From the January 2010 Idaho Observer: The I.O.'s Response: ...Eat local, not global!by Anne Wilder-ChamberlainLast year, more people grew a garden than at anytime in recent history. While the economy and the nutrition level of store-bought food continued on its downward spiral, the amount of produce coming out of people’s gardens was phenomenal. Many gardeners took their bumper crops as a sign that God is looking out for His people. If you are concerned about the collapse of the global food industry, it is clearly time to start growing your own food. Studies show that food grown within 100 miles of where you live provides the highest quality nutrition for your needs. Despite what globalists would have us believe, there is a half-life to the nutrient content that begins to dissipate soon after vegetables are harvested. And if you are purchasing food that has been irradiated or treated with fluorine or bromine-containing pesticides, the nutrient content becomes even more questionable. College graduates, Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, documented their attempt to grow corn in Iowa in 2006. They rented an acre and were surprised at how little physical work went into growing a crop that was genetically modified and herbicide resistant for production, not nutrition; was subsidized by the government, per acre, to over-produce; and had to be heavily processed in order to be ingested by anyone. While researching their documentary, King Corn, Cheney and Ellis discovered that instead of assisting farmers to produce food that provides quality nutrition, government farm subsidies promote monoculture farming, GM crops, and inhumane animal husbandry as well as contributing to the epidemic of obesity, diabetes and other serious health problems in our nation’s youth. According to King Corn, 45 percent of the corn grown in Iowa was turned into high fructose corn syrup – a “metabolic toxin” used to sweeten most processed foods. Another concern with the USDA promotion of GM crops is the pollution of 13 percent of wells in the Midwest U.S. by the herbicides required for growing them, and their link to the devastation of entire bee colonies worldwide where these crops are grown. King Corn showed mountains of GM corn grown in Iowa leading some to conclude that we have an overabundance of food. However, this GM corn is poisonous – animals, both wildlife and farm animals, will not touch it if given a choice. Confined hogs and cattle are literally starved into eating GM corn despite the fact that they develop stomach ulcers from it and would die if they weren’t butchered within six months. Iowa hog farmers were also given GM corn for free, leading to excessively low pork prices, exacerbating their economic woes and the pressure they are under to do the bidding of Monsanto and the USDA.
GMO crops are toxicMost genetically modified (GM) crops - which are NOT identical to conventional crops - have been forcefully altered with foreign DNA to be herbicide or “Roundup” resistant. Researchers studying GM foods sprayed with Roundup have found that the residue left on the food crop is highly toxic, causing DNA damage and cell death in humans within 24 hours of ingestion, even in highly diluted formulations, reports Dr. Gloria Gilbere, N.D.GM whistleblower Jeffrey Smith cites a study on the effects of consuming GM soy – 75 percent of which contains the “Roundup ready” gene. The study showed that GM soy causes irritable bowel syndrome, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, headaches, lethargy, skin disorders, nausea, itchy skin, and multiple food and environmental allergies from the new proteins in the GM soy our bodies are not equipped to breakdown and the residue left on the soybeans from the Roundup itself. A new study conducted by the Committee of Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN) and the Universities of Caen and Rouen in France pinpoints three varieties of GM corn - Mon 810, Mon 863, and NK 603 - as being linked to organ damage in mammals. All three are Monsanto products engineered for herbicide tolerance. The study used the same data that Monsanto submitted to gain approval of these crops in several parts of the world. The data was released publicly in 2005 by European authorities when the three GM corn varieties were approved for human consumption in both the U.S. and Europe. Gilles-Eric Seralini, a molecular biologist at the University of Caen and one of the principals in the study, says that the data “clearly underlines adverse impacts on kidneys and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, as well as different levels of damage to heart, adrenal glands, spleen and the haematopoietic system [blood cells].”
Organic Movement should go GMOThe world’s leading agricultural scientists are telling organic producers and consumers that they should overcome their hostility to genetically modified crops and embrace the contribution GM can make to “sustainable” farming.In an interview by with Gordon Conway, Professor of International Development at Imperial College London and a former government adviser, Conway said that the ban on organic farmers using GM crops was based on an excessively rigid rejection of synthetic approaches to farming and a misconception that natural ways were safer and more environmentally friendly than man-made ones. Conway said that farmers should use the best aspects of organic methods and GM technology to maximize yields while limiting damage to ecosystems. Apparently his limited understanding of the natural environment and the effects of GM crops has not demonstrated to him that this is an oxymoron. “To say that is probably heretical, but there would be real benefits if we got over this notion that GM is somehow not organic,” he added. His comments come amid increasing pressure from scientists for greater use of GM crops to ensure food security for a global population that could reach nine billion by 2050. International radio personality Rollye James asks, “You’ve heard about the coming food shortage? Is it real? Hard to say but you might want to wonder [since it is being predicted by Wall Street] if it isn’t manufactured to adulterate the organic food industry which is being pressured to accept genetically modified crops.”
Food shortages?Cheney and Ellis photographed huge piles of excess corn in Iowa, but Eric deCarbonnel and Market Skeptics are pushing the idea that due to the supply and demand in agricultural markets being out of balance in 2009, and as a result of the financial crisis (low commodity prices and lack of credit) and adverse weather on a global scale, the world is experiencing a catastrophic fall in food production. This winter we have experienced unprecedented freezing temperatures that have destroyed root crops, wiped out citrus orchards and devastated food producers around the world.Health Ranger Mike Adams ( wrote, “This global deep freeze is all part of the extreme weather now being unleashed on the planet due to human beings polluting the world and altering the atmosphere. Scientists can’t agree on whether the trend is global warming or global cooling, but no one can argue that something’s wrong with the weather.” However, there seems to be no end to the continual flying back and forth across the horizon of weather modification spraying line after line of chemtrails into our skies. “Rainfall and temperature patterns that used to be reliable are now going haywire,” added Adams. “Where there were once reliable seasonal rains, there are alternating periods of drought followed by floods. Where temperatures were once mild and predictable, they’re now fluctuating out of control, becoming too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. All this adds up to escalating crop failures that are now poised to have a real, noticeable impact on the global food supply.” Michael Shaw of reported that in the regionalization process of “sustainable development,” control of water on rural land transfers from landowners to multi-national corporate and/or government control agents. This enables globalist neo-conservative “water-masters” to achieve World Bank objectives which include severe limits on individual - and farm - water use, reducing food production even more, including that in California. “To meet Sustainability goals, the human population needs to be reduced,” stated Shaw. His cohort Don Casey reported in December that the USDA - the same one that promotes GM crops and corporate subsidies in other parts of the country - is pushing for “sustainable agriculture” in California; that is, enforced herbicide-free, organic, community oriented, “foodshed regulated” agriculture. “In the name of ‘Social Justice’ all food production, distribution, and consumption will be controlled by government,” Casey wrote. “When this happened in Russia under Stalin, eleven million people who were seen as resisting socialism were intentionally starved to death.” “Control the oil and you control entire nations; control the food and you control the people.” ~Henry Kissinger |
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