From the October 2007 Idaho Observer:
Citizens in the land of the free: You have been deceived, enslaved, exploited, divided and conquered, what remains of your former greatness has been hacked to pieces and is being fed to the wolves The headline above may sound sensationalistic, but its journalistically accurate if journalists are allowed metaphors and cliches. Recent events prove that, while duped "U.S. citizens" were busy pursuing the American dream and trying to gain political advantage by blaming each other for their nation's problems, the police state was erected and the North American Union is a fait accompli. And now, it turns out, the treasonous cretins who traded our country for a shot at fascist control of the western hemisphere are preparing for the sea-to-shining-sea of outrage that will wash over this land when Americans finally realize their "elected" leaders sold the United States of America without even having the decency to let us vote on it. But that's not all: The purpose of encouraging an estimated 20 million illegals to set up residence in the U.S. by giving them access to government services and political influence will become quite clear. The information on this page will give you a clue as to what else is in store for the American people once a match is put to the powder keg of ethnic, cultural, political, religious and social tensions that have been building in this country. ~The IO
The Akaka bill: Escalating separatism, socialism and tribalism—dueling jurisdictions and economies By Elaine Willman Hawaii’s Akaka Bill (Senate Bill 310 and House Bill 505) is not just about Hawaii. This article attempts to explain why this bill is so strongly opposed across the mainland, and the entire country. It is important to understand how significant the Akaka Bill is to the Hispanic and Indian community as well. Since the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, an escalation of federally recognized Indian tribes and attendant reservations now stands at 562 separate tribal governments, with over 270 additional tribes seeking separatism (federal recognition) based upon race and history. Among these tribes are over 370 lucrative Class III tribal gambling facilities, over 40 of which are operating in urban, off-reservation locations, redirecting vast sums of an area’s disposable income. This is a burgeoning, imposing jurisdictional and economic fabric being layered over America—one that is almost entirely subsidized by taxpayers and consumers. There are significant distinctions between local state subdivisions such as counties, cities and towns and tribal governments. The former must adhere and operate within the confines of the U.S. Constitution and State Constitutions; the latter are self-determining and have substantial "add-ons" unavailable to local jurisdictions. State subdivisions must be republic in form with clear separations between legislative, executive and judicial branches; tribal governments are often ruling families elected in many tribal communities without secret ballots. Where tribal governments adopt constitutions and simulate equity between their legislative, executive and judicial branches, the reality is that these leadership lines are blurred and clan or family-related. Local county and city governments may not initiate and operate profit centers. Tribal governments may do so without limits and are guaranteed a monopoly on gambling and on Native American product protections. Tribal governments may also own casinos, hotels, resorts, golf courses, retail and industrial facilities, etc. Local governments may not participate in the American marketplace or elections, but tribal governments do so with almost no regulatory oversight. Local governments do not receive annual federal subsidies commensurate with those guaranteed to Indian tribes for health, education, law enforcement, housing, courts, land acquisition, economic development, cultural programs and preservation. Local governments do not have immunity from litigation. Tribal governments do. Tribal wealth management seminars have been ongoing since the first one held in Tampa, Florida in November 2004. Local governments may not accrue " wealth" or profit. Private businesses owned by tribal members have competitive advantages by way of exemptions from state and local permits, fees, taxes and other regulations required of all other local businesses. So the dueling economy places constraints upon local government jurisdictions and provides advantages for tribal government jurisdictions. It is also an unevenly weighted marketplace and commerce. Opening a new tribally owned business is considerably less costly to an owner than to any other businessperson who would have to compete. Initial investment for startup businesses reduces the return on investment or profits. With significantly lower initial investment, tribally owned businesses have very clear advantages that tend to cause competitors to incur substantial loss or close. As this comparison of governing systems and the marketplace is understood, it is easy to realize the incentives and opportunities that some Native Hawaiians (having one drop of Hawaiian blood) seek a separate tribal government likely to be clearly lucrative and capable of financially and politically dominating neighboring local governments. The poverty and squalor within which most tribal families live on Indian reservations on the mainland is evidence of a top-down governing authority within tribal governments wherein tribal members have little say about tribal revenue and profit centers. Tribal members who, from loyalty to their culture remain on reservations, are beholden to meager per capita distributions, and some get none. It is a tragic but true consequence that Congress never intended, but Congress protects tribal governments, not individual tribal citizens. The very same would be true for a federally recognized Native Hawaiian "tribal government." Individual Native Hawaiians enrolled in such a separate government would lose the constitutional and civil rights protections that they currently take for granted. All federal Indian policies upon which the Akaka Bill is organized, are oriented to support tribalism as a governing system, not the individual Indian citizen. Even the Indian Civil Rights Act, passed to remedy this enormous flaw, continuously and conveniently lacks enforcement power over tribal governments when they are abusive to their members. So, why is the Akaka bill also important to Native Americans and Hispanics? And, why is it being watched by other ethnocentric governments of the world? The short answer is to grow the numbers and power of the voices of separate race-based governments hosted in the 50 states. If Congress reaches into America’s demographics and sets up even one more race as a separate government in the United States, the legal and legislative door is wide open for the radical Reconquista and Aztlan movements of the Mexican indigenous to rush through and challenge the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The goal, in concert with massive illegal immigration, is to establish separate Mexican indigenous "homelands" within the seven southwestern states of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas. Conflicting government systems operating within a state impose serious jurisdictional and civil rights issues. Add to that a legally and intentionally imbalanced marketplace that creates a primary economy and secondary tax-exempt "national Indian economy" that is subsidized by, profiting from and eroding the primary taxed economy. Under these conditions, separate race-based governments are turning taxpayers into indentured servants. We must stand on the principle of a country that is united in its respect for all cultures and provide equal protection of laws for all American citizens. However, the escalation of separate racial governments within the United States is a most attractive future outcome for adversaries of the United States. Divided people are always easier to conquer. So, call it what you will: socialism v. capitalism, tribalism v. democracy, ethnocentrism v. equality, passage of the Akaka Bill is the lynchpin that will launch the most serious domestic crisis this county has known since the Civil War; it will cause the next Civil War. Elaine Willman, MPA, is Chair of Citizens Equal Rights Alliance (CERA) a national organization of community education groups and citizens in 28 states who reside within or near federally recognized Indian reservations. Elaine Willman is author of "Going To Pieces...The Dismantling of the United States of America," a non-fiction reflection of the voices on and near 17 Indian reservations in the United States. Contact: Phone: 509-865-6225; Email: Senate Bill 310 (Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007) – "Akaka Bill" (b) Purpose- The purpose of this Act is to provide a process for the reorganization of the single Native Hawaiian governing entity and the reaffirmation of the special political and legal relationship between the United States and that Native Hawaiian governing entity for purposes of continuing a government-to-government relationship. (NOTE: There is zero definition as to what type of "governing entity" this new race-based government may create). (a) Establishment- There is established within the Office of the Secretary, the United States Office for Native Hawaiian Relations. The above would be a new and separate entity under the Department of Interior for expediting federal subsidies, transferring land, granting a separate government its tax-exemptions, special preferences, immunities from suit, etc.. Section 7 of the act: (a) Recognition of the Native Hawaiian Governing Entity- The right of the Native Hawaiian people to reorganize the single Native Hawaiian governing entity to provide for their common welfare and to adopt appropriate organic governing documents is recognized by the United States. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this Act. Akaka bill sponsors Senate Akaka, (D-HI) Cantwell (D-WA) Coleman (R-MN) Dodd (D-CT) Dorgan (D-ND) Inouye (D-HI) Murkowski (R-AK) Smith, Gordon (R-OR) Stevens (R-AK) House Bordallo (Guam) Cole, OK Faleomavaega Grijalva (AZ) Hirono (HI) Moran (VA) Young (AK)
Editor's note: If our thoughts about the Akaka bill are, "We stole Hawaii from the natives, so Congress is doing the right thing to give it back to them, then the line of reasoning must logically extend to include giving Alaska back to the Eskimos and the continental U.S. back to the Indians. The Akaka bill is not about Congress doing the right thing. It is about breaking America up into pieces as part of the globalist agenda and dissolving borders. Willman's book "Going to Pieces" makes clear the intent of Congress with regard to increasing tribal government autonomy within the several states. The intent of Congress is also clear with the fact that it is considering granting "amnesty" to somewhere between 12 and 20 million aliens who have crossed the border with Mexico and have illegally taken up residence in the U.S. Willman explains that versions of the Akaka bill have been circulating since 2005. Each year members of her organization travel to D.C. to lobby in favor of equal rights for everyone and they have been able to stop the bill's progress. But this year things are different. The Indian and Mexican lobbies are weighing in to support the Akaka bill. Our suspicions about the intent of Congress are upheld. As the social fabric of this country is legislatively unraveled, the politics of globalism hit home, the borders between nations are dissolved and economic conditions worsen, people will become increasingly angry and desperate. It would appear that our "leaders" have engineered a situation where European Americans, Native Americans, Hawaiian Americans, Latino Americans, African Americans, Christian Americans, Moslem Americans and miscellaneous Americans will be, violently perhaps, venting their anger at one another. It is a trap. The various groups are being manipulated to be in conflict with one another so we will not come together as common people to vanquish our common enemy. (DWH)
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