From the January 2006 Idaho Observer: Congress schizophrenic on border issues
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Before Congress at this time are proposed bills that are diametrically opposed to one another, yet sponsors of both claim their measures would advance the interest of national security. Rep. Katherine Harris (D-FL), with co-sponsors Stevan Pearce (D-NM) and Christopher Shays (D-CT), introduced H.R. 2672, "The North American Cooperative Security Act," May 26, 2005. The bill, currently with the House Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment, "Directs the Secretary of State to provide a framework for enhanced security management, communication, and coordination among the U.S., Canada and Mexico." H.R. 2672 (and S. 853) are, in reality, pieces of a long-range plan in its final stages to effectively erase the borders that define Canada, the U.S. and Mexico into a common "security perimeter" not unlike the European Union wherein people, goods and services may flow in and out without border security checks. Conversely, on Dec. 15, 2005, the House voted 239-182 in favor of an amendment to a border security bill that would authorize the construction of a "wall" between the U.S. and Mexico. The wall would comprise some "698 miles of fences along stretches of land in California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona that have been deemed among the most porous corridors of the border" the International Herald Tribune reported. The move by conservative Republicans in the House is contrary to the intentions of the Bush administration which picked up where President Clinton left off in erasing the U.S./Mexico border. "Together, let us go forward to build an age of prosperity in a hemisphere of liberty. Together, let us use this Summit of the Americas to launch the century of the Americas," President Bush said April 21, 2001, in Quebec, Canada. The president reiterated his position on the subject of "Canusamex" March 23, 2005 when he met with Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vicente Fox privately at his Crawford, Texas ranch. Mexican President Vicente Fox denounced the proposed wall as "shameful" and his foreign secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, characterized the wall as "stupid." "Border fences are a security tool with proven results," Rep. David Dreier (R-CA)
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