From the May 2007 Idaho Observer:
NAU/SPP/I-NAFTA: Are they blind or do they see the world differently than those whose interests they are presumably representing?
A vast majority of Americans still may not understand most of what is happening to them but, when asked, they are instinctively and overwhelmingly opposed to the notion that the United States of America should cease to exist, her borders with Mexico and Canada dissolved and our countries and cultures merged. Yet that is exactly what is happening right now. Without vote or public debate, every presidential administration since Nixon has been working to merge our three countries under the guise of "free trade." Only a few of the voices on Capitol Hill: Tom Tancredo (R-CO), Ron Paul (R-Texas), Virgil Goode (R-Virginia) and a few others, are openly opposed to combining Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to form a North American Union (NAU), resulting from development of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) which is an extension of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The agenda is clear to those outspokenly opposed to free trade fraud. The plan is to ratify international treaties that supercede the Constitution and the laws of the U.S. so that the interests of government and industry can be merged into one, large, fascist exploitation zone that promotes resource harvest with minimum regulatory oversight and the demotion of workers to third world slave status. Below right you will see comments from the Idaho Congressional delegation. They mention they are aware of the "concerns" their constituents are raising with regard to the NAU and the construction of "I-NAFTA"—a huge, supersmart (heavily surveilled) commerce corridor from Mexico to Canada through the Midwest U.S. (and the CANAMEX corridor from Mexico to Canada through Arizona, Utah and Idaho and Montana). But they essentially belittle our "misinformed" concerns that it’s all part of a fascist/globalist agenda. It would appear that the various members of the House and Senate do know that the U.S. is ceasing to exist but are willing to lie about it because, they believe, they know what’s best for us and the happy, free-trade "ends" will eventually justify the "means" of omitting pertinent facts and deceiving Americans.
May 2, 2007 letter from Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) Thank you for contacting me regarding the Security and Prosperity Partnership. I appreciated hearing from you and apologize for the delay in my response. As you know, President Bush, President Fox of Mexico, and Prime Minister Harper of Canada signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America initiative to ensure both our economic stability and national security between our three countries. This agreement acknowledges a mutual effort by our three great nations toward freedom, economic opportunity, and information sharing. You expressed concern that this initiative could be a movement to create a "North American Union" similar to the European Union. I can assure you that I will never vote to give up the sovereign rights we enjoy as a country. However, there is a very real security threat to our nation because of our extensive borders with both Canada and Mexico. I am open to finding ways to improve our border security with both countries and I will work with my colleagues in the Senate and with the Bush Administration to do so. While I recognize there is a movement to oppose this initiative, I believe that there is a lot of misinformation out there. If we are to have a secure and functioning border, it is necessary that we work with both Mexico and Canada to ensure that both sides of the border are protected. You also mentioned the proposed Interstate 69, also known as the "NAFTA Superhighway." I-69 currently exists in two parts as a freeway connecting Indianapolis, IN, to Port Huron, MI, before continuing into Ontario, Canada. There is also a section in northwestern Mississippi. In 1998, Congress approved plans to extend I-69 from Indianapolis through Texas to the US-Mexican border. Once completed, I-69 would join Interstate 5 as one of two freeways connecting the US, Mexico, and Canada. While this proposal has been opposed by those concerned with the environment, trade, and border security, it appears that further progress on I-69 will depend on the actions of the individual States along the proposed routes. In matters that specifically affect one State, it has long been my policy to defer to the judgment of that State’s elected officials. However, I will keep your concerns in mind should this subject come before the Senate. Again, thank you for contacting me. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. (signed) Larry R. Craig U.S. Senator
Comments from Sen Crapo, Rep. Simpson equally misleading or blind to bigger free-trade picture The response from Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) to the same query contained components that were equally blind to the globalization agenda that has both been underway for some time and going forward without the consent or counsel of Congress. "Much of the recent press involving the supposed construction of a "superhighway" has been centered on North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc. This group is a nongovernmental nonprofit agency which actively promotes an increase of trade between the members of NAFTA. This group’s efforts to maximize trade between North American nations are purely private and they are not affiliated with any government agency," Simpson wrote March 2, 2007. For one, there are several groups, such as the Trilateral Cooperation Charter, comprised of government and private sector agents working to harmonize regulatory schemes between the three countries. They are working on different components of the same agenda. It is either blind on his part or he is deliberately misinforming his constituency by insisting that the superhighway project "is not affiliated with any government agency." Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) commented that "Improving our multi-modal transportation infrastructure is vital to the movement of people and goods within the United States, as well as to the strength of our economy in general." Sen. Crapo supports improving U.S. transportation infrustructure, the plan " not for the purposes of establishing a highway to carry goods through the United States without being subject to our customs and inspection laws." The Bush administration has a different vision for the immediate future and promotes opening the borders to Mexican truck traffic without said trucks being obligated to inspection before entering the country. Crapo did, however, mention that, on Sept. 28, 2006, Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Virginia) introduced H.Con.Res. 487 which would, " the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a NAFTA superhighway system."
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