environmental conditions to make the investment? Now that solid-state power diodes are not only readily available, but economical as well, the high voltage needed to power these new motors should not be the limiting factor as in the old days. A DC motor requires a commutator to switch the polarity of the field at appropriate intervals. Some experimenters have redesigned the commutator so that a number of small pulses energize the coil instead of one long (gas-guzzling) pulse. The amount of pull remains the same even though the coil is "switched-off" a big part of the time, saving even more energy. This effect has been explored by a number of experimenters with great success. Some of the newly designed commutators utilize the back EMF to help run the motor or as an extra power source. In an interesting demonstration of the principle a standard motor is compared with the new design. The standard motor runs a 10-horsepower generator running various loads including a bank of lights. In less than an hour the batteries are drained. In stark contrast, Joseph Newman, at, has demonstrated his motor to run the same generator and load and after the same amount of time the battery bank is still charged up.
Testimonial: On March 12, 2005, I personally witnessed Reg. T. Miller’s Newman-type energy unit (see photo) produce four times the wattage output as the input (see attached table). Even though I knew on an intellectual level that a longer wire coil would obviously have proportionately more magnetically-aligned atoms and, thus, proportionately would have more magnetic energy available to be extracted, as is evidenced by the simple equation H=NxA (i.e., the magnetic field energy INCREASES linearly with the number of turns of wire N for a given current A), it was quite startling to actually SEE it and realize that herein lies a simple, immediately-available non-polluting solution to all the world’s energy needs. The demo unit pictured has been used over and over again and several people can now attest to its ability to generate the "over-unity" effect on demand. Note: This all sounds too simple. Science has already proved the equations of windings and wire size. But this is foundational work upon which people with a mind to do so can develop the principle so that it can be adapted to doing work—like running appliances. These innovations are already underway in various locations. The more there are the greater our chances of deliverance from the oil age—and dependence upon others to supply our power needs. (DWH) Photo and a schematic of the test model described above were published in the Jan., 2006 hardcopy edition of The IO.
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