From the June 2006 Idaho Observer: 9/11 Visibility Project—Idaho hosts 9/11 truth author/historian at Sandpoint’s Panida Theater
Sandpoint’s Panida Theater has been a center for northern Idaho arts and entertainment since the 30s. On June 17, 2006, it was the place where people from all over the region gathered to hear a discussion on 9/11 truth. ~Photo by Jay Mock SANDPOINT—An audience of about 200 attended author/historian Webster G. Tarpley’s June 17, 2006 9/11 truth presentation. Sponsored by the Idaho chapter of the international 9/11 Visibility Project, Tarpley lucidly described the complex web of moles and patsies who played active roles in the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Tarpley explained his thesis, that 9/11 was a "false flag" operation, within the context of 35 years of research into the history of global economics and the development of international intelligence (spy) networks. Much of the documentation for categorizing 9/11 alongside other false flag operations such as the sinking of the USS Maine, the Reichstag fire and the attack on Pearl Harbor is found in his most recent book "9/11 Synthetic Terror—Made in USA." False flag operations throughout history share many similarities which tie them together in a pattern of problem—reaction—solution. However, a new twist was implemented on 9/11—drills. There were at least 15 military drills running the morning of Sept. 11, 2001; the national security apparatus was so busy practicing national security it could not prevent the 9/11 attacks. Tarpley cited examples in history where military exercises were suddenly flipped "live" and advised Americans to keep a close eye on drills because they can, at any time, be flipped live. The terminology Tarpley uses—moles, patsies, false flags—is being adopted by other 9/11 truth investigators. He also coined the terms "let it happen on purpose (LIHOP)" and "made it happen on purpose (MIHOP)." As more research continues to come forward proving government complicity in the events of 9/11, those who were originally LIHOP are becoming MIHOP. Tarpley made a special appearance at the Oden Bay Grange the evening before to present an overview of his research into the history of false flag operations, using Guye Fawkes and the gunpowder plotters of 1605 as the centerpiece of his fascinating discussion. Idaho 9/11 Visibility Project members are encouraged by the turnout and the positive feedback they have received in the wake of their first 9/11 truth event. The group has already announced that it is sponsoring a presentation by 9/11 survivor Janette MacKinlay August 7, 2006. The group is also making itself available to surrounding communities for screenings of 9/11-related documentaries and to lead 9/11-related discussions.
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