From the April 2007 Idaho Observer:
Give no quarter When they take your county it’s in increments. When they take your life it may be fast. When they take your family, they will give no warning; (it may well be you who learns last). Be forewarned: The whole world’s flying at half-mast! You have no servant in the halls of congress, And your courts were overthrown - all - years ago. Should the thought alarm you, will you ask "who is there?" Is there anyone to call on who would know? Be forewarned: The whole world’s about to blow! And, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, nev—- Unless you never want your children free; Give no quarter to the real enemy, they’ll use it to wipe out your family! They’ve set the stage well, subtly, there may be no explosions when the army troops come matching down your street. Your neighbors are all cheering, waving flags and blowing horns, Indoctrinated to somehow think it’s a treat. Be forewarned: The whole world’s falling in defeat! And, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, nev—- Unless you never want your children free; Give no quarter to the real enemy, they’ll use it to wipe out your family! First they took the minds of men, who then gave up their means to stand; and now they pick a few off at a time. While YOU condemned your finest leaders to the jails you had built, and cheered while they cut down the best ones in their prime. Be forewarned: The whole world’s buckled ‘neath this crime —[Again’ this time]! And, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, nev—- Unless you never want your children free; Give no quarter to the real enemy, they’ll use it to wipe out your family! PF Lazor Ione, California (Note: PF, who was sentenced to life [which is temporarily being interpreted as "until death"] in 1983 for an obvious case of self-defense, wrote this—as a song—in 1996. PF would be honored if you will read this song again and think about Vickie, Sammie, Gordon and Yori Kahl, Irwin and Cindy, the Montana Freemen—and the countless others, dead, destroyed or imprisoned, for giving no quarter to the evil threatening all. ~DWH)
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